The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1674: Flowing clouds

I watched Qin Xiaotou not leave.

Fu Yanqing hugged his father's body and squatted on the ground, crying with a sad heart.

The cry is so moving, and the person will never come back.

In an instant, she felt that she had been abandoned by this place.

She thought of all the good things that Qin and Qin had in the past.

She thought of countless nights, Qin Lan kissed her forehead in the hail, tears are so warm heart.

She thought that Qin Lan carried her to Beilin Temple, facing the encirclement of thousands of masters, and she didn't even look at her brows. She did not hesitate to go in, not for anything else, just to give her the life-saving medicine.

Countless good memories are in my heart. Fu Lanqing suddenly discovered that she has become a lonely man in this world. It is so lonely and so lonely.

"I hate you forever, then how, after all, you are born my father."

"You gave me life, I will give you the end, Yan nine days, you and I are clear."

On the side of the Tianshan Mountains, Fu Lanqing buried his father's body and kneeled on the grave to bow three heads with respect and respect.

After burying his father, Fu Lanqing looked at the white snow at the top of the Tianshan Mountain, and actually gave birth to a kind of loneliness.

"Hey, thank you, gave me the best memories, and my miserable life will not be too miserable."

"Why are you born, how can you die?"

"Love is dead, my heart is dead, what is the harassment of this dust?"

"Don't, brother!"

Fu Yanqing closed his eyes, took a deep breath, took sweet memories, and enjoyed the sweetness of the last air in the world. With open arms and black skirts fluttering, he jumped down to Wanzhang Gaoya.

For her, death is undoubtedly the best relief.

Since then, there is no Fu Xiaoqing in the world!


Qin Lan did not rush back to the main road, but flew to the Cihang Shengzhai on the crane.

There are less than two hundred disciples in Shengzhai, and a few ancient Taoist temples are the places where the most mysterious women in the world live.

Fall Meizhai.

Ji Yanran took off the veil, sitting cross-legged in the Zen room, facing the static words written on the wall, but the mind was rarely restless.

Today she finally saw Qin Hou.

A god-like man!

Before Qin Hou, she had seen Kunlun Mountain, such as Duan Muquan, Di Qingcheng, and Sun Wuji. There were always various vomiting problems in her body. However, she could not see these in Qin Hou.

This completely subverts her imagination, the original man can really be so perfect.

But she still has some things she doesn’t understand. Why did the little priest who was the last lord of the sect had the same breath as Qinhou? Although the two looks are completely different, the kind of eyes, the feeling, is the same. Deja vu.

"There is no trace of peace, and the realm of the fairy is still far away."

With a chuckle, Qin Lan appeared at the door of the Zen Room.

"Hou Ye is here, please come in."

Ji Yanran jumped in his heart and did not dare to turn around.

"Is the fairy sitting on me talking about it? It's not very good."

Qin Lan sat down cross-legged and asked with a smile.

Ji Yanran slowly turned around. When the beautiful face appeared in front of Qin Lan, Rao was Qin Yu’s psychological preparation, and it was still a rare heart.

The beauty of Ji Yanran is a kind of beauty that is out of the dust. On the body, she may be worse off, but her temperament is better. Because she wears a veil all the year round, her beauty adds a bit of mystery. In this way, anyone who sees her true will be shocked.

And if you want to find a person who can share the autumn color with Ji Yanran, it is only in the Qin dynasty that only the local goddess of the little dance and the princess of the moon can match it.

Even if it is Wen Xueyu, Lin Mengyu, Yan, Feng Linger and other big beautiful women, compared with it, it will be as diverse as two points.

If someone named Ji Yanran as the first beauty in the mortal world, Qin Zhen believes that absolutely no one will have any objection.

"Can you tell me who is the one who teaches you?"

Qin Yu did not indulge herself because of her beauty, but she couldn’t help herself.

"A few years ago, the Yellow River was big and the water monsters were hurting people. I went there to calm the water monsters and met the master who taught me Xianle."

"At the time, she was being chased and killed, and she was seriously injured. There was only one breath left."

"Before I left, I passed the treasures of the collection to me and gave me this unsent letter. Let me go to Qinwu."

"To say yes, Xianzong is in a hurry, and the lord of the stream wants to ask you to return to **** to save."

"After handing me the music and the letter, Master was seriously injured."

"I have been looking for Qin Wuhou in these years. Until at the three conferences, I met a person. If I didn't guess wrong, that person should be Qinhou."

"Although I am not sure whether Qin Wuhou and Qin Hou are the same person, the intuition told me that the little cook was the one I was looking for."

"The little cook is Qinhou, Qinhou is a small cook."

"Hou, I am right?"

Ji Yanran asked.

"Yes, the person you are looking for is me. This letter is undoubtedly the main seal of the Sungyun Zongzong, and it is my own hand."

Qin Hao nodded and confirmed.

"Do you still remember the appearance of that person? Is there a red beauty in her mouth?" Qin said again.

"The Master is really beautiful, but there is no beauty that Hou Ye said."

Ji Yanran shook his Qin Hao was a sigh of relief, it should not be the main song of the Yunyun dynasty.

If he didn't guess wrong, Liu Yunzong is still in the heat at the moment, and it is not a trivial matter.

It is necessary to know that the Yunyun sect is a large-scale celebration of Xianle, especially the large-scale celebration of Hell, and will invite the singer to enjoy the music. Even Qin Guangwang is extremely valued by the lord.

It is reasonable to say that there is the blessing of the ghost emperor. Throughout the eighteen layers of hell, no one dares to move the cloud.

Nowadays, even the non-smoke sent disciples to **** to find themselves. It seems that the chaos is not just the eighteen layers of hell. It is feared that even the ghost emperors will be affected, otherwise how could they be allowed to be bullied by Liu Yunzong.

"Okay, I should go."

Qin Lan got the information he wanted and grew up.

"Wait, Hou Ye, I know you will go to hell, can you bring me a piece?"

Ji Yan suddenly asked.

"Yes, I will pick you up after three days."

Qin Yudao.

He did not arbitrarily agree that Ji’s request was not blindly promised. He could confirm that it was not Qufu’s own person who taught Ji Xianran Xianle, and Ji Ruran actually played such a skill with the mortal aura. If it’s not a smoke, There must be the possibility of becoming the first musician in the world.

A good team of musicians outperformed 100,000 male soldiers on the battlefield. The music is inspiring to the soldiers. It can also mention the spirit and strength, and the momentum. It can also greatly reduce the morale of the other side, making the opposing lineup lose its soul, like grass.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night friends.

A little hint, some people think that Fu Lanqing has ended. Actually, she will appear in the future, but there will be no more love, only hate, hate to the extreme...


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