The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1678: 2 dragon battle

It is a baby boy!

"Hey brother!"

"Our little sister-in-law has made great achievements this time. Look at this little guy and you are just a mold to engrave it."

Lin Mengyu is on the sidelines.

"Dream, you have to like it, and you have to give birth to one."

Wan Xiaoxiao laughed.

Lin Mengqi was a pretty face, and he bowed his head and said with shame: "I am still young, and I want to be a sister, too."

"Hey, you have a little girl, you have to bring me with you."

Lin Biao smiled and stunned her sister. The lobby was filled with laughter.

Qin Lan picked up the child, looking left and right, it was a favorite. I took out the jade that had already been prepared from the black jade gourd. This is a white jade, which contains five hidden dragons, just like Qin Ji. One more.

"Hou Ye, this child..."

The house repairs on the side are stopped.

Qin Xiao nodded slightly and said that he understood that there was no strange expression on his face, and he was amused by the ladies and children.

"Hey, the little guy hasn't got a name yet, you give him a name."

Wan Xiaoying looked at Qin Xiao with a gentle look, and his face was filled with deep maternal love.

At this moment, she is no longer a female elite in the business world, just a wife, a mother.

"I think it is called Qin Hao."

"My son will be a man who will stand tall in the future. If he is there, the world will be peaceful, and all beings will have no worries."

Qin Lan raised his son and looked at his red face, and he was arrogant.

"Little baby, your name is Qin Hao, your father is the famous Qin Hou."

"In the future, you are our little prince, you must be as great as your father."

Lin Mengyu took the child and squatted in his arms and smiled.

Qin Xiao smiled slightly, but his heart was very dignified. He really didn't want Qin Hao to grow up under his own aura. He didn't want him to carry a heavy burden like himself. It would be better to be like a second uncle. Elegant literati, singer.

But this is bound to be impossible. From the first face of the child, Qin Yu knows that some things have been born from one day, and God has already been doomed. His life will never be ordinary.

After playing for a while, Qin Lan and Fang Xiu and Zhang Daling went out of the temple and came to the beach.

"House repair, you see it?" Qin said.

"Yeah, although I don't face each other, I don't look at the eight characters, but from the point of view of the child's life, it is suppressed by your other son."

"And the two of them are acquainted with each other, not good for each other."

"One true and one false, Cheng Jia is a dragon, he is still a child, I don't want to say too much bad for the child, if Hou Ye does not have a blood, then the child's achievements can have a high climb, the future must be It is the character of China."

"But now the real dragon is here, and his existence is mutually exclusive, I am afraid that the overall situation will be unfavorable in the future."

Fang Xiu frowned and said.

"Mr. Fang, what do you mean, Qin Ji will hurt Xiaohou in the future?"

"No, they are brothers, and there are brothers who are disabled."

"Moreover, Hou Ye's foundation is so big, even if it is half of one person, it is enough for their brothers to have no worries for life. Is it ruined?"

Zhang Daling did not understand.

"You are right, brothers and relatives, it is because Hou Ye's foundation is big, and it is the top of China's existence, and the emperor's room is no different. Children are small, okay, once they grow up, The two have a high and low level, and the people underneath will definitely stand by for the sake of prosperity."

"As long as there is differentiation, there must be opposition. Just say you Zhang Daling, who do you support when you arrive?"

Asked the house repair.

"I, of course, I support Qin Yu, this is the flesh and blood of Hou Ye."

Zhang Daling Road.

"You think so, you don't think others think so. At least those of Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory will choose to support Qin Ji. Everyone's interests and needs are different. When playing the world, everyone is a heart, waiting to sit in the world, differentiation. The contradiction will be more and more manifested."

"When the time comes, the world will split again because of these two children!"

"From the perspective of the life palace star, Qin Jiba kills, there is a king's phase, the tyrant's ambition. And Qin dynasty is clear and innocent, such as Hou Ye's heart and mind. Once Qin Ji goes wrong, these two people will It will be like a fire and water, and it will never be compatible."

"Look, the world will be chaotic after twenty years."

House repairs.

"I don't care so much. As long as I am still in the Qin gang, I will definitely stand on the Qin dynasty side."

Zhang Daling Road.

"Hou, what do you think?" Fang Xiu looked at Qin.

"In life, the number of lives is not dead, floating and heavy, and many things are not absolutely eloquent."

"Two children, the backs of the hands and the hands are all flesh, and they are positive, they can live forever, they are evil, and they cannot live. Their future destiny can only be determined by themselves."

"Don't make any predictions about this before the day arrives."

"The number of lives is not absolute, it is too early to settle, it is unfair to them."

"If there is such a day, it is life!"

"let it go!"

Qin Yu faint.

He lived in this life for two times. Many things have already been seen through. Heaven is ruthless but has emotions and lives. This kind of thing is really unclear.

Although the star repair of Fang Xiu has reached the peak of its peak, it may not be able to give the future of two children to death.

"Hou Ye said right, who can say this kind of thing? I think more."

House repairs.

"Mr. Fang, I am taking you to Jiandao this time, and there is a request."

Qin Lan turned and looked at Fang Xiu Dao.

He rarely used such words, and the house repaired: "Hou, please, please."

"I want to ask you to be a master of your nephew, teach him to cultivate self-cultivation, and be a good person. As for your astrology, you are willing to pass on, pass on, not willing to pass, not reluctantly, and everything is self-determination."

Qin Yu Gong Dao.

"Hou, I, I have this ability, how dare to be the master of Xiaohouye, I can't afford it."

Fang Xiucheng is sincere and fearful.

"I said that you can afford it, you can afford it. Unless Mr. Fang does not want to promise me."

Qin Yudao.

"That room must follow the orders of Houye." Fang Xiu understands that Qin Hao entrusted his son to him, but also valued the character.

At the same time, Xiao Houye handed him over, which means that in the future he will be a pivotal figure in the core circle of China.

This gives him unlimited power!

Of course, the pressure behind it, the various variables behind it, is also infinite. Once the house repair is taken down, the shoulders are heavy burdens.

"Hou Ye rest assured, I may not be able to teach Xiao Houye as a master of martial arts, but I can at least ensure that he must be a clear, open-minded person."

The room is correct.

"I am absolutely assured of my husband."

Qin Hao nodded, and then patted Zhang Daling: "As for the Great Spirit, I have already asked you as the master of the child. You also need to be diligent and teach him more. He can be his father. The king, but must be a Lord of righteousness, who is useful to the world, do you understand what I mean?"

Zhang Daling snorted and wanted to cry.


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