The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1686: Am I qualified now?

Qin Lan didn't look at the body's ice skates. He walked over to Xiaoyan and gently picked her up. She topped her forehead with her: "Small is not afraid, Master is here!"

"not good!"

Mi Xue didn't think that Qin Yu was at this juncture, and he didn't even want to live. Instead, he cared about Xiao Xiao, and he was too surprised to accept the move.

"If you are surnamed Qin, you will avoid it and you will die."

Mi Xue knows very well about his own cold and cold. The powerful power can instantly tie a bloodthirsty ice bear into a plug, and he can't help but scream.

"Not at all!"

Qin Hao allowed the ice knife to add, hey, has a strong lethality, and the all-in-one ice skates are tied to the body of Qin Lan, just like being stuck on the iron body of the diamond, all of them have been shattered.

"Wow! Big brother is so good."

Xiao Yan’s big eyes screamed and screamed with a small hand.

"Miss Michelle, is Qin qualified now?" Qin Lan held a small donkey and went to the front of Mi Xue.

"Of course qualified, Qin Xiao's brother can even defeat Xiao Xuejie, but she is the second master of Ice Snow City except for Ming Jian brother."

Xiao Yan is a zombie.

"Hey, if you are holding a small donkey, I will keep it, and you will become a horse."

Mi Xue is of course dissatisfied, and he is wearing a white chest and screaming.

"Let's do it, how do you want to pick whatever you like, if I win, you also be my apprentice, how?" Qin Hao touched the nose and asked an eyebrow.

"More than anything? Are you sure?"

"Then if I won you, you will be my slave."

Mi Xuemei turned around and had an idea in his heart.

"No problem, only three chances, you have just lost, there are two opportunities, you can get it."

Qin Lan does not want the endless bucks of rice snow.

He knows that he won’t conquer this savage Missy, and it’s hard to stand firm in the snow and ice city.

"You are not all the chess and calligraphy paintings? I will compare with you?"

"Come, come and bring my ice string."

Mi Xue shouted outside the door.

Immediately, the guards took a white guqin. The piano has only three strings. The whole body is as white as snow. The body is faintly filled with frosty air. It is covered with smoke, and it looks like a fairy. It is indeed A rare guqin.

But from the perspective of the instrumental order, it can be counted that the six products are superior.

In the hell, the instrument is divided into seven items, and the seven items are the mysterious, saintly, and artifact-like products, as well as the legendary innate red magic weapon.

"My piano is called the ice string, it was left to me by my mother. Now you and I play a song. Who can attract the ice phoenix bird in this city, even if it wins, how?"

Mi Xuedao.

In fact, her mother was a master of Xianle. It was only when his father resisted the invasion of the fire family and died together. On the piano, Michelle was the first in Ice City. No one dared to call the second. She had reason to believe that In the case of winning or losing the piano, Qin Hao is sure to lose.

In fact, she did not need to die with Qin Hao, but she did not know why she saw the high spirit of Qin Yu, she was not good, this vowed to separate the high and low, suppressing the arrogance of this abominable guy.

"it is good!"

Qin Hao nodded and promised.

"Go, let's go to the city wall, you don't recognize the province."

Mi Xuedao.

"I can listen to you, anyway, you are a beautiful apprentice, I am set." Qin Hao does not matter.

When the two of them went to the city wall, everyone saw that the snow was taken out of the ice string, and they had to be compared with the new master of the master, and they passed through the tenth, and all the thousands of people in the city were surrounded. Look at the crowd under the city walls.


Yan Xun is studying the defense map in Fuzhong. According to the past practice, when the winter season comes, the fire family will come to the city of ice and snow to plunder.

On the map, the fire family is sandwiched between the sea and the snow on the blazing hill.

In the volcanic mountains, there are only grasses, and there are only some poisonous insects and beasts that can withstand the flames for the fire people to fill their hunger. However, in the cold winter, these poisonous insects and beasts will choose to migrate or sneak into the ground. The fire people are closer to the sea, but because of the water and fire, they hardly eat any water, and even think it is a shame.

The ice people are different. They have the fertile soil of the snow and ice forest. There are vegetables, fruits, and wild beasts and birds. It is a natural granary outside the domain.

Coupled with the hard work of the ice people, the city of ice and snow is rarely famine, and everyone is full of food and clothing.

In this way, every winter, the fire people will attack the city of ice and snow, plunder resources, and of course the beauty of the city of ice and snow.

Because of the survival in the hot place, the fire people are thick and fleshy, all brave and invincible, and more ferocious than the beasts. For thousands of years, the two races, the ice races are rare, most of the time they choose tribute materials, choose Some women seek peace and are able to survive.

In the generation of Yan Xun, the ice people faced the barbaric fire people and began to choose resistance. The two families frequently fought, but courage could not change the fate of the ice family.

Faced with beasts, not afraid of death, the fire people Ice is still a big defeat.

The best warrior of the ice family, "Mi Shen", is the father of Mi Xue and the most elite and experienced ice warrior of the 300. He died in the **** battle of the last time. The original population is not dominant. The family has been badly hurt and can only be defended now.

Seeing that this time the fire plunder is about to start, Yu Xun can only do the best possible loopholes in the city of ice and snow, using the strict city defense to resist the fire army.

However, after so many years, the ice family could not go out to sea, and the city defense weapon left by the ancestors gradually became aging and weakened. Many artillery pieces had no spar shells and became furnishings.

The Fireman will not miss this great opportunity to extinct the entire ice family. How to win this station has become a huge stone of the heart of the singer, and he is almost breathless.

"The city owner, Mi Xue and the new kid are playing the piano on the wall, and the trouble is boiling, let's go see it."

A handsome man with a handsome look, waist-hanging sword, and a burly youth rushed in and reported.

"Noisy, when is this, there is also a heart-warming, Mingjian, take me to see."

Yan Xun frowned.

On the wall, the crowd consciously gave them a way.

At this time, Mi Xue and Qin Qin fighting the piano has begun.

The first is Michelle playing, but seeing her sitting cross-legged, the jade finger whirls, a sorrowful piano sounds straight into the ninth, where the sound of the piano is, the original impetuous people suddenly feel a sad, noisy The voice disappeared, everyone held their breath and was immersed in the sorrow.

When Mi Xue was playing, his eyes looked at the coastline at the end of the ice, and his thoughts were completely integrated into his memories.


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