The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1688: 0 eyes are coming

All this is completely beyond the imagination of the ice people. If you don't say anything, you can say that the phoenix bird, that is, the totem of the fire people will come to the ice city, which is a miracle.

"It's amazing, this Qin Qin's piano art is simply the best in the world."

"The real evil door, his repair is not very high, why is there such a magical power?"

Ming Jian rubbed his chin, but also a look of horror.

"This, what's going on?"

"Qin Wei, actually summoned four **** birds, and the music he played. After I heard it, Dantian's gas actually increased."

"What kind of music is this, how powerful is it?"

Mi Xue was completely stunned, and seeing Qin’s eyes, it’s like this guy is a monster, it’s a god.

"You will go out first, listen to you at any time, go."

The Qin dynasty sleeves, the birds hovering away, hidden in the clouds, even the ice phoenix bird in the arms of Mi Xue, also honestly heard the difference left the arms of Mi Xue, and followed.

"Miss Michelle, you called one, I called four, this competition, it is I won."

Qin Lan took the hand to the front of Mi Xue, and asked with a smile.

"Four to one, your piano is higher than me, I... I am convinced."

In the face of thousands of soldiers and civilians, Mi Xue did not dare to argue, and stunned his mouth.

At this time, her heart is also a bit of a good impression on Qin Yu, this guy is not only high, but also the piano is unparalleled in the world, more importantly, he plays the piano, so handsome, so chic.

Of course, she will not say anything, this is her own opponent.

"If you lose, call Master, I am still very interested in such a person."

Qin Yudao.

"You, the beauty you want, we have another match, say three good games."

Michelle is strong.

"Then you say, what is the third game?" Qin said.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I will tell you when I think about it. Anyway, I will not let you win me."

Mi Xue bit his lip and ran down the wall with his head down.

"Little snow, little snow."

Ming Jian knows that Mi Xue is very proud and has lost in front of so many people. It must be a bad feeling in his heart. He couldn’t help but glance at Qin Hao and quickly chased it.

Qin Hao secretly shook his head, it seems that he was jealous again.

Sure enough, people can't be too strong.

"Mr. Qin's piano art is unparalleled in the world, and there are five elements of phoenix birds helping me. I have saved the city of ice and snow."

Yan Xun stepped forward and bowed his hand.

"I have heard you say that the Fire people will attack you in the near future. Since you have made me a friend and a guest, I will help you this time!"

Qin Yudao.

"Great, I know that Mr. is the patron saint of God who gave me the ice, please go into the inner hall to talk about it."

At this time, Yan Xun could not wait to supply Qin Qin as a bodhisattva. The power of the five phoenix birds is absolutely considerable, and it seems that Qin Yu seems to have a good idea of ​​the war. Perhaps the history of the ice family has been rewritten because of him. I know.

When he arrived at the inner temple, Qin Lan looked at the map of Zhai Xun. After roughly understanding the forces of the city of ice and snow and the fire people, the re-defense map was adjusted.

Although the adjustment is not very large, after adjustment, the strength has been optimized.

It is also that Xun Xun also has to admire the dedication of Qin Hao's paintings, and he is also respectful to him.

"Mr. Qin, the firefighter's strength is more than three times that of my ice family, and the combat power is very strong. In the past, our wars relied on the cannons of the city wall to defend and barely resist. But the spar shells on the wall are already aging and lost. Aura support, playing out is no different from stone, this battle is difficult."

Yan Xun soaked the tea and greeted Qin Hao to sit down and sigh.

"Where did your spar come from? Is mining still too late?"

Qin Hao asked.

"It's too late. In fact, we haven't had a spar supply for nearly a thousand years. If we want to take a spar, we must cross the fire family and go to the bottom of the sea. The walls are all mined by the ancestors, and the millennium is consumed and exhausted. And our useless children and grandchildren cannot expand further."

"So... let's be honest, we are ready to be destroyed."

寇璇 helpless smile.

Just then, the sky suddenly heard a few screams.

Immediately after the whole city was boiling, Yu Xun immediately went to the balcony, and saw a black bald-headed eagle hovering over the city, sitting on a golden glazed old man.

"It's not good. It's the spies of the fire family. This time it came to be the "old-eyed" of the fire people.


I saw that the old man in the black robe made a clear whistle, and the eagle eagerly pressed to the city to fly low. Several soldiers were directly smashed by the hurricane of the wings.

"Damn, dare to openly commit my city pool, big dog gall, see me shoot this old dog."

Yan Xun screamed, his palms brightened, and a long, **** long bow appeared, exuding a strong murderousness. When the bow was full, he would shoot the infuriating ice arrow.

Qin Hao raised his hand and held him, did not speak.

The old man quickly flew along the city wall, not waiting for the ice people to put an arrow, a few laughs, and flew into the cloud went south.

"What does this mean for Mr. Qin? This is to explore the intelligence. He does not shoot him. At this moment, he is afraid that the situation in the city is clear. I am sure that the fire army will come to attack tonight."

Yan Xun was annoyed, and he was somewhat resentful to Qin.

"You are right, that is, he wants to attack at night."

Qin Yudao.

"But we don't have spar shells, how can we resist?"

"With my three thousand warriors alone, I can't stand the impact of the fire people."

Yan Xun frowned.

"The spar just has no energy. I will not give you a supply?"

"In this way, just playing this group of guys is caught off guard, and it’s better to have them directly in one pot."

There was a hint of sneer at the mouth of Qin Yu.

"Oh, can Mr. Qin replenish the spar?"

Yu Xun is overjoyed.

Without further ado, Qin Lan went to the city wall.

There are a total of 80 cannons on all sides of the city wall. The spar used is all four excellent, and the power of the explosion is enough to kill any positive and strong mid-infant and below masters.

Each cannon was originally equipped with twenty artillery shells. However, because of the age, almost one-third of each cannon is barely usable. The rest are all empty bombs. It is better to fight out. Powerful.

"City Lord, you immediately find someone to transport all these spar to my backyard. I promise that before the enemy attack, you will also have your aura full of spar shells."

Qin Yi said one sentence, first went down the wall.

Although Xun Xun could not believe it, he ordered the soldiers to send the artillery shells to Qin Yu’s backyard in accordance with the instructions of Qin Yu.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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