The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1692: I am coming to fight this time.

On the wall, I saw the black army in the distance posing in the square, taking a heavy step and pushing it down the city.

Qin Yu looked at the eyes, the soldiers were all shirtless upper body, tightly wearing a semi-trailer shovel, one by one with a horned helmet, burly, as ferocious as a beast.

Not only that, the weapons held by their leading troops are all made of fine iron and axe, mace, etc. The mount is a black beast in the volcano. The nose and mouth can be sprayed with flames, and the four hooves are sparkling and extremely fierce.

Looking at the sky again, headed by the singularity of the clairvoyance, there are hundreds of soldiers riding bald black vultures, and the black pressure hovering at low altitude.

The majestic drum rack is on the chariot, the squeaking sounds, the heavens and the earth can be heard, and the earth is huge.

I haven't started, but the majestic and vast warfare, the soldiers and civilians who have already been crushed in the snow and ice city can't breathe.

However, in terms of the number of people, the fire people are at least three times more than the city of ice and snow, that is, at least 10,000 people. This war seems to be one-sided in any case, and it seems inevitable that the defeat of the city will be defeated.

The eyes of the soldiers were full of fear, and many people in the city had already cried, and the atmosphere was extremely low.

"Mr. Qin, the situation is worse than I thought. The firefighter came here with the power of the whole army. The number of people is more than three times that of ours. It is well equipped and even the army of black carvings is dispatched. It seems that it is a swallow. Drop our city of ice and snow."

Yu Xun's face is extremely dignified.

Qin Lan looked at the big military roads that were being opened a few miles away. "If you don't mind, from now on, give me your command. This is a big fight, let me play, how?"

"What are you talking about, will you fight? Do you know how ferocious people are?"

"The city owner, he will kill the soldiers and civilians of the city of ice and snow, can't believe him."

Ming Jian was the first to object.

Other soldiers are silent, in fact, they are all inclined to Qin Yu, after all, now that the road has come to a dead end, in case this guy can once again create a miracle?

"In an extraordinary time, it is very feasible, Mr. Qin, I trust you. From now on, you are the commander of the city of ice and snow, I will give you a deputy."

"Whoever dares not to obey your command, and decides."

Yan Xun smashed the iron and pulled out the sabre and shouted.

"I am willing to listen to Mr. Qin's order."

The generals will sing.

Do not say anything else, that is, this thousand or six hundred spar, it is enough for them to pay the highest respect to Qin Qin, no one will be with the gods at this critical time, and the hero can not go.

Although Ming Sword is not good, but biting his teeth, he still promised.

"Well, the city owner, trouble you to go down the city to pick a thousand soldiers, I will use it later."

"In addition, the Ming general led a thousand people to immediately leave the city from the back door, and went to the place behind the ice to seal the valley, ambush on both sides, with more bows and arrows, and remember, no order will never be easy."

Qin Hao immediately ordered.

"Why let me go out of town, you just want to transfer me out of the city, do you fight independently?"

"The surname Qin, I am the most capable general who fights the city, even if you are dissatisfied with me, you can't take the city's life bulletin."

Ming Jian is not satisfied.

"Don't go? Is this commanding rule a joke? Come, take it off, wait for the staff."

Qin Yan's eyebrows sank and shouted.

"Slow, so General Li Meng, you take people to ambush, Ming Jian, you go down and organize the commando."

Yan Xun was busy standing out to play round.


A middle-aged general led the way.

"Then I will congratulate General Li on the capture of the king of the fire family in advance, and it will be a great achievement." Qin Xiao smiled.

"Mr. Xie Ji Yan, Li is not insulting the mission."

Li Meng listened to the big joy and was busy leading the people.

"What are you still doing, waiting to eat a stick?"


Ming Jian snorted and waved his hand, leading several generals to the city.

"Mr. Qin, now that two thousand troops are on standby, only one thousand people are available in the city. Will it be enough?"

Yan Xun is quite worried.

"They can't get in underneath, you are worried about those black carvings."

"How difficult is it to have a few animals in the district?"

"One person can get it, the disciple, listen to the order."

Qin Hao took a hand and smiled and ordered.


When Michelle heard that she had defeated the black-carved army by herself, she suddenly had no bottom.

The city of ice and snow has been fighting for a long time. The army of black carvings is their suffering. These guys can't beat the cannons. The killing power is amazing and they are flying fast. They are the nemesis of the defending army.

"The city owner, is there a sound stone?" Qin asked.

"Yes, yes."

Yan Xundao.

"Immediately transported to the highest tower in the city, I will teach you a piece of music. This song is called "The Beast", which is specially used to control the heaven and the earth. The original rumor is that Han Xiangzi passed it on to the dragon. Down to the ants, the songs together, all listen to orders."

"Can you restrain the army of birds? It’s all in you. When playing, be sure to overcome the fear and overwhelm them with the momentum of the beastmaster."

Qin Yan's fingers were in the rice snow-printed hall, and a golden light entered, and the snow-stained mind suddenly had an old chapter of the fairy music.

The chapter is extremely complicated. Fortunately, she has a solid foundation. She only wants to play and mentality, and is closely related to the momentum and soul. In the face of such great pressure, Mi Xue is still somewhat confused.

" is here, and this battle is all about you."

"Trust me, you can do it."

Qin Lan held the shoulders of Mi Xue and stared at her nephew, and she was very serious.

"Yes, Master."

At this moment, Michelle called him from the heart of the lungs. After taking a deep breath, she seemed to forget all the fear and walked up the tower.


The army is approaching.


In the military account of the fire family, a man with a big face and a beard, a big tower of the iron tower, wearing a helmet of evil spirits, wearing a heavy armor, cutting a roast meat with a knife, and drinking it.

Beside him, there are several warriors of the fire.

"Fire King, in fact, has always been unknown, we are not good breeding of the fire people. For thousands of years, the rules of the ancestors are that they can kill and kill, but absolutely guarantee the vitality of the ice people, only they are alive, can provide us with a steady supply. Supplies."

"Kill them, we have no fun of the war, and no one has provided this natural granary for us, which is inconsistent with the laws left by the ancestors."

The general who spoke was an old man who was as thin as a bone.

"Smell the elders, what do you say, I don't know, but you know what the beauty I caught this time?"

The fire king put down the knife and fork, wiped his mouth, and smiled grimly.

"What is it?"

The elder asked.

"He is the king of no ghosts, the daughter of Xie Wusheng. We hit the Universiade this time and got her. We have the endless wealth of the fire people."

"Are we still using the ice people here?"

The fire king is proud.

Ps: Good night, my friends, I will meet again tomorrow night.


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