The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1694: Both horizontal and vertical

Wen Hsu’s soul was scared by this loud drink!

Then he saw the fire wall, the red fire of the spar, the blue stone, the blue stone and the like like raindrops. The blessing of the spar cannon blew up the power of destroying the earth.

At that moment, Wenxiu smelled the breath of death.


The shells came too suddenly, too fast, too urgent, and they screamed: "No!"

Immediately afterwards, the ice layer that burst on the ground opened up the ice of the sky, mixed with the flesh and blood of the soldiers of the fire, and it was extremely splendid.

"Made, we have counted them, they have spar cannons!"

"Wen Da, I am going to your 18th generation ancestors, you stupid."

"Withdraw, fast withdrawal!"

Wen Hugh climbed up from the ground and rushed to the sky where the sky was flying. He screamed and yelled at the scorpion, and ran out at the same time.

The four cannons rang in unison, and the soldiers even took the mounts. The seven-eight-eighths were turned into blood, and the seriously injured were countless. For a time, the city mourned the wild, and it was a miserable word.

"The gun is three hundred and fifty yards!"

Qin Hao raised his hand.

Yan Xun followed and shouted: "The gun is 350 yards, the second round!"

Soldiers on the wall simultaneously smashed the shells and the guns expanded two hundred meters.

An excellent commander has a vital role in the entire army. Qin Yu is undoubtedly the rare conductor in this world.

The range of three hundred and fifty yards is the range of speed at which most people like Wen Xiu and others flee.

For those who smell it, it’s easy to kill, and it’s hard to go back!

Just after fleeing, the second round of cannons came, and the ghosts fell on where they were.

For a time, it was another round of horrific harvest.

In the screams, the second round of guns was completed, the original 5,000 people were not entering, and the retreat was not. The cannon’s defense zone had a total of eight hundred yards. Of course, one yard here is a specific numerical exchange, roughly three. Between kilometers.

The distance of eight hundred yards is like an insurmountable death gap!

Because their mounts were all lost, at the moment they were like a dog at home, completely lost their sense of proportion, and swarming wildly.

In this way, their rate is completely under the control of Qin.

"Five hundred yards, the third round."

Qin Lan ordered again.

"The third round, five hundred yards."

Yu Xun is attached.

The soldiers were red-eyed at the moment, and the shells were on.


The spar shells dragged the perfect arc to the night sky!

Three rounds!

Four rounds!

When the last round of eight hundred yards was hit, the leading troops of 5,000 people left only a hundred lucky ones to escape the death cannonball area.

At the moment when the shells sounded, the Fire King knew that tonight might be the end of the fire of the fire.

The beautiful sparks made him almost faint, and the original arrogance and heart were destroyed at this moment.

"How could this be?"

"How could this be?"

The fire king sat on the chariot steps, and both hands hammered the helmet. I really couldn’t understand it.

"Dawang, Dawang, our people are gone, no more."

The Fireman has never experienced such a heavy loss. He succumbed to the death and escaped. He was rushed to the chariot before the blood rushed to the chariot and burst into tears.

"What happened to the bottom of the news? Didn't he say that the cannons on the walls are all furnishings?"

"Mad, these cannons are endless, all full of energy, and there is a steady stream of sources. Do you want to give me an explanation?"

The fire king grabbed Wenda’s collar and screamed.

"Da Wang, I swear to God, when I look at it, the spar of the city wall is a waste of things, the city is dead, me, I..."

Wenda’s dry face was full of helplessness and anger.

"Don't think, we must have been played by them."

"Did the king see the kid in the city? Haven't seen him before, it must be the high man invited by Yu Xun."

"Let's not withdraw."

Smell the way.

"Withdrawal, I went out of the nest this time and put on all my life. Now 5,000 people are lost here. You said let me withdraw?"

"Their cannons can only be on the ground, not in the air, and the king can give you a chance to make a sin."

"I immediately led the army of black eagle and destroyed all the cannons on the city wall. As far as I know, the city of ice and snow has less than 3,000 people. The number of people who are in force and the number of people is still twice that of him. ""

"The soldiers, don't take the city of ice and snow today, I will not wait for someone!"

The fire king roared.

Wenda is also a fire in the stomach. He was played by Qin Yu and Yu Xun. This stall does not have to get back to the scene. In the future, there is no way to mix in the fire.

"The King is relieved, I will destroy their cannons."

"Black-carved military officers, follow me on the wall and destroy those hateful guys."

Wenda jumped on the back of the bald eagle, and more than a hundred black-carved flying fighters took off at the same time, divided into four dials, and the black pressure rushed toward the wall.

When the black eagle was seen, the soldiers on the wall suddenly felt the death coming, and they were completely powerless.

Every time, as long as the black-carved war group comes to for the city of ice and snow is a disaster.

Their bows and their swords could not penetrate the strange birds wrapped in thick armor from the depths of the flaming mountains, able to hold thousands of degrees of heat, and the birds would spit out the poisonous flames, wherever they went, almost It is an invincible existence.

"The city owner, the Black Eagle Army came, they came."

Ming Jian bit his teeth and pointed at the black carvings in the sky.

"Mr. Qin!"

"The city of ice and snow will please you."

Yu Xun knew that the moment he really decided his fate came. In the past, the Black Eagle Army attacked, but it was only three or five. Now, there are hundreds of them. He is powerless.

"The success or failure, just on Miss Mi, you should please her."

Qin Hao turned back and smashed the eyes of the rice.

"Small elders, we are already in place, please order the attack."

The black squadrons of the fire family, at the same time issued a thunder and screaming, the sleazy soldiers bloodthirsty on the ground overlooking the ice and snow soldiers, as if watching the ants.

"Yu Xun, you have succeeded in angering the fire king, you and the fools of the city of ice and snow must pay the price of blood!"

"Take my anger, the black-carved warrior listens, the poisonous flame attacks!"

Wenda stayed in the sky above Yu Xun and made a hoarse and hoarse voice.

"you think too much."

Qin Hao looked at Wen Da, disdainful and licked his mouth.

Just as the soldiers were preparing to control the black squirting smoldering flames, a few whistling whistle, five phoenix birds came from the clouds, hovering over the square walls, and the huge body slammed into the black-carved army.

"So, what is that?"

"Heavenly, it turned out to be a five-line phoenix bird."

Wenda has a near-desperate collapse.


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