The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1700: Fang inch mountain broom star

This is also the basis for countless self-cultivators who believe in the existence of innateness and glory. Even many people are afraid of the arrival of the catastrophe. Many people have asserted that because of the loss of the innate fairy tales, the heavens and the earth will be in the upcoming ten. In 20,000 years, the robbers turned into ash and disappeared completely.

The robbery they said was an unstoppable rule.

When the robbery comes, all the self-cultivators will be turned into ashes, and the comprehension will enter a new era.

Prior to this, Qin Lan thought it was a rumor. Now the emergence of this broom head may be another testimony after Qin Guangwang.

"You tell me first, who are you?"

Qin Yudao.

"I don't have a name. It is also extremely low in heaven. They call me... the broom star..."

The man scratched his head and smiled.

"You, you are the broom star?" Qin Hao was very surprised.

Although it is not the existence of Erlang God, Sun Wukong, etc., but the sweeping star is also a god.

The true God can even be said to be the only **** between heaven and earth.

Qin Lan realized that he was afraid of holding his thigh.

"Cough, can't you look down on this fairy? I used to see the battle in Nantianmen to defeat the Buddha's Grand Palace."

"You don't know, the monkey's golden hoop is a glimpse. It's called a prestige. From the east gate to the north gate, the four kings are stunned..."

The broom star said this, and the endless nonsense, as if still intoxicated in the glory of the past Tianmenmen sweeping the ground.

"Call, you said that the Sun Monkey, the Four Kings, the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, and the Heavenly Court are all finished. No, now is the post-celestial era, understand?"

Qin Hao had to remind the guy who spit.

"You, you said, heaven is gone, how, how can it be." The broom star is not believed.

"Do you believe in or not, tell me what this is?"

Qin Hao asked.

"This is the square of the mountain, the court of the Bodhi."

"Do you see that? That is the Seven Star Cave, where the monkeys learned art."

The broom star pointed to a place in the mountain where a corner appeared and introduced.

"Fang inch mountain, Bodhisattva?"

"How come you are here?"

Qin Yu became more and more curious.

"The bitterness of life, the heavens can't be mixed, and the masters of Mengzu are taken over, let me see the mountains and forests here. I know that they left me alone and said that they are waiting for someone who has a chance. This is endless, you have to If you don't come, I will be bored sooner or later."

The broom star is hard to catch a word, and it’s endless.

"So, the meaning of the grandfather is to let you listen to me?"

Qin Xiao smiled and asked.

"It seems like this has been explained."

"But you guys are too weak, even the golden body has not been repaired, just like you, going to heaven is not enough."

The broom star stunned and grinned.

Qin Lan took the opportunity to explore the broomstick and found that this guy was in a shackle and couldn't wear it at all. Obviously, even if it was an inconspicuous waste material of congenital, it was invincible.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu is beautiful, so that he can not sweep the Three Realms with the broom star?

"Don't talk nonsense, the ancestors are strict, whoever comes in is the master of Fang Congshan, but you just show me the butler of the mountain forest. You don't even understand the importance of this point. I immediately ruined this piece of stone. You are dying."

Qin Yan’s face sank, so he was angry.

The broom star is also generally understood. This is the side of the Bodhi ancestor who saved it with great mana. The person who is really in control is still the master outside the family. Hey, who makes him a miscellaneous life?

"Yes, you are a grandfather, you have the final say."

"Grandpa, eat peach, this is a fairy peach, keep your body light and healthy, and repair it into a big increase."

The broom star snorted and said helplessly.

Qin Lan took over the fairy peach with a large bowl of mouth, and bite it down. It felt very sweet, and an aura filled with the juice in the lungs. The whole person seemed to be out of gravity.

In this world, the Yuanshen is the existence of the entity. After the Xiantao has finished eating, the Qinjielian Sanjieshi has not had time to use it, and it has directly broken through to the middle of the virtual.

Qin Lan knows that this time is a big profit.

Later, he can practice directly in Fangzhongshan, and according to the broomstick, this mountain is full of aura, nothing is inactive, nothing is born, it is simply wonderful.

In this way, all the elixir, birds, and even the ancient dragons that are difficult to survive in **** can be placed here to cultivate.

What's even more gratifying is that the broom star has also exploded, and the seven-star Taoist Temple has seven heavens.

As long as Qin Lan can get enough helpers and rebuild the Seven Stars, he will be able to open the legal field left by Bodhi's ancestors. At the same time, he can also release the guardian soldiers left behind by his ancestors.

Once the seven heavens are opened and the Seven Stars are completed, Qin Lan can reinvigorate Bodhi with the help of the ancestors' seals, and reinvigorate the Three Realms.

The disciples who left behind the Bodhi ancestors did not dare to say that all of them were the great heroes of Sun Dasheng, but as the brothers of the Great Saint, they should not be too bad. Putting them in **** is also the existence of the ghost kings.

As a result, Qin Yu became the strongest lord of the post-celestial era, killing the heavens, and unifying the heavens and the earth is not just around the corner?

Moreover, the seven-star view must have cherished the congenital true law left by the ancestors. If you can learn a gluten cloud and a seventy-two change, Qin dynasty is not allowed to go to heaven.

At the thought of this, the Qin dynasty, which has always been calm, is also close to the mouth of Le, and quickly asked: "How can we build a seven-star view of the broom, fast, tell me, Lao Tzu wants to reinvigorate the Bodhi Gate."

"Broomstick? You hate the mortal, let me sweep the star, okay."

The broom star is not happy.

"Who is the uncle, where is so much nonsense?"

Qin Yu urged the Tao.

"Your grandfather, you are a grandfather."

"If you want to build a seven-star view, you can't use it alone. You have to give me a strong man, and the general manager can carry out various constructions."

"What is alchemy, wood cutting, planting, building, and that requires a lot of manpower."

"No matter how bad you are, like you, you have to come to a few thousand people."

"Of course, you are too It is better to be more powerful."

"I am not blowing, here you can eat dry rice in this mouth, the tree next to it, the 30,000-year-old iron tree, Wu Ganglai have to cut three hours, you can't cut it for three thousand years."

Broom star road.

"I am going, your request is a bit high. Now it is the post-celestial era. Even if I bring you a few big scorpions from the heavens, I can't cut the tree."

Qin Qin has an impulse to vomit blood.

"Hey, you only want to arrest people. Ben Xianjun will give them training. Hey, my ancestors have left me a way. You just have to catch people. I keep these guys and come here to reincarnate. ”

The broom star is full of confidence.

Perhaps it is out of trust for this new owner, this guy is not at the bottom.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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