The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1703: I have a way to deal with you.

"Isn't it afraid that the little dance is fake?" Qin asked.

"Of course not. I came here this time because my father received a letter of help from Xie Wusheng, which made me come down from the capital of Wangdu."

"Xie Wusheng said very well that the daughter he recognized is a enchanting person. Look at the lady again, and hear the tears. If it is not the blood of the dear, how can it be so heartbroken?"

Xiang Haowen said.

"However, I am somewhat curious. The princess has been missing for many years, how can I be with Qin brother." Xiang Haowen said.

"I don't say anything about it, but if you know this, you should know that every word I say is not a false statement."

Qin Hao's eyebrows flashed brightly, showing the ghost of the Nether Ghost.

Looking at the half-empty Qin Wuhou Da Yin, Xiang Haowen eyes a glimpse, not to mention, one knee and bowed: "It turned out to be the 18th floor of hell, the world famous Qin Houzhen is here, Haowen has no eyes, abrupt Hou Ye, but also forgiveness."

"Get up and talk."

"I am acquainted with your father. The most important thing I have come to innocent **** this time is to send a small dance back to the DPRK. Since today is a good thing, you and I will help each other, but there is nothing wrong with it."

Qin Hao raised his hand.

After learning about the identity of Qin Yu and Xiao Wu, Xiang Haowen was also a great spirit. He said bluntly: "When Xie No Life recognized the woman, the father and many old friends reminded him to check the identity of the woman. The line is agreed. I want to come to the Xie Wang couple as a woman, and I don’t know how the enchanting is to make them come true."

"Later, we realized that Xie Wusheng's move to Yuquan Palace was not a disease, but was controlled. They had a kind of poisonous world, no one could solve it."

"Because we have a unique secret channel to our home, Xie Wusheng finally gave the truth to my father."

"This woman was brought back by his adopted son, Prince Yanzhao. It is self-evident that Prince Yanzhao wants to take metabolism as a new king."

"The most urgent task is to detoxify. Only Xie Wusheng has restored his strength and can stand up again to break this conspiracy."

"And according to reliable information, Prince Yanzhao will officially accept Xie Wusheng's chanting to become the new king in the eighth day of next month."

"Guangwang and the Tibetan ancestral ancestors asked me to bring a medicinal remedy. This medicinal medicine, Hou Ye may have heard it, ‘Ding Ling Dan’”

Xiang Haowen no longer hides private, one by one.

"Ding Ling Dan, that is the treasure of the town of Zongzong. The rumor is that the protection of the Tibetan Buddhism is under the refinement of the law. It is the first alchemist in hell. It seems that the Guangwang and Lingpu lords are also down. Blood is here."

Qin Hao nodded.

Xie Wusheng’s position in **** is not only that he is just a ghost king of Bahan Hell. He controls all the mandala flowers. Mandala is able to absorb the grievances of **** and balance the order of hell. Tudor is a very invasive flower to poison.

At the beginning of her daughter's country, Qin Yu and the slaves had suffered from the blockade and trouble of Mantuhua.

In the past, only Xie Wusheng could control the Mandala. Once the Mandu flower was extinct or out of control, it would have a great impact on the overall order of Hell. Obviously this is not what Qin Guangwang wants to see.

This is why Xie Wusheng and his direct bloodline are extremely honorable and extremely important.

"It seems that your whereabouts are still being stared."

"There are ghosts in the house, or people who are eyeing you have a wrist."

Qin Yudao.

"Yeah, I thought it was safer to enter the city without a living from this ridiculous ice sea. I didn't expect it to be ambushed. If you don't have you today, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Sighed to Haowen.

"Right, how can Hou Ye and the princess come from the north? As far as I know, the north is the restricted area, and almost no one has ever walked."

Xiang Haowen immediately curious.

"I really came from outside the domain. This Miss Michele is a girl outside the domain."

Qin Xiao smiled slightly and said: "Go, ask the pirate head, maybe he can give us an unexpected answer."

On the deck, the pirate's head was tied to a dozen pirates and tied to the deck.

These guys are also hard-pressed, close their mouths, and without a word, it is very difficult to get any clues from their mouths.

"Young master, I have asked, can't open their mouths."

A housekeeper looks forward.

"Let Mr. Qin come, he must have a way."

Laughed to Hao Wen.

Qin Lan raised his hand to cover the celestial spirit of the pirate's head. As soon as he explored, the memory in the soul was completely disrupted by a special spell. The countless pieces were mixed together, and they wanted to know their origin and purpose. The spirit basically does not work.

In hell, when a general slain is performing a top secret mission, it will be specially disrupted to avoid revealing important secrets. This is very common.

"Hey, you don't want to get anything. I won't say anything. If there is something, I will kill Laozi."

The pirate leader laughed proudly.

"is it?"

On the face of Qin Lan, there was a devilish smirk on his face. He slammed into a pirate's head. The pirate head, which was still closed with his teeth, suddenly changed his face and violently struggled: "The **** What method did you give to Laozi, oh, you are killing Laozi, and Laozi will never reveal half a word."

"Okay, then I am waiting, when do you want to understand, and it is not too late."

Qin Lan pinched his mouth and stuffed another medicinal herb.

He gave the pirate's head a million-ant eclipse curse. This spell can make people feel that thousands of ants are crawling on their bodies. It is very itchy, and even the gods can't stand it. And the medicinal herbs can make people's senses increase by a hundred times, that is to say, the pirate leader is experiencing a hundred times of 10,000 ant eclipse curse, and few people in the world can resist this pain.

After the curse, the medicine was given, and Qin Hao and Xiang Haowen sat down and talked and laughed.

The poor pirate head was covered with giant itch, but it was still tied, his hands were hard to move, the painful blue veins and bulging, the eyes were about to explode, and he screamed.

A cup of tea has not finished drinking He can't stand it, and the painful roar screams. "I beg you to let me go, I am recruiting, can I still not?"

Qin Lan put on the tea pot and walked up to him with a negative hand. He sneered: "If you say it early, you will get it. Why bother to suffer this sin?"

During the speech, he solved the pirate's spell, and it was loosely tied. For so, the pirates still scratched the half-body skin, and this gasped and said the truth.

It turned out that they were indeed the people of Prince Edward, the pirate called Zhao Bing, a confidant general of Xie Yanzhao, and did not know how Xie Yanzhao knew that Xiang Haowen would take the ice sea route.

Originally they sent out two hundred elite killers to disguise themselves as pirates, and they also feared to be clear and straightforward.

It was only on the way to intercept the hurricane, these guys sailing in the ice sea, unfortunately encountered the sea monster, resulting in the loss of half of the hands and ships.

It’s hard to catch the Haowen and the unfortunate encounter with the Qin dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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