The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1721: Fighting

Qin Yu calculated the degree of pain and time of the episode of the magic heart, and timely camouflage, so that the alert look of Enron's eyes was finally relaxed, and the heart could not help but sigh.

"No problem, in the future, you stayed in the city without life, are you afraid that there is no chance? Seriously, you have abolished the world, and you have nowhere to go, but you have nowhere to go. I am your best choice."

Enron licks the head of Qin Yu, gently touches his hair, and reassures his man.

The sorrowful and worried look of the eyebrows is enough to fascinate any man. It is no wonder that many famous tough guys in **** are also falling under her pomegranate skirt.

The most powerful thing about Enron is that even if it is acting, acting, it will make people come true.

At this moment, Qin Lan was buried in Enron's arms, resting on the soft jade, enjoying the warm fragrance, breathing with a big mouth, and his heart was dark.

Dealing with Enron, there is always the danger of breaking into the abyss.

This woman's fascination and cultivation have reached the peak of the peak, and he is also a stranger who has already fallen into her tender town.

"Everything to listen to the princess arrangement, I, I am so painful, can the princess hold tighter and better?" Qin Hao slammed Enron's waist, making him feel strange that Enron's body actually had a touch of faint The scent of the scent.

This is also too strange, the demon woman who is romantic in the city is still a virgin, but as a veteran of love, Qin Yu has a unique way of identifying this fragrance, it is not wrong.

Enron really is holding tighter. The two are like couples who have been in love for a thousand years. Enron has also set off a small song, and the voice is charming and affectionate, such as the Wu language, which makes people feel a sense of first love.

Qin Lan closed his eyes and enjoyed the gentleness of Enron.

Even if it is a demon girl, at least this second of Enron is exciting.

The carriage stopped outside the Yuquan Palace. Xie Yuanqiao and others had already waited for a long time. In addition to yesterday’s Gan Ye, there was another young man wearing a dark gown.

"Sir, are you better?"

Enron did not rush to get off the bus, still holding the man in his arms, no gentle way.

Qin Yu estimated that the time of the poison attack was almost the same, and he refused to raise his head: "The princess's jade can cure all diseases, except that it is still not anger, but it does not hurt."

Enron nodded with satisfaction. Obviously, he was completely relieved that Qin Xiao had no solution. This is a sigh of relief: "Let's get off."

Enron took the Qin dynasty, and the two men, like intimate couples, usually took off the sedan chair.

Seeing such a situation, Xie Yuanqiao and others have changed their face slightly, which is quite worrying.

The young man was even more chilly. It looked like a jealous and deep expression. He quickly bowed his hand and said, "Princess!"

"It turned out to be Song Daren, how come you?" Enron asked.

"The Prince is afraid that the people here don't know that Xie Wang has collided, so he sent the Song name to say hello."

"This is the princess?"

Song Ming smiled and pleased Enron, while the eye was exposed to frost, and he looked at Qin Hao obliquely.

"This is the abolition of the Qin dynasty of the world, Mr. Qin."

"Well, there is nothing wrong with you here, you go back to life."

Enron didn't even look at the Song name, faintly.

"Princess, Prince Si said, let me serve the prince with me twelve hours, so the Song name really can't go."

Song Ming squinted and smiled.

He is not ugly, and he is an important person in charge of the internal affairs of the Prince's House. It is a confidant of the Prince. Many private letters and articles dedicated to the Prince by the Ministers must pass through his eyes.

It is because of the status of the Song name that he also received Enron's wine-giving, thinking that he could be a pro-Fangze, but Enron was only limited to ordinary temptations, but he never made any substantive progress, which made Song name See the Qin dynasty, the vinegar is big.

"This prince has hands and feet, and he can't wait for you to serve, and go back to life."

Xie Yuanqiao is not happy.

"Wang Ye, I am a slave, not a fake, but my slave is only listening to the Prince. I know that there is no life in the city. If you don’t listen to the master, you won’t get a good end, so don’t be embarrassed.”

"The slaves guarantee that twelve o'clock will not leave you one step, let the prince drive."

Although the Song name was bowed and talked, the cold and proud eyes and threatening tone were undoubtedly revealed.

"Since Song Daren is a deputy, let's stay."

"Mr. Qin, Wang Ye, let's go in, don't delay the treatment of the father."

Enron Road.

Although Xie Yuanqiao was helpless, he could only accept it. Qin Zhen still pretended to be a weak and weak, and could not even say anything.

In the Yuquan Palace.

Xie Wusheng was **** in a wicker chair and was screaming. Seeing Xie Yuanqiao and others was another tear.

"Wang brother, you can rest assured that your illness will soon be cured."

"You see what I brought to you."

Xie Yuanqiao raised his hand and his palm was a red-red pill.

"Lingling Dan?"

The Song name was in charge of the internal government, and he had a great research on the medicinal herbs. When he saw the medicinal herbs, he could not help but marvel.

"Yes, this is the land of the Tibetan ancestors, which can solve the world's poison. That is what Guang Wang personally asked from the landlords."

The order is made.

Song Ming suddenly changed his face and turned his eyes to Enron. He wanted to ask her to stop.

After all, Xie Wusheng is the king. The reason for treating the king is that he is a good man. Where can he say that a small person can’t say it?

It is extremely unfavorable to spread out to the reputation of Prince Yanzhao.

At this moment, he only hates the softness of the Prince and does not kill Xie Yuanqiao. This leaves a curse.

"Song Daren, to cure my father, is a filial piety between the Prince and me. It is rare that even Guangwang is so concerned about his father. Please ask the doctor to save medicine."

Enron said calmly.

No one knows more about the power of the magic heart. The spirit is really a rare medicine, but what about it? In the face of the congenital magical medicine, everything is a cloud.

Zhang Shanzhi picked up the medicine, according to the agreement of the palace, on Qin: "Mr. Qin, can you give me a bowl of water ~ ~ water? Song name, you go."

Enron told me.

Song name went straight to the rockery, went to the jade pot to take water, Zhang Shanzhi raised his hand and beat him: "Song Daren is slow, I want the water to make tea, it is best to burn now, the name of the tea is warm, use Come to the auxiliary medicine, you can have a strong aura with the spirit."

"Of course, it's better to have tea."

Zhang Shanzhi Road.

"Princess, do you see?" Song Ming eyes turned and whispered.

"Isn't it tea? Everything is told according to the doctor of the gods, come, boil water and boil tea."

"Right, the Yuquan tea in this palace is good. How does Zhang Daren feel?"

Enron asked.

"I heard that Yuquan tea is famous for hell. I have seen it, just as I can solve it." Qin Hao laughed at the side.

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