The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1733: Heavy mountain

"Princess and Xie Wang, Wang Hao, Wang Ye!"

With a long drink, Xie Wusheng slowly walked down the Fengchan Terrace with the support of the princess and Wang Hao.

"Great King!"

The ministers have fallen down.

A group of old ministers, such as Gong Qing, even burst into tears and shouted at me.

Xie Wusheng’s expression was very demented. He shook twice from time to time, and his mouth squatted on the side like a wind. He was born with a throne.

Xie Yanzhao and Enron and others saw his dying heart suddenly settled down.

It seems that their father is really finished.

"Gong Daren, the father has arrived. You said that I have the suspicion of being a squatter."

Xie Yanzhao turned his head and looked at Gong Qing violently, asking coldly.

"I don't think you have a niche, but my king is now in poor health, how do you swear?"

Gong Qing’s heart is like a mirror, but there is no substantial evidence that Xie Yanzhao poisoned Xie Wang and did not dare to hang on this piece.

"Oh, it is precisely because the father is now unable to inherit the ancestor Dabao, Yan Zhao had to succeed, to ensure the peace of life without hell."

"As for how to meditation, the dynasties of the past dynasties let the great ceremony, first, there is the first king to crown, and the second is to pass the seal."

"Now my father is already ill, I am afraid that I can't do this, so I only have to ask my mother to do it."

Xie Yanzhao looked at Wang Hao, his face was smiling, but his tone was aggressive.

"The Prince said that it is right, the prison can't be invincible, and the elder brother ascended the throne, set the Dabao Jiangshan, and some of the province's ulterior motives."

"Mother, please also print and crown the Prince."

Enron echoed.

Wang Hao shuddered and stood up in trembling. The first beauty of the former infernal hell, nowadays, is full of white hair, which shows that in the past year, the body and mind have suffered.

The most embarrassing thing in her life is her husband, Xie Wusheng. In the early years, the two people loved each other, but because of the beauty and family marriage, they attracted the embarrassing embarrassment. As a result, the daughter’s little dance was taken away. This is 20 years. In the past few years, Xie Wusheng was walking around and almost went through the whole hell. He could not find the trace of his daughter.

It’s hard to expect her daughter, but it’s a fake that’s a disaster for the country and the people.

If it was for the sake of delaying and taking care of Xie Wusheng, Wang Hao wanted to die.

Today, in the face of Enron’s threat, she only accepts it.

She has lost her child and lost her husband. She must never lose her husband.

Thinking of this, she said to An Ran: "You can do it on a coronation. You are brothers and sisters. You will be crowned by Yan Zhao."

She can't change the big picture, this is the only thing that can be done.

Counting Xie Yanzhao as a new king, he must not let him be so smooth.

She is a change of direction to refuse to admit Xie Yanzhao's legitimacy, and Enron's own name is not good, such a woman's coronation, for the entire hell, is lack of credibility.

"Since the mother is not willing, the son is not reluctant, the princess, have labored you."

Xie Yanzhao has not taken care of it at the moment, he just wants to sit this dragon chair at the fastest speed.

Immediately on one knee, he bowed his hand and said: "Please Wang Mei!"

Enron secretly Wang Hao is an old fox, and the arrow has to be sent in the string. Only a sweet smile has taken over Wang Hao, and walked to the side of Xie Yanzhao at a light pace. Lang said: "Congratulations to Wang Xiong Rong Deng Dabao, may No life and **** have a long history and you are endless."

"Thank you, Wang Mei."

Xie Yan Zhao Lang channel.

Wang Hao has already worn it, and only the last step is left. Da Yin has added.

Wang Shuo is imaginary, and India is real.

As long as Da Yinyi added, Xie Yanzhao is recognized as the bright new king of innocent hell.

And Wang Yin also has the power to control the growth of Hell's Mandala, to contain the haze of hell, to ensure the peace of hell.

"No life, don't blame me, I just want you to live."

Wang Hao bit his finger, slowly printed on a jade of Xie Wusheng's waist, but seeing the white light is steep, a black Nether's big print is empty, but it is not the ghost of the ghost.

"It is the ghost king's seal, it is a big seal."

Enron, Xie Yanzhao and others are all eyes.

For Xie Yanzhao, Da Yin is his right, and for those of Enron and other Tian Mo Zong, Da Yin is an important part of their master's secret plan. In any case, Xie Yanzhao must ensure that this is a sure thing.

Wang Hao holds the big seal and slowly walks toward Xie Yanzhao. It is only a dozen steps away. It seems to her that there are thousands of miles away. Every step, her heart is like a thousand, **** pain.

This is the husband's country, this is his good son!

At that time, the soft heart, in order to fill the loss of the little dance, claimed this counter, who ultimately expected to raise a white-eyed wolf.

"No life, sorry, sorry."

Wang Hao was crying silently in his heart.

"After the mother, please give the king a big seal."

Xie Yanzhao couldn’t wait to kneel down, and his hands were ready to be printed.

Wang Hao had no difficulty in his heart, and it was difficult to fall down with the big seal.

Her heart is really painful.

This big print was handed out, representing the official end of the era of Xie Wusheng.

"Please give your mother a seal."

Xie Yanzhao saw her carrying a seal, not giving it for a long time, and could not publicly **** it. It was also anxious.

"After the mother, hand over this big seal, you and your father can stay away from the church, and enjoy your old age."

Enron smiled and smiled.

Wang Hao came back to God and knew that this was the last night of Enron.

"Please ask Wang Hao to give the new king a seal."

The princelings and other princes were screaming at the same time.

Under such a big voice Wang Hao compromised, her shaking hands, if there are thousands of pounds, after all, can not bear the weight of this great river and mountains, slowly fell to Xie Yanzhao's hand.

The throne, Jiangshan.

The era that belongs to me has finally arrived.

Xie Yanzhao’s fingertips have even been able to sense Wang Yin’s icy cold, and the inner blood is boiling and roaring.

At the same time, Enron, Ghosts, and Ghosts also had no enthusiasm in their hearts. They finally completed this mission, robbed the resources of the infernal hell, which is second only to the princes of the princes, and can control the mandala and change The aura of **** has completed an important part of the revival of the Demon.

They can't even wait to pass this message to the Sovereign and every Demon sect, which is their victory.

Yan Da and others have already begun to scream for the new king. They are proud of their own team. Today they are wearing a new king. Will there be less prosperity in the future?

However, at the moment when Wang Yin had already arrived, there was a dignified drink in the room: "Slow!"

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