The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1739: Court battle

"Little dance, little dance!"

Xie Wusheng had tears in his eyes, convulsions, and vomiting blood again and again. The distortion of his face was unwilling, and his eyes were a little white.

He really wants to stick to it again. He wants to see the baby daughter who has been searching for 20 years.

However, he is really tired and tired, and his breath is turning into nothingness. Like his daughter’s childhood figure, he is being scattered a little bit...

"Black three, you will go to the little dance princess into the temple, make sure the princess sees the last side of the king."

Qin Lan knows that this old friend has reached the edge of the exhaustion of the oil, crying and crying.

The black three was like a lightning bolt and rushed out.


Black three roared, crazy from the ministers shuttled away, tears running.

He never knew Xie Wusheng, and he never received the blessing of Xie Wusheng, but Hei San knew that this is the best sage of hell, this is a great king, a great father.

If he can't complete his last wish, Black Three will suffer and blame!

The outside minister’s heart was a bleak, black pressure on the ground!

Everyone’s heart is guessing.

"Zhang Daren, you said that there is no living king..."

"Yeah, it’s not good to see this situation. After all, the king has been imprisoned for a year. I am afraid it will be back to the light."

Ministers have been talking about it.

The four princes and kings are watching each other. The city is crowded with their sergeants. Once Xie Wusheng is absent, the Prince is crazy. Anyone who wears a yellow robe can win the throne.

Although Enron and others are gone, the actual situation has never been so bad.

"What are you waiting for? What is the noise of the king? The return of the king, the celebration of the day, you and the king of the king of grace, today, dare to speak at this time, it is damn."

Gong Qingyi saw that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and he had to tremble and scream at the ministers.

"The foreigner made the order, the **** doctor Zhang Shanzhi entered the temple."

Xie Yuanqiao personally went out to declare the purpose.

Soon after the two men just entered, Xie Yuanqiao soon came out and declared: "Minister Gong Qing, Chen Jing, Wu Wei General Xie Bin, Changan General Li Guang and the four princes Wang Jindian listened."

"According to the purpose!"

The four princes and kings looked at each other and some entered the temple with uneasiness.

The people who announced this time were the pillars of the dynasty of the dynasty, and they rushed to this position. Although they dare not speak up again, they also knew that the dynasty was afraid to change the dynasty.

Everyone entered the hall!

Xie Wusheng sat in the throne, his face was like a ash, he did not move, and he was not angry at all.

"Great King!"

When everyone looked at it, they burst into tears.

"No life king is about to rise to the immortal, call you to wait, is to announce a major event, from now on, the life-free dynasty is inherited from the princess dance. Let Xie Yuanqiao be the regent king, let Gong Qing, Chen Jing, Xie Bin Li Guang is the four assistant ministers, so that the four princes Wang Jia will pay 30 million yuan a year to show the merits of the diligent king."

"The king is dead, everyone is flat."

Wang Yan read the tears of Xie Wusheng's will.

"Great King!"

Gong Qing and others also took the initiative.

And one of the princes, Wang, suddenly stood up and shouted: "This is a call, just left a princess, and a princess, who knows the true and false, who knows if you are looking for a maid Pretending, cousin Xie Wangye, who is the regent of your reign, why not directly seal a non-born king."

This person is wearing a two-legged robes, and the robes can be worn by the Xie family.

"Xie Zifeng, you mean this sacred purpose, which is made by the king. The king has not closed his eyes. You dare to let go, you believe that I am jealous of you."

Xie Yuanqiao yelled.

"Oh, cousin, you scare me less, who doesn't know that although you and the king are a mother, but the relationship is the same." This time, you returned to the palace in the early morning, and is the person of Prince Yanzhao. People like you who are ill-conceived, who knows what tricks you are doing? Today, if you want to give a statement, no one of us will agree.

Xie Zifeng smiled coldly.

The other three of the four kings are all different kings, but at the moment they want to get more benefits. Especially want to target Xie Yuanqiao, and suddenly agreed.

Although Xie Yuanqiao was not a king, but Xie had no life to swear at him, he actually let him go to the squadron and train a powerful army. The strength is still in the king. If Xie Yuanqiao is the regent, their interests will only Further compression.

"Zi Feng Wang Di, the sacred purpose is written in front of the king, I can testify."

Wang Hao got up.

"Wang Hao, why does my brother-in-law recognize a thief as a woman, isn't it that you instigated? Now that he has lost his life, do you feel that you have said this kind of disaster? Someone believes?"

Xie Zifeng said indifferently.

Wang Hao was a stiff body, and he couldn’t say a word with a shiver.

Xie Zifeng’s words were like a sharp sword, which poked her weakness and made her unable to say a word.

"Let's relax!" Xie Yuanqiao grabbed the collar of Xie Zifeng and yelled: "Warm bastard, you dare to insult Wang Hao, I want to kill you."

"Okay, you kill!"

"Our army is outside the door. It doesn't matter if you kill me. There is a sword that you can convince their hands."

Xie Zifeng is not very good.

"In the end what you want?"

Xie Yuanqiao coldly shouted.

"I didn't think about it. In a word, the new king must choose from the sons of the unborn brothers. If there is no choice from the sidelines."

“Xie’s Jiangshan Xie’s family is sitting!”

Xie Zifeng proudly said.

"Yes, we swear to defend the majesty of the king without life, and we are more willing to defend the blood of the Xie family's ancestors. The new king must be the blood of Xie."

The other three kings are also attached.

Everyone knows that Xie Yuanqiao has been squatting outside the squadron and is not married.

Xie Wusheng has only one little dance princess who has been missing for many years. Although Xie Yanzhao is not a biological person, the association has been in charge for many It was originally a little qualified, but it is not enough now.

Then the Xiejia dynasty can only find successors from the sidelines of the family. Xie Zifeng and Xie Wusheng and Xie Yuanqiao brothers have not been out for three generations. The key is that he has three sons. So, this is the one who took the scorpion and took the throne. .

This unexpected surprise was that Xie Zifeng did not think of himself. He originally came to work as a diligent king. He just wanted to see what happened. If he could get some oil and water, he didn’t think that luck was so good. He didn’t want to be a king, but he was crazy. I can still give myself a throne, and there is no such good thing in the world.

Of course, the other three princes are even more objectionable. If Xie Zifeng’s son is enthroned, they are doing the merits. Will there be less benefits in the future?

"You, you."

In the face of these imperial reasons, Xie Yuanqiao’s trepidation is a silent rebuttal.

Gong Qing and others wanted to go through the ancestral legal system, and they could not find any one to refute Xie Zifeng.

There must be one at the moment, that is, the little dance princess horse is present, and it proves that it is the blood of the king who is not living, so that the kings are unreasonable.

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