The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1742: Miracles, people

There is no more convincing proof.

Because the blood is not disguised and replaced, in addition to Xie Wusheng's biological daughter, no one can ask for the stone dragon.

There are a total of three precedents for the history of the city, such as Shilong and Qilingshi. The reason is that the inheritance of the Datong was challenged by the sidelines, or the Zhenlong Hui Dynasty was questioned.

Undoubtedly, those three successes, and the birth of three wise ancestors.

Therefore, in the face of these solemn rituals, to the royal aristocrats, down to every soldier, everyone's eyes are straight, holding their breath, waiting for the answer.

Under the eyes of the public, the little dance slowly went to the high platform, and the high platform had a mirror.

If the mirror is bright and white, you can see through the hearts of the people.

Behind the mirror is an ancient one of the dragons, swimming under the yellow spring, prestige and domineering.

The Xie family ancestors used to have no magical powers, tied the dragons to the ground, and took the dragon's pulse to dominate the world.

Later, in order to feel the blessing of the dragon, a stone dragon was specially built underground, and a few points of true dragon gas were taken. Only the Xie family king was bloody, and communicated with the dragon through the mirror to sense.

So that after the new kings of the ages, they will come out with this mirror to show their orthodoxy.

Of course, Xie Jiawang is a bloodline. Although there have been several side-by-side seizures, the rules of the ancestors' wisdom have ensured the orthodox lifeline.

In countless years, Xie Wusheng has never broken this pulse and has never been replaced!

The little dance first worshipped the three worships in the mirror.

Immediately after biting the fingertips, he painted the mirror with blood, and silently recited the spell engraved on the mirror side.

The old and old spells fluttered in the square with the sound of her chill, and everyone’s heart mentioned the eyes of the blind.

"If it won't succeed, it won't succeed. She is just the one that Qin Hou and Xie Yuanqiao invited."

Xie Zifeng and other villains prayed silently.

After the spell is finished, the mirror does not react!

The audience was in awe.

Xie Zifeng laughed happily: "Is it? I said she is a fake, she is a fake."

"Gong Qing, Xie Yuanqiao, you are trying to win the first king Dabao, it is simply a crime to die."

"The chaotic thief, can't die."


The roar of the bottom is endless.

"Wang Ye, Wang Hao, this, what is going on?"

Gong Qing also has some doubts. He is loyal, but he is only loyal to the blood of the first king. If the little dance is really a fake, Gong Qing will not hesitate to turn his back.

The other three assistant ministers are also dignified and urgently need an explanation.

"The demon girl, you still have a face standing on the table, let me roll down."

"The demon girl, I am out of no life."

Xie Zifeng and others are proud of their shackles.

There was a sneer in the corner of the little dance. She had already sensed the powerful shock of the roar of the underground stone dragon and the pulse of the king. It was from the ancestor and the call of the father.

it's time!

The last drop of blood condensed with a fingertip, the dragon's eye bead behind the mirror.

Blood spots!

Dragon can live!


A gloomy, sturdy dragonfly came out from the ground.

In an instant, overshadowed the sounds that were being embarrassed and questioned, squeaking in everyone's eardrum.

The dragon woke up!

Shilong woke up!

Gong Qing and others are excited.

A group of loyal old ministers squatted directly, shouting: "There are no kings in the past, and the heavens are blessed, and the princess is finally there."

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

The field is like a thunder.

"what happened?"

"Is this girl really leading the dragon?"

A prince Wang asked a frown.

"Fake, it is estimated that Qin Hou is a ghost. Hey, my cousin's daughter has been missing for 20 years. I will not come late, but I will come back at this time. Do you think it is possible?"

Xie Zifeng wiped the cold sweat of his face and disdain sneered.

"Don't believe it, it's just a few screams, it's all tricks."

"Don't be excited, don't you have enough ghost tricks for the demon girl? Please be calm and rational."

"There is kind, you take the dragon out, don't just make a sound."

Xie Zifeng was full of enthusiasm, and rushed to the excitement of the courtiers and generals.

This sound is really a bit of a use, and those people suddenly wake up a lot, realizing that Xie Zifeng said it makes sense.

If the stone dragon is not out, why is it true?

Therefore, the 10,000 people shouted at the same time: "now Shilong, now Shilong..."

The little dance turned to look at those people, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. The jade finger was light in the mirror.

A blood line separates the mirror from the light into two halves!

The mirror of the original prototype, like an ancient stone gate, slammed into a rumble, and the smooth surface slowly opened.

Followed by!

A beautiful mandala flower flew out of the mirror, instantly expanding like a small hill, shrouded in a square.

In the light, the ministers and sergeants shunned and gave up an open space.

The **** luster of Mandola is covered in the open space, the flower is opened, forming a powerful tornado whirlwind, madly absorbing the dust of the surface, and the surface is quickly opened by a powerful whirlwind force.

A black stone dragon slowly appeared in the real body, the stone dragon is like ink, lifelike, the huge stone eyes bloom with **** light, the mouth spits a black flame, roaring constantly, the whole earth is not so much.

As if at any time, the true body will be revealed and the poor traitors will be destroyed.

"Shilong, as recorded in the history books, the mandala is out, the stone dragon is now, the princess is the true blood."

"Cang Tian protects me without a life dynasty, haha!"

Gong Qing excitedly raised his hand to the sky, tears and tears.

Xie Yuanqiao and others have completely let go of their hearts. This spectacular scene has only appeared three times in history. Today, the small dance leads to the stone dragon, and in the future it will become the king of Dade.

No life dynasty can be a stable mountain, bright and beautiful!

"Little dance, my good daughter, Shilong can be inspired by you, you are blessed."

"Don't you see it? The daughter upholds the glory of the ancestors and calls out the stone dragon. You can finally rest in the Spirit of Heaven."

Wang Hao burst into tears and felt proud of his lost daughter.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, the demon woman actually summoned the stone dragon."

"She, she is really a lifeless princess..."

Xie Zifeng paled, stopped the noise, almost fainted.

"Xie Now, let's see this people's heart, we are afraid that we can't compete."

The three princes next to him quickly helped him and sighed.

"No, we can't go back!"

"Do you hear the surname Qin's words? Or we have nothing, or give up our lives."

"Today can only be a second, not doing it, and doing it with them."

"Don't forget, these soldiers have been with us for thousands of years, and for thousands of years, as long as we shake our arms, we can control the entire city. When there is no life, it is ours. Whoever refuses to kill, this is not more. Ok?"

Xie Zifeng bites his teeth and has no cold.


"First look at what tricks she plays, really dare to harden with us, let's reverse."

The other three princes and kings saw that the situation was not quite right, and they could only go black with Xie Zifeng.

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