The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1749: Mr. Qin

After a while, the two Yasha guards came back and looked up at the head: "The city owner asked you to go in and talk."

One of them leads the way ahead.

The three slowly passed through the wild city.

There was a depression in the city. In addition to the inspection of the Yakushi soldiers, the people were hiding in the stone house. Occasionally, some people showed their heads and looked at the three people. They quickly regained their heads with vigilance.

"Dog thief!"


The three were walking, a guy locked in the neck by the chain, passing by, according to the brightly dressed Qin Qin, spit a **** spit, no indignation.

"Looking for death, let's go."

The two guards picked up the whip and took the man and shouted.

"You bastard, it is because of you, our Blackwater City will become like this, you destroyed our city!"

The man screamed insanely, his eyes cracked, and he was about to bleed.

Black opened his mouth three times, but before he wanted it, he was stunned by Qin Hao’s eyes.

"This group of people, thinking about playing against the city owner all day, the city owner said, they are all closed, and they are rushing to the head and selling a good price."

The guardian who beat the man dragged the person down.

"Ghosts, please."

The guard led Qin Lan to the gate of the city's main government. After receiving the reward of the crystal coin, he nodded and retreated.

Qin Lan entered the house, and there was a two-meter-tall bald man in the middle of the room. He was holding two Shaz beauty, drinking wine, eating barbecue, and watching the three people fiercely.

Seeing this person, the black three eyes are cold, if it is not Qin Qin, he will definitely rush to smash the wicked guy.

Do not think, Qin Hao also knows that this person is the wilderness of the wild city.

When the wilderness saw the rice snow, his eyes were straight, and the beautiful woman around him was pushed away, and the oil and water of a corner of his mouth was wiped. He said: "The trough, the self-wild city has never seen such a history. Big beauty, my name."

After that, the guy squatted and smiled and stood up and greeted him: "Beauty, haven't asked for a name, need a strong man? I promise you, I will make you happy like a fairy."

"Close your stinky mouth, disgusting!"

Mi Xue was also the big lady of Ice Snow City, and it was so arrogant that she could be wildly smacked.

"Oh, my temper is quite big."

"Little pepper, that city owner is more happy..."

"Huan" has not yet been said, Qin Lan lightning generally pinched the neck of the wild pull, the wild pull is not the master of the good fortune, the backhand is a iron fist, no matter how he punches, Qin Hao's hand is always stuck His throat.

"Bee, I am here to see you, I want to bring you a way to make money."

"Dare to offend my woman, then you are looking for a dead end."

The Qin dynasty was murdered outside the machine, and the dry yang of the hand burned like a fire.

The cultivation of the wild is not the top of the family, but also the Liuzhang Yaksha. In the night fork family, Jiuzhang and Shizhang are legendary things, and the Yaksha of the seven-eight-footer is also rare, which is why the wild pull is so flying.

The eyes of a good tyrant, this is a monk.

"The city owner, the comer is a guest, and the spirit is."

After the wild pull out, an old-fashioned person opened his eyes, his eyes flashed green, and he said.

"The messenger, if you have something to say, it’s a wild girl who has abruptly married and has something to say."

Wild pull seems to listen to the old man, and quickly raises his hands and leans his neck.

Qin Lan released his hand and sneered: "The wild man, I have countless money, but the woman has only one, so manage your mouth, you just have to open your hands and save money."

"Make the messenger please."

The wilderness lifted a fire-burning throat and settled down, making wine.

"I just saw the token of the ghost. You are from the prison of eighteen? I heard that there is a fight, you are here."

Wild pulls a smile.

"Yes, I am coming this time, I want to find you to buy three thousand nights fork slaves to fill the army, the price you open, everything is good to talk." Qin Xiao smiled.

"Mr. Qin, the price is good talk, but the problem is, according to the rules, you should go to the Shaz King Sands, not me."

"I am just his son. A little horse has died. I am afraid that you have to do something. I can't do the Lord."

The wild pulls and laughs.

"The king of Shazi is too calorie, and the messengers of all prisons are gathered in the city of Shazi. Now, your nightshade, except your guard, is afraid that there are less than 20,000 slaves."

"With the expansion of the war, I need at least 10,000 Yaksha. I will ask this sale and hand it over to King Shazi. Will he sell it? If he is willing, the messengers of other hells will not agree."

"And as far as I know, you are taking rewards, salutes, and not directly involved in the slave trade."

"If you don't cooperate with me, I will give you the money directly. The people are yours, and the money is yours. Isn't that right?"

Qin Lan talked about it.

His words are poking up the scars of the wild.

In order to get the shelter of King Shaz, Sabai was the father of the Saskatchewan, and he did get the rule of the Yaksha, but in reality he was a beggar. Yaksha slave was one of the most profitable businesses in hell.

The tribes were hunted and arrested by him. It can be said that they had abandoned their ancestors and ethnic groups. Countless people could not wait to marry his skin and drink his blood.

But what did he get?

Except for the shelter of King Shaz, the rest can't get anything.

Seeing the high profits of selling slaves, all of them have flowed into the pockets of sand poisoning. It is also a good mood for sand poisoning, and perhaps a little reward.

It is clear to anyone in the wild that sand poisoning is to be a beast and a dog.

How much profit is this big business now?

"How much can you get out?"

Wild pull is a bit tempting.

"What is the market price, I am three times, or that condition, I need to be your only trading partner, follow up all the slaves, you can only sell to me."

Qin Haolang channel the first three thousand Yaksha slaves, the market price of the night fork market is one thousand coins, four feet two thousand, five feet five thousand! ”

"Are you sure you can afford this money?"

Wild pulls cold and cold.

"Here is 200,000 yuan of the Nether Treasure money ticket, you can go to redeem at any time, it is my initial deposit, how do you feel?"

Qin Qilian didn't even blink his eyelids and took a black money ticket.

The Netherland Tongbao is the money house built by Qin Guangwang in the 18th floor of Hell. It is endorsed by the taxation of Hell. Except for the foreign land like Ice Snow City, the money ticket can be circulated throughout Hell.

And in the mortal world, the crystal coin of **** is extremely valuable and has a strong purchasing power.

In addition to the fact that the crystal coin itself is made of a rare crystal stone, the material of **** is also circulated in various layers of hell. There is no impact of foreign currency and materials, which is relatively stable.

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