The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1754: People are not doing it, they are desperate

"This is hoarding so many embassies outside the army. Is he not afraid of Shaz?"

Michelle is quite puzzled and asks.

"Afraid of embarrassment, these are the embassies. In fact, they are the mercenaries of the various hells of the various hells and the merchants themselves. Except for the real part of the real ambassadors sent by the ghost kings, the rest are all traded."

"They rushed through various resources, slaves, and treasures to buy and sell in hell, and made a fortune."

"The king of Shaz is not stupid. These guys are the equivalent of his freely formed thugs regiment. They defended the city of Shazi for him. Why not?"

"Of course, the king of Shaz built the most solid defense system in addition to the capital city of the capital, and the interior of the city was also stationed in the Shazi native sergeant. There are more than 30,000 people. It is difficult to unite these people. It’s impossible to really succeed in uniting to attack the sand."

"If you want to fight Shaze City, there is only a precedent that has not been penetrated from the inside."

Wild pull explained.

When he said this, his face was not stunned. On the contrary, it was a kind of smugness. It shows that the heart of this dog has gone deep into the bone marrow, and complaining a few words is okay. There is actually no determination to fight against sand.

Qin Lan is sympathetic to this statement. The sand poison itself is a sinister and sinister, and the defense of the inner city is stunned. If it can be attacked, someone who has already smashed the jewel of the black water.

However, since he came, there are a hundred ways to control the city, and attacking is always the next best thing.

The wild pull led the way into the line, and it was natural to have a drink and chat, and not to boast.

At the end of the night, Sha Lijie came.

"The wild brother, the father of the king orders you to go to the palace to see him, but your guards have to stay."

Sha Lijie Road.

"This is nature, my people will be resting in the line. Besides, I am the son of the father, and there is a brother of the company, I am innocent."

Wild pull seems to have great trust in Sha Lijie.

"Little prince, can you say a few words to you alone?" Qin Hao suddenly said.


"Cheng, the wild brother, you are waiting outside, I will talk to your friend alone."

Sha Lijie smiled and smiled.

A few people in the wild pulled back.

"There are only two of us left now. If there is anything to say."

Sha Lijie Road.

"If I didn't guess wrong, King Shaz has already prepared a knife and axe in the palace. As long as we enter the palace, it will be poisonous, right?"

Qin Lan opened the door to see the mountain road.

Sha Lijie changed his face and looked at Qin Yu’s sharp eyes. He silenced for a few seconds: “Yes, this time is the brother of the 18th prisoner’s car, the 18 prisons are more than ten times higher than the outside world. The price of the purchase of Yaksha slaves, and sent a group of demon slaves, all beautiful, my father Wang thinks this is a big business, has decided to reach a strategic cooperation with Che Ming, anyone dare to block the father's Everything must be dead."

"The wilderness is careful, I can pass through my father, you go to the city with him, it is a dead end."

"Little Wang, this is a secret event. When I ask you to answer, Wang’s heart is self-evident."

"You want to replace your father, are you?"

"More than this day, it has been a long time."

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

"Don't let the king's mind be you guessing?"

"The reason I tell you is because you are already a dead person. From the moment you step into Shazi, it is doomed, you can only die."

"For a dead person, I don't have to keep a secret, right?"

Sha Lijie Road.

"You can say that, but I tell you, I have a car, I have it, I don’t have it, I have it!"

"I can also kill the sand poison and help you."

"I know that you still have two brothers, one is Sha Tongtian, the close disciple of the Scorpio Scorpio, the one under his eyes, and your brother Sha Kefa. Sha Kefa, you are smart, you will come, You have a lot of powers, and sand poisoning is because of the pets, the love of the house, the love of the house and the black, and your brother Shakefa can be your heart. And you, because the mother has faded, has already lost the conditions for competing."

"You can still be a little prince today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow? Once Shakefa is on the table, it will not allow you, and it will be your last day."

"There is no way to count the sand, the **** is long, and the life is tens of years. You still need to endure this way, and continue to squat for a year, two years, the endless years of being trampled under your feet. Is it really uncomfortable?"

Qin Lan around Sha Lijie, no sneer sneer.

His words are like a sword, tied in the heart of Sha Lijie, burning pain.

Sha Lijie’s forehead oozing cold sweat, pale, and gasping.

Anyone knows the situation at hand, and he said that he is a little prince. God knows that his father is not happy and kills him directly.

His father, Sha Po, no cruelty, everything is liked, and he will not care about his children's affection. Killing him is no different from a slaughter dog.

"You, you said so much, what do you want to do?"

Sha Lijie erased his forehead and sweated, and asked with vigilance.

"Nothing, I said, I am a businessman, the businessman is profitable. Since the sand poison seems to be more interested in Che Ming, then I can only choose to cooperate with Xiao Wang Ye."

"Want to fight? You have to fight, money, status, and Shazi City are all yours."

"No fight, you can continue to enjoy the torment until the butcher knife falls on your neck."

Qin Xiao sneered.

"Do you know that you are looking for death?"

"What qualifications do you have to say this arrogant?"

Sha Lijie roared.

"Yin, can't you even recognize me?"

Qin Lan returned and showed the true body.

"You, it is you, it was the uncle who drove, and Li Jie had no eyes and no eyes, and he did not know the true body of Hou, but please forgive me."

Sha Lijie was shocked.

Of course, he knows Qin Qin, the famous Qin Hou adult who was the father of his father, who had visited his father with his father.

"Why, why are you helping me, knowing that your relationship with my father is very shallow."

Sha Lijie came back and asked cautiously.

"It's very simple, the friendship is built on the interests, your father is now afraid to worship the car with the car This is just a means, not too serious."

"And you, working with you, I can get more resources, why not?"

Qin Hao put away the real body and smiled lightly.

"Yes, if I am a king, the embassy here will be closed, and you will come to you by Hou Ye. Who do you want me to buy and sell, and who I open."

"After all, whoever makes a fortune is not a haircut, of course I will choose Hou Ye."

Sha Lijie answered very intelligently.

"You are a smart person, I like smart people." Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction.

"Uncle, you are right, people are not going to die for themselves. My father will abolish me sooner or later, paving the way for the second child. Since this way, I have nothing to do with."

"Uncle, let me know, how can I do it, as long as I can be King Shaz, there is **** in Blackwater, I can give it to you."

Sha Lijielang channel.

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