The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1762: Are you coming to die?

"Yes, I killed it. This is a premeditated coup."

"But that is what you forced me. I am the eldest son. It is logical to be the first heir to the orthodox. You should enjoy the honor of supreme honor."

"But you guys didn't take me seriously. Everyone took me to waste, especially the dog and mother, who humiliated me all the time."

"When they humiliated me, Father, what did you do? You didn't do anything, just continue to indulge them to compress my living space a little bit."

"If I don't want to go, I won't have a way to live. It's all you forced me. It's what you forced."

Sha Lijie was under the fear, like a tiger that was injured in the same, snarling wildly.

"Oh, you think that with him, a businessman in the district can make Shazi change his dynasty, son, you are too simple."

"Your father, I am the king, the king, what is he, trying to change the overall situation?"

"But it doesn't matter. You will see how I sucked his brain a little bit and made you desperate and painful!"

Sand poisoned his son, and his words were as sharp as a sword.

"Father, I am afraid that your thoughts are hard to win. You look closely at who he is?"

Sha Lijie bit his teeth and pointed at Qin Hao and shouted.

The poisonous green scorpion died in the face of Qin dynasty. Suddenly he trembled and his eyes flashed a trace of fear, and then he laughed happily: "After a long time, it turned out that Qin Hou's younger brother came back."

"Brother, you have disappeared for so long, and Jiangshan has lost. You are not going to find a car to settle accounts. Why are you running to me?"

"What do you want, you want money, you have to be a soldier, let's say, let's be a brother of the boy. What do you need is not a sentence?"

"Why do you play this kind of house game with children, from the dead end?"

Sand poisoned his head and sneered in madness.

"Old sand, you know, I am only interested in your head."

"Your head, money, soldiers have value, aren't they?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Oh, my brother is still as confident as before. If I am not mistaken, you are now a day of tens of thousands of pounds of cultivation. I have heard about those things that have no life." Now the whole world knows that Qinhou has been abolished. If I am you, I will not be able to hide in the deep forests and old trees. Brother, you are here to find things. It is not a wise move."

"watch out."

The sand poisonous hand is raised, and the dense yellow sand hits the Qin dynasty like a raindrop. Each yellow sand contains a highly toxic and huge impact.

Qin Biao's figure flashed, and the celestial body grew long, and he broke through the yellow sand straight, and erected a finger to the past.


The sand poisoned his hand and punched it. One punch and one finger intersected each other. The Qin dynasty flew a few feet, and the heavy ones squatted in the dragon column.

Rao has a long-lived body. Because of the too many gaps in the level of repair, it is still difficult to resist. The whole right palm of Qin Lan is bloody, and the bones at the elbows are all revealed. The whole person is white like paper. Has been seriously injured.

"Brother, you are indeed abolished, even if I can't hide with a fist, I still want to take my throne. You have disappeared these few months. Isn't the IQ still going offline?"

Sandy gas smirked and laughed. His pride was his disguise. Actually, he became more and more alert to Qin.

They know each other's wisdom and methods, how high, how high, Qin Hou has never been able to afford to live early, how could it be possible to die here for no reason?

This is fraudulent.

Aside from the side, Sha Lijie saw Qin Yu’s vomiting blood being beaten, and his hand was abolished. He had a heart that wanted to die.

"Mad, I am the brain, how to listen to his ghosts."

"This **** madman, his cultivation is abolished, even I am not as good as, and dare to provoke the father, is this not looking for death?"

"Well, wait for the uncle, wait for you, are you really confused?"

"I have been killed by you this time!"

Sha Lijie shrank in the corner and shook his head again and again.

Qin Lan struggled to stand up slowly against the dragon pillar, coughing blood in his mouth, and straightened his chest again: "Sand poison, I underestimated you, but you know, I will never play with uncertainty, You must die today."

Qin Lan’s palms rose, the magic axe appeared in the palm of his hand, and the suffocating suffocation of the earth was filled in the entire hall!


"Open the day!"

The axe out, the powerful axe of the magic axe, turned into a three-legged gas shape, and went straight to the sand poison head.

A good axe, but the power is not enough!

The sand poisonous scorpion was cold, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.


The sharp and awkward magic axe smashed into the sand poison head, and the **** trace came out from the door.

"Good handwriting, good implements, I am afraid that it is the level of the holy class. The king has seen countless magic weapons and weapons in his life. Like your axe, such a powerful suffocating suffocation is still the first one."

"But unfortunately, if this is your card, then I can only say that you are too big."

"Do you still think that I was the sand poison of the year? Yes, the sand poison of the year, there are such instrumental blessings, you really have the possibility of killing me, but now, I have entered the robbery period."

"You are destined to be a basket of water!"

The sand poison wiped the blood marks on the face, and then the powerful implements, only the ones that broke their own flesh.


The sand poisonous hand is another punch, and it is straight to Qin.

He only has 30% of his strength, and he is very straightforward. The Qin dynasty is like a broken ball. It flies out again and is stuck directly in the wall.


The poisonous tongue spit, and it caught the neck of Qin Yu, and stopped in the air. The mouth made a smug voice: "Brother, how, let you be smart, and when you are have challenged me. Don't blame your brother for being unkind."

A yellow turbid gas ejected from the tongue of the sand poisoning, and it turned to the tip of the tongue. The sharp tip of the tongue was like a sharp knife and it was necessary to plunge into the eyebrows of Qin Yu.

Sand poison is very clear. If you want to completely kill the Qin dynasty, you must first take the Yuanshen and destroy his Guardian of the Nether, so that you can completely give this old **** to the righteous in the shortest possible time. Drained.

Qin Yan's face was full of blue veins, and he struggled wildly, as if he was struggling before he died.

Sha Lijie was shaking his head and sighing. He could not bear to look directly at the tragic death of Qin.

This time, the sand poison is completely relieved. He can clearly sense the fear, powerlessness and struggle of Qin.

This made him believe that Qin Hao could not escape.

However, when he was about to use the letter to penetrate Qin Yu's eyebrows and **** his god, instinct, and element, Qin Xiao smiled.

Yes, the sand poison found the twisted face, and there was no trace of cold-blooded, horrible smile.

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