The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1764: Qin Yu's 1 unified plan

Sha Lijie’s order was like a mountain, and the Shahu’s army couldn’t come in. No one was more convincing. The throne seemed to be sitting firmly.

Shahu and others looked at each other and disdainfully sneered: "Sha Lijie, you seem to be too happy, do you think we can't cure you without the guards?"

"The one who really works for the heavens is me!"

Shahu took off his robes and strode into the field and forced him to Sha Lijie.

As the leader of the Wangcheng Guards Army, he has the cultivation of the early stage of returning to the original, and what is Sha Lijie?

As long as Sharijie is killed, isn't everything all right?

Shahu will not miss this good opportunity. He knows that once Sha Lijie is stable, it will be passive again when it comes back. It is not suitable now.

"Oh, you are looking for death."

"Uncle, everything is working for you."

Sha Lijie looked awkward and bowed to Qin.

Previously, everyone’s attention was on Sha Lijie’s body. No one noticed the handsome unparalleled teenager standing next to him. At this moment, he discovered the existence of Qin.

"Your Majesty returns, this is your last chance."

Qin Hao no expression.

"Oh, great tone, I will kill you first, then clean up..."

Shahu did not put Qin Xiao in his eyes. He was also a brainless master. Can Sha Lijie remove the ghost king sand poison? It was just that Qin Qin looked so tender that Soho ignored it.

His voice was still down, and Qin Hao waved his hand slightly.

The sand tiger only felt a little cold in the neck, and opened his mouth to talk, but it was a little sound that could not be made. The strength seemed to be taken away in an instant.

"General, general, you are fine."

The deputy next to him will be careful to remind him.


A blood line appeared on the neck of Shahu, and the neck fell off the neck. The blood rushed out like a fountain, and the sprayer would look at it.


Just a wave of hands to kill a master of the original, what a magical power?

Everyone finally understood that Sha Lijie was not alone. His biggest card was the boy in front of him.

"Who else?"

Qin Lan asked coldly.

"you you you……?"

His fingers point to the courtiers who support the sand tiger, one point, one head, one time, the hall becomes the death hall, and Qin Lan is the name of death.

Seeing that several others died in his hands, other people couldn’t stand, and they screamed: "I will wait for the new king, and the new king will live forever."

Sha Lijie looked at the people with satisfaction and smiled a few times. He raised his hand and said: "Everyone, get up and talk. From today, Shaze Wangcheng is the world of Shalijie. I promise that as long as you are loyal, there will be no benefit. ”

Everyone is a compliment.

After the retreat of the group, Sha Lijie went to the barracks for the first time and killed several deputy commanders of the garrison. It was completely replaced by the people he trusted.

"Hou, now I am already sitting down, what should I do next?"

Sha Lijie prepared a good wine and good dish. In the backyard of the palace, he hosted a banquet for Qin Lan, and asked between the seats.

"This question is simple. You are now in full control of the banned army. The Minister is faithful to you. The army is obeying you. What are you most worried about?"

Qin Hao asked.

"The seventeen messengers, the strength of these people gathered together, there are as many as five or sixty thousand people. Today they can surround the guards. They can surround my palace tomorrow. If they can’t be removed, such as the tigers. On the side, I am sleepy."

"I think about it. After Shazi City, only the embassy of Houye will be left. The rest will be cleared!"

"Also ask my uncle to help me."

Sha Lijie pleaded.

"Well, it seems that you are a smart person."

"The situation at the moment is actually a mess. It's just a mess. It's just a quick knife. Like I help you win the throne, you have to break them one by one when they are caught off guard."

"Those ambassadors are still in your hands."

Qin Hao asked.

"All in the dungeon, my sister Sha Moer and Yao Guangzheng have put them all under house arrest. According to your instructions, the messengers who are still in the city are still there."

"Well, the messenger of Wang Chenglai, I know."

"I am going to find him to transfer troops, and at the same time dispatch your 30,000-strong army, first pass the decrees of the messengers, and let them leave the city separately, when our people will annihilate them in the wild."

"You must first prepare, who has the greatest power, and from whom, I am going to the embassy of Nobori, where there are four thousand good nightshades, it is time to come in handy."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Well, I will arrange this and listen to my uncle's command at any time."

Sha Lijie took it for granted and quickly went to work.

There was a sneer in the corner of Qin Yu’s mouth.

In addition to the 30,000 ban, the Shazi dynasty is really the messenger of these seventeen prisons. Only by the Black Three Nightshade, once they attack, these people will be tempered and impossible to fight.

It is really possible to completely remove these forces, and only collapse from the internal collapse.

And Sha Lijie officially disintegrated a sharp knife of the Shazi Dynasty!

Qin Lan took the wild token and entered the embassy of the Yaksha. The five thousand-night-in-law soldiers watched the troops in Wangcheng frequently, but they could not receive any relevant orders, which made them restless.

"Who is the person in charge here?" Qin asked.

"Qin Daren, I am!"

A general who was close to the six-footed Yaksha came out and sang.

"Very good, the wild lord and the wild lord in the city of Shaz, the unfortunate murder of King Shaz, now I have pleaded with you, got the opportunity to return to the wild city."

"There will be a war soon, and from now on, you have a fragrant time to evacuate."

"Time is too late, let's go."

Qin Lan took out the wild token and threw it to the general.


"The city owner and the elder are dead?"

The people lost their hearts and suddenly panicked.

At this moment, the soldiers and horses moved around frequently, and their hearts were even more chaotic. Under the urging of Qin Yu, the general manager of the Yakwu, who led the four thousand morale, quickly went out of the city.

Qin Lan does not need to care about the outside of the city. He believes that with the ability of Hei San, all the people have been liberated at this moment, waiting for the four thousand people on the road.

As for whether he wants to kill or want to drop, it is not what Qin has to consider.

He only knows that Black Three will lead his powerful tribes like ghosts, so that the embassies of the prisons will drink and hate on the banks of the Black River.

Solved this wave of power, Qin Hao kept on going, and went straight to the embassy of the capital city.

The Embassy is extremely styled and is stationed in the regular black army of Wangcheng. It is well-trained and has strict discipline. It is by no means a distraction composed of other exiles in the embassy.

The messenger of Wang Chenglai is called Chen Kang!

If Qin Hao remembers correctly, the Shen Lingxing is the foreign minister, who is in charge of this piece. With his relationship with the Shenxing Bank, it is very possible to mobilize this group of people.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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