The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1769: 1 more parting

"I, I am not willing."

"I am a disciple of Gorefiend. You dare to move me a hair. My master will definitely kill you."

The curse of Sha Mau's face.

She knows that the end has arrived, and she has not been able to produce any capital for change. Only by virtue of the reputation of the teacher, she seeks a trace of survival.

"Bloody? Do you think I care about him?"

Qin Xiao's sneer, let Sha Moer despair.

Seventeen took a deep breath and drained the last trace of blood from Shamo. When she was about to stun, Qin’s hand covered her heavenly spirit: “I like smart people, just as there are no women in Fangshan. You should be honored that you are about to be my first female slave."

"Fang inch mountain, female slave?"

Shamo is a little embarrassed.

However, this is not important. She only felt that the weak god, which was eroded by seventeen poisons, flew to the pure white light, where she was about to start a new destiny and reincarnation.

The cleaning of the Yakzu family continues, the gates of Shazi City are closed, and the greedy Shaz people bear the price for their tens of thousands of years of sin with blood and life.

Until the next morning, the bodies in the city had been piled up like mountains, and they were transported to the outside of the city and burned.

In the city, the Yakzu people began to wash the blood of the ground with water.

Until the evening, I couldn’t see a Shaz in the city again, and I couldn’t smell the smell of blood anymore. From the wild city and the underground market, the Yaksha people gathered in the kingdom of Shazi, in the grand The Guangfu celebration celebrated their freedom and celebrated their new leader.

Under the witness of 10,000 people, Black Three became the new generation of Yaksha of the Yaksha family, and Shazi City was changed to Guangfu City.

Since the revision of the Black Three has not yet entered the robbery period, it is difficult to be named as the ghost king of Heishui Hell from the strength point of view, but this is a matter of time, Chen Kang has already made a ticket, as long as the Black Three is in Heishui Hell. After doing the results and making the repairs, he will report to Qin Guangwang for the first time, requesting that the blacks be the king.

The Guangfu celebration was held for seven days and seven nights.

While the Yaksha people are in the carnival, the Black Three is not happy at all. He knows that once he stays, he can no longer follow his brothers and masters. In the past, the days of **** battles will always be the past.

Gobi high cliffs.

The black storm finally receded, leaving only the sandstone that was full of vistas.

The wind is still blowing, shaking the silver hair of Qin.

He looked at the distance, the peace of mind.

He hasn't been so quietly admiring this picturesque mountain for a long time, and his heart is numb, painless and harmless.

The strong is always lonely!

"Hey brother!"

Black three came over and kneeled on his back.

"Get up and talk, you are now a leader, the king of Blackwater, the knee is the pillar of black water, how can you bend?"

Qin Hao did not turn around, faint.

"No, no you, no black three today, you saved me and saved the Yaksha family."

"Oh brother, your kindness to us is high, the sea is deep, and the black three can't hate the heart and the heart, and witness the reverence for you."

The black three eyes are red, and the tears are spinning in the eye sockets.

"You and I are brothers. It doesn't make sense to say these words."

"The black water **** has just been rebuilt, and the messengers of the prisons will not be willing to give up. After that, you must be more defensive, and never give people a chance."

Qin Yudao.


Black three lead life.

"Okay, go back, I should be on the road."

Qin Lan looked at the standing under the Gobi, and waved his hand to the snow, and his face showed a smile.

"Hey brother, I want to go with you, I don't want to be a leader, I don't want to be a **** king, but I want to follow your footsteps, fight bloody, and die."

Black three suddenly stood up and braved the courage.

He knows well that this road has been the disappearance of the three people of Sun Piaoyu, and then the separation of the little dance. This is absolutely cruel torture for the feelings of empathy and righteousness.

"No, the Yaksha family is a natural warrior. I don't trust anyone."

"You know, your army, in the future is attacking the car, the weapon of hell, black three, stay, this is your mission!"

Qin Lan turned and looked at the black and white of tears and tears.

"But, brother, me, I really can't bear you, I..."

Black three no pain, sobbing and crying.

He is a man who sheds tears and tears. He told him that he must not cry when he left. However, he could not control it.

He will never forget that the boy in front of him sheltered him from the wind and rain, and blessed him to rise step by step.

It was Qin Yu who gave him dignity and gave him wisdom!

There is no Qin, there is no black three!

"Leave it, and marry the beautiful Yasha girl, let your blood pass."

"Once I decided to go back to the 18 prisons, it was when you and I joined forces again."

"Today's parting is only for tomorrow's gathering."

"Goodbye, my brother."

Qin Lan patted the shoulders of Black Three, and his body shape was like a flying bird in the moonlight. Several ups and downs have already gone down the high cliff.

"Hey brother!"

Black three painful screams.

Heroes and kings are always lonely, but Hei San hopes to be the last person to accompany him and witness his life.

Hey, wait for me!

The Warriors of the Yaksha are waiting for the news of your return, and they will enter the 18 prisons and build the mountains together.

"Master, I have gone one more, how, the big fool didn't cry?"

Mi Xue tried to make himself laugh naturally, look good.

She just stood underneath and saw the lonely figure of Qin Xiao, who had already cried a long time.


Qin Xiao smiled a little and took Ma Dabu to go forward.

Go one more!

No matter how many winds and rains in the future, I must hold Master's hand tightly and never let go of my life.

Mi Xue silently told himself to the bank of the Black River, Xie Bin's big ship has long been waiting.

"Hou Ye, where are we going next time?"

Xie Bin asked.

He could have returned to the city without a life, just because of the worship of Qin Yu, Xie Bin decided to **** Qin Yubei all the way, as long as the ship can also be used, he has been a boatman of Qin.

"Two prisons."

Qin Yu said simply.

The boat departs along the Blackwater River and heads north.

Whether there is a birth warrant or a rich property, it is also peaceful.

This walk is for more than half a month. Through this period of time, Qin Lan meditated daily and finally recovered the cultivation and broke through to the beginning of the road.

This can only be said to be unfortunate fortunate. If the side effects of the mad **** Dan are poisonous, he is completely abolished.

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