The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1788: Great spirits

She did not know that her love was destined to become a tragedy.

Qin Lan is not a saint. There is no such fraternal heart. He knows a few things with him. Even if she is beautiful and moving, it is difficult to really touch his heart.

This is a use, this is a power.

Very cruel, but very real.

However, Qin Zhen will never have the slightest soft heart and soft hands. However, Wangye always wants to build on countless corpse and blood. Today, he is not cruel, Wangye has no time, and there will be more soldiers in the future to sacrifice his blood. .

So destined, you can only be a victim of his life.

"Princess, you are the baby of your family, and I naturally can't treat you badly."

"I know that the princess is definitely good at Qin Lan's life. It is better to go to my house."

After the kiss, Qin Xiao smiled.

"Marry a chicken with a chicken and a dog with a dog, as long as you are Qin Yu enough."

"However, you are all open, and I can go to your house to see my uncle."

You can face the red ear equator.

"it is good!"

Qin Lan took her and went to the inner city and the east.

Chengdong is the wealthy area of ​​the West Island. Most of them are purchased by people who buy and sell here. The West Island Aquatic Products is the first in Hell. The sea contains countless treasures, spar and fishery resources. If Qin Yu’s 18 prisons, etc., purchase the spiritual salt of life, because of the large span and inconvenient transportation, it is possible to purchase more than ten times the price of the prison near the prison.

In this way, there are countless merchants who wander between the big hells, earning the difference between the two, one by one rich.

If we say that eighteen hells, except for the capital, the richest and most valuable is undoubtedly the second prison.

This is a treasure land that any prince and ambitious person will see, and the four brothers of the family are usually united, and each one is highly cultivated. This makes the outsiders have no chance.

But this time, the ambition of Yu Xin’s ambition and self-destruction of the Great Wall may be a good opportunity for Qin Yu.

Qin Lan took a very slow walk, and many people greeted them all the way. Qin Hao also politely nodded, which made the Princess feel that he is his own Prince Charming.

Because you can be close to the people, the same is true of the man you like today. How can you not call her happy?

The slowness of Qin Lan’s walking is dragging time.

If all goes well, Xie Bin should find him a house.

At the 78th East Street, Qin House, this is it.

This Qin government looks quite stylish. Even in these rich areas, it is more striking. There are two stone lions made of pure gold at the door. The door is also written by Zhang Zhidao, a famous calligraphy man of hell.

If it is used to support the facade, it is definitely enough grade.

From these words alone, it is not like a temporary creation. I don’t know how Xie Bin used it. I can find a house that is so identifiable.

Qin Yu secretly took a deep breath, but if he entered his house, he slammed, the door opened from the inside, dozens of temples high uplifted, strong, capable black robe big man, neatly arranged, and shouted: Good young man."

Immediately after the old man who looked like a housekeeper, he ran over and nodded and nodded. "Young master, you are back, the master is back, waiting for you inside."

"Oh, my father is back?"

Qin Zhen was really thundered. These guys are well-trained and do not have the slightest effect as a performance. But this is a cheaper one, and Xie Bin is a chicken feather.

"Yeah, please, please."

The housekeeper smiled.

Qin Lan took some nervous shackles and entered the lobby. As soon as he entered the hall, he saw a long-haired black and white mix, and the meticulous young man who was combing his body, was in the worship of the Qin family.

When the fragrance was finished, the man turned around and turned his face into a majestic smile: "Oh, this is a princess!"

I go!

Qin Hao’s eyes have been, and he almost jumped up without excitement.

Uncle, this person is actually Zhang Daling.

Yes, even after reading it a few times, it was indeed Zhang Daling. The face that I liked to deliberately slap on the board, the shiny hair was a little bit old, but still so meticulous.

"Small sputum, cough, how, my father left for a few months, unfamiliar."

"The princess is here, and it is polite in the Qin Dynasty."

Zhang Daling secretly suppressed the sorrow and excitement of his heart, and bowed his hand to the child.

He knows that from now on, every word and every word of hiss is very likely to bring disaster to Qin Qin. Be cautious and cautious.

"Mr. Qin, please."

Qi Keer quickly helped Zhang Daling, this is the future Taishan adults, she also expected to make a good impression.

"When is the father coming back, everything is ok at home."

Qin Lan sat down and asked calmly.

"Everything is fine, grandfather, wife is healthy, business is booming, there are your uncles taking care of you, everything is fine, I don't take it out to see you. When I entered the city, I heard your kid participate in the recruitment."

"It's just that our Qin family is just a small family who is doing business. How can we match the daughter of the Dragon King? Your kid has this good life. You have to treat the princess badly."

Zhang Daling said.

"Uncle, it’s a good life, I met my brother."

He can hold Qin's hand and be gentle.

"Princess, it's not too late, let's stay together for a dinner party."

"Just don't know that this is not the rule of your royal family. We are all people in the mountains, and we don't know how to do it."

Zhang Daling Road.

"The uncle is polite. In the future, he may stay with his brother for a long time. Naturally, it is subject to the rules of the Qin family."

Hey, he bowed his head and was ashamed.

"Father, if you want to do a few hometown dishes in person, I haven’t eaten it for a long time, it’s weird."

Qin Yudao.

"Well, I am coming, this time, my grandfather, grandmother knows your mouth, deliberately taught me a few side dishes, I am going to cook, you wait."

Zhang Daling got up and bowed to the princess and turned and walked inside.

I just walked into the inner Zhang Daling’s tears flowed down. This road came to **** in the end of his life. I thought that I couldn’t see Qin Hao in this life. Now it’s hard to meet again. This kind of joy is really amazing. .

"Hey, your father is really easygoing, the business is so big, and he personally cooks, in hell, this kind of family is really rare."

"At least my father never gave me a meal, even when I was sick, he just sent a doctor to see me, and rarely really cared about me."

I don’t have envy, but at the same time, I am full of embarrassment for myself to live in such a family.

"Yeah, okay, don't see it. In the future, we are a family."

Qin Hao looks very dull. He doesn't want to deceive his deceit, but it is fate and can do it.

One day, when he destroys his family and takes away all the glory of the family of the Dragon God, perhaps he can only hate it.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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