The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1799: Tit-for-tat

"Hey Ma, the king is heavy on your heart, and the boxing is visible."

"His words are already very obvious. Ling Qiu ruined Yalong, and tomorrow, this thing is done, and the king will reuse you."

"Don't let the king disappoint, do it well."

Gongsun ink patted Qin's shoulder and smiled and yelled.

"Thank you for your guidance."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Hey, I’m so outside, we’re going to be our own people, and I’m a big governor, don’t forget to be old.”

"Don't bother you, Yan Yalong is in the prison of Wangcheng. In addition, his son's wanted book, Ma Ma also has to grasp."

"The grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows again. Although it is a waste, it is afraid that someone will take him to play tricks, or it will be executed early."

Gongsun ink eyes drifted to the west of the city, suggesting that he should go to the embassy to take people.

"Mr., where do you want to escape?"

Qin Lan asked.

"Qin Hou, Qin Hou, this person is the ambition of life. This person has disappeared for a long time. Once he came back and subverted the two layers of hell, this time he must be poor, and he is likely to borrow the death of Yalong."

"My grandfather is going to go to Houyefu to take people. The old man promises that you have at least 60% chance of winning, and this can also show your heart like the four kings. How do you get it in one fell swoop?"

Gongsun ink is in his sleeves, which means deep and long.

"The grandson of the grandson is not the first wise man. After you dial a little, Qin Mou is open."

Qin Hao looked at the old thief and laughed.

The heart is more of a two-pointed guard against this old thief. Every word of this guy is a trap, it is a pit, but at the moment, he is Yu Longshan Qin Yu, from the identity of Ma Maye, Gongsun The proposal of Mexico is indeed beneficial to him.

"It’s all of you, you’re busy, you have to stop the water, don’t bother.”

Gongsun ink arched his hand.

"Shiji, you have heard the words of Mr. Gongsun, let me go to the embassy."

Qin Lan went to see the soldiers shooting the people, and the happy laughter of the world, before the death of the world, pretending to be close.

"Well, it’s rare for Hummer to take this as a brother, and Shiji’s face is still to be given."

"Big Brother, you can also take a trip with me."

"Listen to your infernal hell, Qin Hou will be a soldier, and today there is a horse, we are going to find a place to go."

Ruan Shiji turned his head to the side of the twilight son to clear the way.

As soon as he mentioned Qin Hou, the sinister sorrow of the world changed his face. It was not only that he had an army, but his life roots were gone. Of course, apart from his father, others did not know.

He can't wait to make Qin Hou a thousand knives, and now he must have less action on his site.

"Great, go!"

He did not hesitate to open the world.

Qin Lan went to the palace and ordered five hundred guards. Everyone rushed to the embassy. Because of the turmoil in the city, the prisoners were uneasy.

"Step aside!"

"Step aside!"

The soldiers sipped, and Qin Hao was cold-faced, and until the 17th and so on, Rao Shiji just wanted to kick the door. Qin Hao raised his hand and stopped him: "What do you want?"

Yu Shiji was glanced at him, and the power did not consciously take a step back.

Qin Lan rang the door and the door opened. Xie Bin smiled and said: "It turned out that the two dragon princes, the prince Ma arrived, is this?"

"Let's go in for a cup of tea, adults don't mind?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Of course, please come in."

Xie Bin raised his hand and asked.

The crowd was inside, and the seventeen were playing chess with Mi Xue. They saw three people and raised their hands to indicate that Mi Xue had retired. The former proudly said: "Good tea is ready, Prince, please take a seat."

Then, I went to the side of the world and said: "Prince, let's meet again, is it better?"

"Qin Hou, you are less proud, here is the second prison, I must count this account, and teach you to pay the price."

The world’s cold face is hateful.

"Today we don't mention hatred, come is a guest, sit down!"

Seventeen heroes laughed.

"Hou Ye, I am not going around the circle. According to reliable information, the sin will have escaped from the son of Yalong, and the father and son have had a face-to-face with Hou Ye. It is expected that the friendship will not be shallow. Do you know if Hou Ye knows where he is going? ”

Qin Lan asked coldly.

"Oh, my grandfather seems to have heard the wind. It is well known that I have met with me and met with me. Do you think I am sheltering an enemy?"

"Again, the Prince of the World has never wanted my life all the time. I am already unable to protect myself. How can I go to such a drowning?"

Seventeen **** smashed the cup, and the eyebrows rose, and asked coldly.

"Who wants to cover up, who knows if you are deliberately acting?"

"Hou, if you don't mind, can we search?"

Qin Hao held the hand at the table and asked for a **** for tat.

"Are you sure you are coming to drink tea?"

Seventeen also leaned down, and the two eyes rubbed a strong smell of gunpowder in the air.

"When you finish the business first, then drink tea, Hou Ye wants to be innocent, why should he stop it, is it a ghost?"

Qin Xiao sneered.

Both of them are instinctually invested. The two of them are also sighing that Qin Lan is indeed a family member. This is Qin Hou.

"If I don't?"

The murderousness of the seventeenth body spread, and the **** red gas spread along the table.

"Then I can only regret that Hou Ye is taking his own humiliation."

Qin Hao did not let it, the two Rao infuriated at the table, rubbed, the cup of the table followed.

"It seems that the grandfather is really moving, or after all, it is your territory, and the guests will follow the Lord."

"Search it."

Seventeen yin cold smile, faint.

In fact, he also wondered what the meaning of Qin Qin was to express, but Qin’s attitude seemed to be real, and I am afraid that the inside story is complicated and only concessions.

And his concession, in the eyes of Yu Shikai and others, is also logical. After all, Qin Hou has just been seriously injured, he really has no problem.


Qin Hao has a big hand.

The soldiers rummaged through the entire courtyard on the second floor, but there was no result.

"Hey, he didn't find it."

Wei long road.

"驸马爷, you should sit down and have a cup of tea."

"Xie Bin, change tea sets, tea."

The seventeenth look is light.

"Not urgent!"

Qin Hao’s eyes fell on a box in the corner, and the box looked like a suitcase. It didn’t look like it could hide a slap.

"Can Hou open him?"

Qin Hao asked.

"It's just some of Mississippi's carry-on clothes. In order to avoid suspicion, I don't think I have to."

Xie Bin’s face was tight and blocked.

"The safer the place I listen to, the safer I am. I am doing business. I think more about everything, maybe I will take it inside?"

Qin Lan walked to the side of the box and slammed it down.

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