The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1806: 3 end of the dragon

"Second brother, I admit that the fathers are ridiculous, but our four brothers have no suspicion. In these years, I and the third and fourth are also painstaking, not only returning all your seas, but also helping the three islands. You rebuild, it is just that you don't want to split up."

“Don't the three of us do the same for the faults of our fathers?”

"The next generation knows that the power of the second prison lies in the sum of the four dragons. It is that Guangwang can't resist the power of our four dragons. Now, you are openly fighting, making such a ridiculous thing, you are destroying. Drop the entire prison."

"Is it the son of Gongsun, the dog thief who made you, the second brother, wake up, let us split and only teach those ambitious ambitions to succeed."

Dawning from the overall situation is still patient and persuasion.

"Haha, rebuild? Return to the sea, are you laughing?"

"If it wasn't for me and Yalong to bear the burden, I would work hard to build an invincible navy, and build a neighboring sea defense squad, with independent strength, will you return it?"

"No, you are the navy who fears Yalong. You can't break my Haiphong array. So, is it wrong to choose a compromise?"

"Why do you want to give Yalong the second prisoner the general manager of the Navy? Do you want to win over Yalong? You just underestimated the loyalty of Yan Yalong, so he retired and sealed to show friendship. When I am going to kill Yan Yalong At the time, you are all over the dark, I finally stupidly removed your heart disease."

"As for why the whole two prisons and four islands are proposed, isn't it necessary to take the essence of my second prison?"

"This time, you have come here, is it really to help me rebuild the Dragon Ball? I think you have even guessed that the dragon is taken away by me, but you are still defeated by your own greed."

"Because you know that only the four beads can unite to surrender the sea dragon, so no matter what tricks I play, you will eventually promise to repair the beads."

"The Haiphong Array can help you build it, and the Navy can share it, because those things are not really core strengths."

"I want a dragon. What I want is the dragon ball that your ancestors passed down."

"I am very fortunate that I have been dying for 10,000 years. I finally waited for this opportunity. Will you let me go? You must pay for your stupidity and greed."

The sneer of disdain is full of sarcasm to San Rao, as if they have become dead.

Twilight three faces are angry and shy, **** you kill me, how can there be any real affection, they are indeed running in the sea dragon, but also thought about the consequences, even if the four people share the sea dragon But they never dreamed that they would have such ambitions and wanted their lives.

"I believe that you have swallowed up our three-in-one Dragon Ball, and repaired it all in ours, but our body strength has not decreased, and Dragon Ball has seven points of energy, and the three of us join hands to kill you. It’s as easy as crushing an ant."

Derogatory and cold.

"Scared me?"

"I don't even think about it, dare to play with you?"

"Do not worry, I have already prepared a special meal for you."

"I don't know if you have smelled a faint sigh. If you think about it, you should understand what it is."

Yu Xin sneered.


When the three people of the Twilight were moving, they suddenly felt crispy, and the atmosphere of Dantian was rapidly weakening. The lowest point of the shackles was that the mind turned a bit, and the body swayed and stood up against the chair.

"Made is the smell of drought and flood, and I believe that you are a sick and mad beast. You dare to violate the ancestral legacy and use the things of drought and flood to restrain the Dragon Ball."

"You must not die, you will be retribution."

Yu Zhong screamed and yelled.

The three people have just been rumored to be ruined. At this moment, they are very poisonous and attacking. They are all suffering and they are still moving.

"Haha, it’s not too stupid to see you, yes, the line of fragrant ancestors of the Dragon God is mixed with the spit of the marmot and the bone powder. This smell is harmless to people, but it is the blood of the dragons that you claim to be intoxicating. , but it is the most powerful and overbearing deadly poison."

Gongsun ink came out from the side, no gloomy road.


Yu Xin went to the table, first took a palm in the golden statue of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and the East Sea Dragon King of the head of the four dragon gods suddenly turned into ashes.

"I believe that you are a bully who destroys your ancestors."

Twilight screamed in pain.

"Don't worry, it's not finished yet."

Yu Xinji laughed and smashed the two statues of the South China Sea and the North Sea.

Looking at the ancestral gods was destroyed, and the three smothers directly vomited blood.

"Oh, from now on, there are no more big dragons in the world. Only the Xihai Dragon King is the only dragon bloodline."

"My big brother, three younger brothers, and four younger brothers, don't you be so sad? You are not always a family, are you a brother? By my family, I will pass on, and my family will only be more brilliant."

"Of course, you can rest assured that I know that you are used to being a grandfather, so I will let your wife, children, and cronies come to accompany you soon."

Yu Xin went to the front of the three people, and smiled with sympathy.

"Insane, I believe you are crazy, you kill three of us, the soldiers of the Three Islands will never serve you, you still can't sit still."

The poison of the marmots violently eroded the blood of Sanrao, and they began to vomit blood.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I gather the four dragons and pearls, I won the gods and sea dragons, and there is a dragon dragon to help me. It is the king of the Jinguang Temple of Qin Guangwang. He is afraid that he will let me seven points. Who would dare not accept me? ”

"So, no three brothers worry about me."

The conviction of murder and sorrow, further let the three dragon kings despair.


The three people were vomiting blood again, and it was already speechless.

" can be used."

Gongsun ink is a cold reminder.

Qin Hao sympathized to see the three people, greed is the instinct of human beings, not wrong, they are wrong, or too underestimated the ambition of Yu Xin, this has been such a disaster.

But if they are a little wary, it is not so easy to believe that they want to succeed.

However, this is undoubtedly a big good thing for Qin Qin, the second prison is the richest hell, any island can be an enemy, and the key is that this is a jail, there are other large navals that **** can never be, in the future By building a larger and stronger sea defence array, you can become the safest place to stay.

Qin Lan can arrange the headquarters of Yunjia and Daqinjun here. At the same time, parents come to have a place to live in, and they can be guaranteed.

Originally the most difficult to win, even Qin Guangwang are helpless two prisons, so because of the split, from the internal collapse.

This is not a good opportunity.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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