The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1827: 4 island 1


The door of the prison was kicked open, and the cold came in, and coldly dropped a **** sack in front of Yan Wencai. "Look, open it and see."

Yan Wen collected a tremor, took a deep breath, and slowly opened his pocket, which was six human heads.

Fortunately, not his relatives and friends.

He knew all these six people. He was a native of the Navy in the Navy’s camp. He was flying in the air and often confronted his father.

Now that the six people are dead, the only answer is that Master has succeeded.

He looked up and Qin did not know when it appeared at the door.

His body shape is hidden in the light and shadow, incomparably deserted and chilled.

"Master." Yan Wencai shouted with excitement.

"Writing, it's time for you!"

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

There was nothing in the essays, and the look was positive. He respectfully gave him three heads.

He knows that the family can finally be renamed, and his waste can once again take over his father's handsome flag and reorganize the river.

This short month, for the literary essays, life has undergone a tumultuous change.

He is no longer the second ancestor of the martial arts, the death of his father, the jail of prison, he experienced life and death, experienced pain, torture, from this moment, he will become a brave, fearless fighter.

The task assigned by Qin Lan to Yan Wencai was very simple. He summoned the old department of Yan Yalong and reorganized the West Island Navy.

The West Island is second only to the East Island among the four islands. The overall strength is not as good as that of the East Island, but the military strength is the strongest among the four islands. Otherwise, the four islands will not propose the joint defense of the Navy and build a sea defense.

"Master, my father is now a sinner. I am using his banner to summon those uncles. They will not listen, and they will even be counterproductive."

I have a lot of heart, but I still have some concerns.

"Don't worry, I am ready for you."

"Now, when I go to the market, I will give your father a sensation."

Qin Yu mysteriously laughed.

Yan Wen picked up and followed Qin to the market.

The market mouth has long been crowded, countless gold and silver jewels piled up like a mountain, and Han Han is leading the guards to maintain the order of the scene.

"Hey, come to Ma!"

With a long drink, Qin Yu and Yan Wen Cai went to the stage.

“Everyone may be surprised, why are there so many gold and silver jewels piled up here?”

"These are all compensation for you, because you were persecuted by a conspiracy. In that conspiracy, your loved ones and friends lost their lives innocently."

"I know that these jewels can't save those lives, but this is the only sincerity I can come up with."

Qin Lan did not have any nonsense on the stage, and he immediately opened the door to see the mountain road.

Although the people underneath are immersed in grief, they are confused by the so-called conspiracy. The market for large-scale vegetables has no one to say.

"Wen Cai, you come to give everyone compensation materials." Qin said.

When the essays were taken out, he would never forget how painful the heart was when the jailer told him that his father’s flesh and blood were being eaten by these people.

But now he must forget these pains, because he wants to do things, can not do without everyone in this land.

Yan Wencai took the lead and took the lead, but the people below did not do it.

In their view, Yan Yalong was the executioner of the last disaster. They would never allow a sin son to distribute the materials carrying the pain, so that it would undoubtedly spread salt on the wound.

"A dog thief, roll off the stage."

"We can't do anything that the dog walks."

The bottom of the moment is boiling, and the sound of the big bang is endless.

"Do you know why you want to choose him for distribution? Because he is also a victim, he is more painful and aggrieved than any of you."

Qin Hao looked calmly at everyone, and said coldly.

In the words, he waved two papers to the air, and the paper burned with a blazing flame, rushing up and turning into two pictures.

In the picture, Yu Xinfeng, Qiu and Gongsun Mo gave the Qin dynasty ordered to break the defense, and how to frame the 娄亚龙, the other three kings, each of their words, each expression clearly appeared in the air.

In another piece of paper, what emerged was the words of Zhai Yalong's loyalty before his death. His sorrow, helplessness, and the ambiguity of the people were vivid.

Everything is plain.

Once again, the scene was dead, and they realized that they had blamed their big governor.

The real culprit is the conviction that their king, in order to self-interest, will not hesitate to ruin the pillars and be buried with more than 13,000 people.

Is this still their king?

Kill the minister, kill the brother, this is the devil! It is a beast!

"You don't have to be angry, because the real culprit is already in trouble!"

"Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!"

Qin Hao stunned everyone, and suddenly drank.

With a burst of tight sound, the head of Yuxin slowly descended from the wall of the market.

The king, with his sinful sin, sent himself to Lin.

"Father, you have suffered!"

Yan Wencai can no longer suppress the grievances and pains of his heart, and sighs and screams.

"Great Governor!"

All the people in the audience are squatting, repenting and blaming themselves for being shackled.

For a time, the people's heart is attached, and a coup is so easily accepted in the remorse of the people.

Even no one asked more, how did the letter die? Who killed it.

For the people, they only know that they believe in damn, and all their jealousy has turned into a support for literary grace.

When the jewels were divided, the people and soldiers had completely died of the whole dynasty dynasty, and Yan Wencai and Qin dynasty became the new heroes in their hearts.

As the princess went away, the clan clan members were all executed, and the grand event in the palace was temporarily taken over by Qin.

Qin Lan immediately appointed Yan Yalong as the governor of the capital and took over his father's position.

Yan Yalong summoned his father's old man. Since Yan Yalong has been able to indulge in Zhao Xue, the public will have no objection to Yan Wencai's takeover.

Since then, the strongest navy of the whole **** has been officially taken over by Yu At the same time, Qin Yu carried out the cleaning of the old people of the old family, the Yi family, who are guilty, and Yan Xian, etc. All those who have been linked to death will be executed. As for the old and the weak, in order to prevent future threats to the second prison, although they have not been riddled with roots, they will all be distributed to the Heihei Hell, which will be taken care of by the Yaksha family.

Since then, West Island has completely controlled the hand of Zheng in the Qin Dynasty.

Next, Yan Wencai led the public and entered the other three islands.

Among the three islands, the other clan clan people lost their hearts and minds of the dragon king. The hearts of the people were heartless and they had no intention of fighting. The princes and grandfathers had swept away their money and fled.

There are real powers that have the heart to take advantage of the opportunity, and they are unable to resist the squad of the Navy.

With the constant drop of people in the pools of the islands, it took less than a month, and all the three islands were captured, and the clan clan was cleaned up.

Since then, the entire four islands have been completely unified.

(End of this chapter)

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