The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1837: The rest are rubbish

The big head heard the groaning sound, and it trembled like an ancient memory. The whole person suddenly became awake. As if he was born again, every cell was screaming, and every blood was boiling.

It is king, his king is back.

The big head slowly turned around and looked at the boy in front of him. His appearance has completely changed, but the sly, ruthless pupils, and the breath of death on his body are familiar.

Yes, this is his king.

Like the butcher, the big head is the top ten murderer of Qin Lan.

The top ten murderers were extremely fierce, and their hands were covered with blood. They were not the highest, but they must be the most fierce and most vicious. However, after Qin Yu’s acceptance, they became the most loyal people.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind, and that is the guardian.

After the mysterious disappearance of Qin Yu, Luo Xiang and Che Ming each fought in the army, and the murderers left the north and reopened their wandering career.

I thought that I would never see my master again in my life. I didn't expect to meet in the cluster. The big head was excited and shivering. The knees were soft and almost fell down.

"Hou Ye..."

The big eyes were red, and the tears swirled in the huge eye socket.

"You have suffered these days when I am not there."

"This is not a place for you. You have to marry a woman. When I turn back, I will give you the master. If you fall down, don't fight."

"I am here to play, you see."

Qin Hao patted his shoulder and smiled lightly.


"Yeah is back, and the big head is still licking what "women", only wish to stay with Houye, and swear to loyalty."

The big head is grateful.

"My brother, people want to marry "women" to fight, what do you run to blend?"

"Big brothers, chances are rare, the heroes are there, if you defeat Jiang Zhong, I will promise you a beauty."

Yang De looked at the scene to be cold, and came over. He looked at Qin Hao with a cold eye and urged him.

"You promise? Do you have this qualification?"

Qin Xiao sneered.

"Who are you? Do you dare to talk to this official language, is it not too long?"

Yang De didn't think that someone dared to hit him in public, and suddenly his old face pulled down and shouted.

"Shut up, what kind of dog thing do you dare to mad at this, believe it or not, let me kneel down your dog's head, eat raw?" The big face "color" is angry, the mouthful of the fangs creaking, cold sensation The threat of the road.


Although Yang De is a good man, and he is in a high-ranking position, it is not good to follow the big man in the big crowd. Only he has to endure this bad smell and go away.

"Yang Gong, it seems that your lord is like this, is there anyone under the hand?"

"Isn't there a passionate son, isn't it? Where is the other person, isn't he afraid of my name, and the turtle?"

On the court, Jiang Zhong abolished the snakes, and he was a mad "sex" masterpiece. He couldn't control whether Yang De was his own or not. He yelled at the big door.

Yang De secretly sneaked into this idiot, and his eyes went to the next sweep. Where is the figure of Yan Yan, it is not difficult at all.

Just as he was helpless, a **** figure flew out of the mountains. A few miles away, with one arm and a wave, a black mist ran with speed: "宵休猖狂狂,燕玺here!"

This loud drink, like a thunder, the whole venue of the earthquake swayed, repaired to a little bit worse, such as Ye Feizhi, the chest on the spot was boring, the throat bloody, was directly shocked into internal injuries.

The people present, along with Chen Taikang, have not changed their face, but this repair is enough to shock the audience.

"Jiang Zhongxin!"

The dark fog came instantly, and when it was near, all the talents saw that it was clearly a hill.

With such a long distance, it is a divine power to control a hill directly with divine power.


Jiang Zhong looked at the hill that had been pressed down. He suddenly felt like an ant at the foot of an elephant. It was like a weak, awkward, and even rebellious thoughts were hard to rise.

The hills are heavy!

Dust and dust!

When the smoke and dust dissipated, I don’t know when, there was a young man wearing a **** red robes in the field. The youth’s face was gloomy and evil. The narrow eyes and eyes were connected to each other. Being hooked up in the soul, the heart is fading.

"Lovely son, Yan Yan!"

Chen Taikang and others finally saw the walker of this mysterious family of secrets, the first impression, strong, special strong, unexpectedly powerful!

"What a cat and a dog dare to scream openly, are you all such a waste dog?"

Yan Yan’s sleeves, the whole hills turned into smoke and scattered, Jiang Zhong spit blood, fell on the ground and could no longer climb up. Just that mountain fell, crushing his steel-like bones, now it has become Waste people.


The big head under the sigh of relief, he finally understood why Qin Hao did not let him go to power to fight.

There are Yan Yan, there is really no such thing as him.

This guy is too strong!

"Yan Yan, you kill me when you shoot, when I am no one?"

Chen Taikang took a table and grew up, and his body violently erupted. The two qi and yang enthusiasm rolled up two whirlwinds behind him, holding him slowly flying in the air, as if he was as powerful as God.

"Yes, Zhai Zong can make me look up, it is only Ouyang Xiong, and the rest are rubbish!"

Yan Yan is extremely cold and proud.

He does have arrogant capital. Although he is not the most powerful figure of Yan's younger generation, he is also considered to be the leader of the different generations. The cultivation has reached the peak of the late stage of the return to life, and it is only one step away from the robbery, especially It is a blood-stained god, has been cultivated to the neighbors five, look at the whole, in addition to the masters of the robbery period, there are indeed defiance of the capital of all living.

"Let's let go, let the old man come to meet you."

Chen Taikang must be flying to fly both hands and one Yang, the surrounding breath instantly seems to have been evacuated, and turned into two sharp one black and one white yin and yang sword, according to Yan Yan.

"Yin and Yang double swords, Yang Jian killed, Yin sword destroys God, hehe!"

As a long-time master, Chen Taikang is indeed embarrassed. This Yang Jian is extremely infertile, but the Yinjian is ghostly and shadowless. Each has its own moves and is freely retracted. It really has a generation of masters.

Every elder of Mou Zong has his own stunts. Chen Taikang can sit on two seats. He has a place where he is extraordinary. This yin and yang is a man who made himself according to the Fuxi gossip.

At this point, the two swords came out, Shenweihehe, the people present were all praise.

Even the arrogant Yan Yan’s eyes paid more respect, and sneered: “Chen Chang, although I look down on you, I have to, you are qualified to let me use three points.”

Yan Yan is crazy, but this three points is obviously a bragging word, but see him burst into a burst, with the blood suddenly rising, the whole person turned into a **** "color" steamer, in the air with the speed of light Spin, according to Chen Taikang mad.

(End of this chapter)

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