The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1839: Not self-reliant

This voice is like a cold current, frozen every present.

Yan Yan has killed Chen Taikang's existence. Whoever dares to slap his edge at this time is undoubtedly a dead end.

Everyone looked at the same person at the same time.

It was a very handsome, clean youth.

If Yan Yan is very handsome and full of evil spirits, then this young man is like his shadow, clean and innocent, and the pair of pupils bloom in the sun.

He is similar to Yan Yan's figure, handsome and handsome, wearing a white raglan gown, long hair with a ponytail hanging behind his head, with his noble, cold and proud gas field, giving people a bright blessing.

Rao is a well-informed generation of Yang De, and he has never seen this person.

However, a person who dares to challenge Yan Yan at this time is by no means a leisurely generation.

Yan Yan was very angry and surprised.

In addition to Chen Taikang, there are only three other elders and sects who dare to fight with him. Others dare to challenge him. Isn't that looking for death?

He turned his head violently, his eyes stunned and his murderous look at the young man who came slowly.

The gas field on his body is very stable and peaceful, just like a stagnant stagnant water, making it difficult to tell his depth.

However, Yan Yan does not care who he is, because no matter who he is, it is impossible to be the opponent of his blood Yan Yan family walkers.

"You, I better ask you first?"

Yan Yan evilly asked.

The young man proudly turned his head and said: "Yes, you should ask me."

"If I don't?" Yan Yan smiled, and he felt that this guy was so cute and cute.

"Then you have only one death!"

The youth are still very calm, but when the death word is exported, the chill of the cockroaches is that the murderers are also horrible.

Yan Yan caught a dangerous atmosphere, maybe he underestimated this guy.

"Yan does not fight against the unknown, do you think you are more powerful than Chen Taikang?" Yan Yan asked an eyebrow.

His questioning was slightly pale, and he could see it with a little bit of eyesight. In the gas field, Yan Yan had obviously lost three points.

"Chen Taikang is faint and incompetent, empty and famous, and death is not enough." The young man’s mouth showed a smile, just like a dog.

"Who are you?" The smile of the young man, Yan Yan’s heart turned out to be cold, and he could not help but ask.

"I will tell you, but it will be the moment you are mad."

The smile on the face of the youth is getting thinner and colder, and the Yan Yan is already dead.

Yan Yan has killed countless people in his life. What have you seen before? Under the anger, the body shape turned into a blood shadow, and then rushed, the first time opened the space.

"Bloodless, get up!"

After withdrawing from a hundred feet, Yan Yan’s hands were lifted, and a mountain in the distance slammed into a huge earthquake. The hard life was interrupted and interrupted by a bloodstream.

The hills are ten times more powerful than the one that just succumbed to Jiang Zhong. When Yan Yan used his hands to carry the mountain, the whole person trembled and looked at him. Obviously, he also made a strong effort to win.

"A good power of strength, and the ability to pull the mountain is not inferior to the master of the robbery."

Ye Fei was on the sidelines and snarled.

He has opened his eyes to this day, and he is such a person as Yan Yan, that is, the master of his master Gu Jianzong is also inferior.

There are such heroes as Yan Yan, and the conference today does not have anything for them.

"The surname Yan really has a bit of skill, which is almost the same as Hou Ye."

"Well, Yan Yan is really not allowed. He is just a walk of the Yan family. It seems that the Yan Lao Mo, as well as other top newcomers in the Yan family, are at least a period of robbery."

"It seems that I have to play again."

Qin Lan looked at the god-like swallow and laughed.

"Hou, you will not have a hatred with Yan family?" asked the big head.

"Nothing before, but who is good?" Qin Hao thought.

If Yan Dongyang really fled to Lin Fu, and has a relationship with the Yan family, there is a blood sea Yan family to back up, will certainly not give up, a war is a matter of time.

"The surname Qin, listen to your tone, like an expert."

"Then, who are the two people who win and lose?"

Gu Qing asked.

"In the three strokes, Yan Yan will be defeated." Qin Yu did not think about the rope.

"What? You mean that the person is even more powerful than Yan Yan?" Ye Fei and others were shocked.

Qin Lan looked at the youth on the field, as if he saw his own shadow, his temperament, demeanor, and the cold arrogance did seem to be a bit like himself.

But unfortunately, there is him here, and he can only be proud of him.


The half-mountain hill that Yan Yan raised up stopped at the sky above the ring!

The hills blocked the sun, and the gloomy hell, the more gloomy, dark, and filled with the dead air.

A curse a city, move the mountains to fill the sea!

A confrontation between the top **** of the hell, although Yan Yan can only lift half of the mountain, but it is enough to shock everyone present, after all, there are very few masters who can reach the robbery period.

"Being more powerful than me, ridiculous."

The young man sneered a sneer, but he waved his hand very casually. He suddenly moved to the mountain, and the bluestone platform that was wide and wide was violently shaken. Everyone was unstable and not panicked.

I saw the central part of Fujian and Taiwan, and a huge crack was opened in the life. A few thick bluestone tiles were divided from the middle, like a book, erected, stacked on top of each other, such as the same block. City wall.

go with!

The young man sighed coldly, and the bluestone wall was like a sharp knife. When the air went away, the mountain that had been lifted by the old swallows and the old ones was cut in half.


Of course, Yan Yan will not give up on this, and the two palms will be combined. The two bloods are forced to combine the hills that have been opened.

But apparently he met his opponent. The white youths hand-printed to fly up and down, the high wall fluttered in the air at a smashing angle. After three or two, the mountain limbs were broken into pieces.

Oh la la!

The half-mountain hill was dismembered, and the rock came in the air. The people quickly transported the magical powers and fought back.

"How could this be?"

"How can you break my strength!"

Yan Yan’s eyes were hard to see, and under the bluestone bombardment, he lost control of the hill.

He finally understood why this guy is so arrogant, he does have capital.

Who is he, why is there such a supernatural power, and it is terrible to cultivate himself to be able to steadily sway himself. When did this happen in the younger generation?

Yan Yan is full of cold sweat, almost desperate!

He is not Chen Taikang. It is a **** one. He originally wanted to use the power of the gods to live this guy who doesn’t know the highland. Now, it seems that he is not ugly.

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