The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1849: This life is slave

Low level character?

Although Qin Xiao had already understood the other side of the mountain, but he couldn’t help but hear the low-level words, he must know that he is now in the realm of the four emperors, but he has not yet received this character. The energy burst has already been traumatized.

If this really broke out, it might not be able to withstand it.

For the later comprehensions, this is a super-bomb-like existence.

"Peng An, like this, how much you have in your hand, I have to." Qin Hao said with great joy.

Peng An saw Qin Hao so appreciated, his face could not help but a little more joy, but he immediately lost the road: "Qin Emperor, really does not contradict each other, my Fu has long been ineffective in the long years, now can only draw this five Lei smashed the soul to play, and the late energy is weak, even if it is in the mountains, it is not enough to support me to open the road to paint the spell. Of course, my current spirit has just recovered, repairing is less than before First, this is the limit."

"Then I accepted this symbol, and I will wait until the later test results, Dan Bozi, you have to hurry up to refine the alchemy, help Peng An to restore the magical power as soon as possible, I also expect him to take out other craftsmanship to me."

The Qin dynasty three-stone glimmered and received five sacred charms.

With this paper, he is equivalent to one more life, and Ouyang Xiong is a higher and lower, and there is no doubt more two points.

"You can rest assured that the herbs in the nursery are now collected, and I will soon be able to refine the new medicinal herbs. There is still some confidence in helping Peng’s brothers break through." Dan’s son must smile.

"So I will thank the younger brother." Peng Anxi said.

After chatting a few words, Qin Lan left the back hill and went to the farmhouse for a turn. He was quite satisfied with the progress of Fangzhongshan construction.

Gu Qing was the new official who took up three fires. When he arrived here, Han Qing took her around to see and understand.

"Qin Emperor, I think there should be a name here. After all, they are also a part of Fang Congshan, called the farmhouse, the slave, how much will affect everyone's enthusiasm."

Gu Qing met with Qin, and suggested.

"Well, you can do it, I have to leave. This is a good opportunity for you to exercise. Don't let me down."

Qin Xiao smiled and said.

Leaving Fang Congshan, Qin Yu’s gods returned to the flesh, and the thunder and the big head were guarded by his side. When he saw him wake up, the two men were relieved.

As an ancient demon **** in the ancient times, Lei Mo’s cultivation is in Hell, which is second only to an emperor. He just went to the mountain, he can clearly feel the departure, but he can’t search for Qin Hao anyway. Mark of.

This made him have to pay more respect to the owner!

"Yeah, you are awake."

"There are already ready horses in the valley. Are you going up the mountain or going to worry-free city?"

The head is respectful.

"Is the passage up the mountain?" Qin asked.

"Only after the news came, Liang Shu has removed the sergeant who surrounded the Yunfeng, and he sent a messenger to talk, and he will meet with the host to discuss."

Big head.

"Well, I was going to kill him, it was the time!"

Qin Hao smiled lightly.

Out of the Accord, there was a man outside the door, wearing a red cloak, covered in blood, but not Yan Yan.

"Yeah, this guy has been here, you see..." Big head.

"Yan Yan met with the eighteen prison Qinhou!" Yan Yan raised his hands and once again bowed to worship.

"Do you know a person named Yan Dongyang?" Qin asked.

"Yan Dongyang?"

Yan Yan slammed for a moment and shook his head and said: "I don't know, this person may be an inferior slave. If the Yan family is a kingdom and there are countless people, I really can't remember having such a person."

"Go back." Qin Hao looked up at the sky, everything was unexpected.

If Yan Dongyang is really summoned back to the Yan family, it must be a secret thing. Yan Yan does not know it.

"Hou, can you accept me, even if it is to watch the door, I can't go back to Yanjia, even if I go back, they will kill me." Yan Yan looked up and his face was tears.

He knows better than anyone else, how terrible the Yan family's family law is, and he has only lost to Ouyang Rong who has lost the Yan family's face and become a waste.

If he is dead, he will be a little bit embellished. If he is alive and returning, his father’s prestige will be greatly damaged. It is undoubtedly self-deprecating.

"You are the one who will save you. The Yan Lao De will not dare to make it difficult for you. It is guaranteed to be rich and wealthy."

Qin Hao proudly took the hand.

"Really, really?" Yan Yan was shocked.

"Of course." Qin Xiao smiled.

He is now known as the Lord of the Three Prisons. Today, he became famous again. He killed Ouyang Rong and conquered the Thunder. The status and cultivation are all top-level. Yanjia will give a few faces, with Yan’s ambition. With him, the owner has a little bit of brain, not only will not kill Yan Yan, but also reuse him.

"Thank you, thank you!" Yan Yan repeatedly hoes.

"Don't thank me, I have, I need only a dog. You can use it for this truth. I hope that when you see you next time, your repair is higher than now."

Qin Hao waved with his hand, and a touch of repairs into the mark of Yan Yan's eyebrows.

Yan Yandeng felt that there was a real law in his mind, and he was able to melt the truth!

He knew that Qin Hao gave him the opportunity to be born again, but since then he was afraid that it was difficult to get rid of the fate of being a slave.

No matter what, it is more important than anything to be alive. Be a dog and be a dog.

After Yan Yan respectfully slammed a few heads, he squatted to the ground until Qin Hao went away and slowly raised his head.


Worry-free city.

Liang Shuming is at the moment of collapse. He is riding a roller coaster. He got the news at first, and Master and his brother were killed. As a result, the young master was born and easily defeated Yan Yan.

Before I had time to be happy, I heard the news that Ouyang Rong was killed.

What is even more frightening is that according to intelligence, this person named Qin Yu is the Qin Hou of the 18 prisons, and now the actual control of the black water hell, the innocent hell, and the second prison.

Such a powerful person is by no means what he can do with Liang Shuming.

At the same time, Liang Shuo transported Ouyang Rong’s body to Lushan’s mourning, and removed the Guardian of Liu Yunzong.

He is now completely panicked and doesn't know what to do.

"Great coach, just received the news, Qin Hou is coming to Wuyou City."

An old man with a goat's beard, a look of solemn confrontation with Liang Shudao.

Liang Shuo was around forty years old, his face was white, and he kept a neat tiger cub. He was a burly figure and looked like a martial artist.

"Wu Lao, Qin Hou is coming, what do you do now?"

"I listened to him as a non-smoke, and the relationship was very shallow. Now even Ouyang Rong dares to kill, he will not be willing to give up."

Liang Shuo looked nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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