The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1851: Printing

Qin Lan was very calm to accept the scale music, this sudden move, completely let Wu Lao, Liang Yi chaos.

A person who does not even have Qin Guangwang in his eyes, will he take their worry-free city owners seriously?

This madman completely exceeded their control. Wu Lao only felt a burst of hair. He even had the idea of ​​taking things out of his way. Stay away from this right and wrong, the sooner the better.

Liang Shuo was burned in five, and if Qin Lan was so arrogant, he was afraid that he would have to take his place.

Do you want to play the next show?

If the performance is not good, his entire country will be here.

Between the two players in the game, Qin Yu leisurely rode the deer horse across the moat, came to the city gate, and did not dismount, so sitting, the condescending arrogance of this gang bang.

"Cough, handsome, Hou Ye is coming." Wu Lao first came back to God, and his voice reminded Liang Shu, who was still worried.

Liang Yi was busy with the meeting, stepped forward, and made a enthusiasm, and laughed loudly: "There are friends coming from afar, no matter what, the worry-free city Liang Shu welcomes Hou Ye to visit."

"Liang Shuai is very polite, this battle is full of enthusiasm, it is a caring person."

"Smart people, good!"

The Qin dynasty whip was raised, pointing to Liang Shu, and he laughed cheerfully.

Liang Shuxiao smiled and said: "Should, it should."

"Liang thief, why do you want to use Di Le to welcome my grandfather, are you not a pit person? Believe it or not, I have broken your dog's head."

The big head is a temper, and the quality is asked when it comes up.

"Is it a music? What is going on?" Liang Shuo's old face was red, but he did not know.

On the side of Wu Lao, he quickly said, "Hou Ye does not blame, everyone who blames the rituals and sorrows blinks, playing the wrong music, this gang of slaves, I must be punished."

"The music is just for listening. I feel very good, what is it?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Have you heard it? Hou Ye, he likes Di Le, you play it up, play loudly, and be amazed."

Wu Laoda shouted. Since Qin Hao was mad, he simply helped Qin Hao to make a bigger point. The kings who taught the entire 18-story **** know Qin Qin’s ambitions.

He knows that Qin Qin does not care.

If it was before, Qin Hao did not dare to take the liberty to challenge the authority of Qin Guangwang, but now he already knows his other identity. Qin Guangwang is also a **** in the early stage and should have heard his name.

It’s just listening to this music, the royal music of the Jade Emperor, he can also match.

Therefore, Wu Lao and Liang Shu’s tricks are undoubtedly self-seeking.

"Hou, please, please."

Liang Shuo raised his hand.

In the music, Qin Lan was like the king who came to inspect, carrying his hands and leisurely walking in front, to see the layout of Wuyou City.

The swordsmen in the city are murderous, but for Qin Qinlai, this is of no importance.

With his current cultivation, there are Lei Mo, Qin Long, and soldiers from a district, but they have not been able to put them in their eyes.

"Hou Ye, there is a firearms battalion. There are a hundred guns with a total of five million kilograms of firepower. There are ten firepowers of ten thousand kilograms. Other heavy weapons are countless, no exaggeration, no worry. If it is a solid soup, it is the 100,000-strong army that comes, and I still want to attack the land."

"There is the night fork camp. I haven't seen the aura of the film there. It is the place where my masters are practicing three hundred."

"Of course, the city of Worry-Free is naturally unable to compare with the secluded city of Hou Ye and 18 prisoners."

Liang Shuming introduced the road according to the previous Wu Lao.

His intention is to let Qin Yu know how difficult it is to retreat, don't look for things.

In this case, the two watched the change of Qin Yu's expression with vigilance. However, what disappointed them was that Qin Hao was just a sigh, and even the eyelids were stunned, as if he was introducing a pile of boring garbage. .

Liang Shu’s heart is even colder. As the saying goes, there are no three thousand forces. I dare not go down to the Longtan. This shows that they have not put them in their eyes.

Liang Yi asked for a boring, laughed two times, resolved the embarrassment, and no longer talked, leading a few people into the palace.

In the palace, Miki has already danced, and the music is full of joy and flavour.

After everyone sat down and sat down, Liang Shuo made a few more compliments. This is a toast to the topic: "Hou, I heard that you are old with the song master. You can rest assured that I have already let the people withdraw from the stream. I will compensate for all the losses of Liu Yunzong and re-establish the relationship between the two parties. I personally choose to sue the Qu Zongzhu.

"Oh, come back, this time I am also a victim. I blame the young master for having to take the song lord and give it to Ouyang Xiong as a wife. I used to worship under the shackles, but I was too ignorant. This caused a misunderstanding."

"I am helpless, and I also ask Hou Ye to be more considerate."

Liang Shuo sighed helplessly, bitterly explained.

"it is good!"

"For me, if you confess your guilt, it is not important for any reason."

"And, you have time to confess."

Qin Yan’s eyebrows are raised and he laughs lightly.

In the fog of the words, Liang Shu and others did not understand for a time. Qin Hao was too lazy to say a word, and once again fell into a deadlock.

Qin Lan was sitting there, drinking slowly, and his three followers were drinking big mouthfuls of meat, without the slightest fear, which made Liang Shuo feel confused.

"Wu Lao, what can I do now? I can't always accompany him to drink like this."

Liang Shuo got to Wu's ear and whispered.

"It's time." Wu Lao and him looked at each other, and the dignified point was a bit.

Liang Shuo tried hard to make a point: "Well, I can only get rid of it."


Liang Shuo took two palms.

Immediately, a man was brought up with a treasure box. Liang Shu took over the treasure box and rushed to Qin Qin to smile and said: "Hou, Liang has a treasure to be dedicated to you."


"Come on Qin Hao faint.

Liang Shu opened the treasure box, inside is a black big print with a strong aura. He took it out and held it in the palm of his hand. He walked to the front of Qin Lan and respectfully said: "Hou Ye generation is a generation of people, but it is the hope of the next generation. The Ming dynasty, now I am vacant in the Worry-Free City Throne, now it is rare for Hou Ye to enter the city, Liang Shuo daring to ask Hou Ye to take over and serve as the Worry-Free King."

There was a smile on the face of Qin Lan, and the indifferent eyes finally had a glimmer of light. Liang Shu’s hand surprised him a bit.

"Killing the Worry-Free King, the person who sits on the army is you, the fat to the mouth, why do you want to hand over people?"

Qin Lan sipped a drink of Chinese and American wine, and asked with a smile.

"I can't do my qualifications. I really don't dare to fight with Hou Ye. Moreover, Hou Ye is now the owner of the three prisons. The right to fall, my worry-free **** can be entrusted to you, so long-lasting, how can It’s better to be in the hands of my Wufu.” Liang Yigong respected him.

(End of this chapter)

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