The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1854: Beidou Xuantian


Under the stimulation of money and status, the soldiers once again rushed forward, regardless of life and death.

"It’s really a **** that is not enough to die!"

Qin Long did not expect these guys to dare to go forward to provocate, immediately appeared the prototype, Baizhang dragon body leaping in the air, and repeatedly stunned.

When the time came, the whole earth roared, and the ice rain fell like a bullet!

The soldiers were added by the ice and rain, and it was turned into an ice sculpture!


"Come, it is a dragon! I have no eyes."

If the appearance of the Thunderbolt is not enough to destroy the beliefs of the soldiers, then Qin Long’s appearance, the beast of the beast, and all the soldiers all consciously put down their weapons and surrendered.

"Cang, the surname Qin has a dragon, it is no wonder that he dares to challenge Qin Guangwang's supreme position."

Liang Shuo looked at the dragon on the spot and felt a whirl of a turn, sitting on the chariot.

"Master, how is it good now?"

The deputy next to him will ask.

"War, can't admit defeat."

"Let the Yaksha Camp use the rope to hang the dragon!"

Liang Shudao.

Yaksha's army is infinitely powerful. It is a must-have special warfare unit for every layer of hell. Worry-free city has more than a thousand of Yaksha, which is a good force.

"The handsome, the Yaksha Legion is reversed. They are the lords of the Yaksha family. The sergeants who are in charge of the Yaksha are all killed."

Without waiting for the deputy to go to the order, a soldier rushed over and reported.


Liang Shuo touched his forehead, bit his teeth, and looked at the white beard next to him: "Xu Zhenren, everything will look at you."

Xu Zhenren's look is extremely dignified: "Grandma, although I am not sure, but the coach has the right to know about Xu, today is the time to repay, and look at my Beidou Xuanji to take the dragon."

Xu Zhenren shouted and shook the French flag. When he was squatting, three hundred self-cultivators dressed in robes vacated from the army and quickly formed a battle. Each of them was eager to make a big battle.

With the inspiration of the infuriating, the formation of Dacheng, the three hundred practitioners linked, their true laws are extremely fast, and soon formed a pattern of the Big Dipper.


Xu Zhenren is drinking.

The light of the stars rushed up and turned into a circle, and went to the Qin faucet.

Beidou Xuanji is regarded as the surviving array of ancient times, and its power is endless. These three hundred people are masters of carefully selected and rehearsed for many years. They are already very skilled, and the power of bursting is naturally terrible.

On the spot, the Wraith City ghost king is also a generation of masters, there are more master guards like clouds, but then how to win the worry-free ghost king is Xu Zhenrao Beidou Xuanzhen.

The array of three hundred people together, in the view of Xu Zhenren, even if it is an emperor, he dares to fight.

Although Qin Long is a dragon, but it is not in the top echelon, the Big Dipper is added, and suddenly he feels a huge force pulling, so it is not uncomfortable, Long Wei is furious, and the dragon tail swept over Xu Zhenren.

"Beidou, defense!"

Xu Zhenren did not have the slightest panic, so that the flag waved and the commander burst into a big battle.

The big array is connected end to end, and three hundred people raise their hands at the same time to drink: "Prevention!"

The power of three hundred people condenses into a star!

Qin Long’s divine power hit the battle, and the two giants shook strong aftermath. When they spread, the soldiers were cut off and cut into two!

This is the case, the crowd still does not disperse, the big battle town Shenlong, this kind of rare battle that has never been seen before, missed the opportunity to fear that there will be no more in the rest of life.


The 300-strong array was only slightly shaken, and it blocked Qin Long’s anger.


Xu Zhenren ordered again.

The big battle was received, and the Beidou cable was tighter.

Qin Long is so proud, three hundred people and one dragon, sawing in the air, it is not up and down.

"Dragon spell, ice sea is endless."

Qin Long saw that he could not break free, and opened his mouth to spit out a touch of blue ice.

The ice was spreading, the temperature in the square dropped sharply, and the cold ice was sizzling at the speed visible to the naked eye. The entire square was centered on Qin Long and began to form an ice enchantment!

If you go slowly, you will be frozen in the ice.

"Oh, it turned out to be a dragon that has just been formed. The old man thought how much he had."

"My Beidou Xuanzhen is a school of jade, a god, a god, a ghost, no bond, if this is the ability, then die."

Xu Zhenren sneered, and took out a black flag and lifted it up.

Three hundred mages at the same time touched the golden needle, and at the same time pierced the spirit, inspiring several times the strength of their own body.

Originally repaired as a master in the joint period, after using the secret method to improve and repair, it is equivalent to three hundred masters of the original nature, and is stimulated by the big array, the power expressed is immeasurable.

Qin Long only felt the neck tight, and the breath was blocked. The powerful dragon body was uncontrollable and slammed down from the void.

The rope gave him even more shock than the curtain of the Qin dynasty, and he could not resist it at all.

"Don't I be a god-ridden dragon, really want to bend down again and suffer compassion?"

Qin Long’s heart was mournful, and even had no face to see Qin.

The deity of the dragon, the first time for the master to play, it became this decline, and simply lost the dead.

"Haha, Xu Zhenren is beautiful!"

"Devil, how is the dragon, want to wild in my worry-free city, still not qualified!"

Liang Shuo witnessed the dragon eating, and the cold sweat on his face smirked.

Xu Zhenren’s battle made him see hope again.

In his view, as long as the dragon is fixed, there is basically no problem.

Qin Lan has the ability, but can he compare with this dragon?

Xu Zhenrao Beidou Xuanzhen can completely handle everything!

His big position is steady!

"Xu Zhenren, doing beautiful, drop this dragon, I will seal you as a national teacher, and give you endless wealth!"

Liang Shu is very happy.

"The handsome man is assured that this dragon has been locked. Once it has landed, the dragon heart is damaged. Wait for me to take him and give the coach a mount."

Xu Zhenren is also somewhat fluttering.

"If you want to win my dragon, you are not qualified yet!"

Prior to this, Qin Hao did underestimate Xu Zhenrao's big battle, originally thought that Lei Mo and Qin Long were enough to get this scene.

I didn't expect the power of Beidou Xuanzhen to be so strong. Seeing Qin Long eating, Qin Hao shot.

"Red Lotus Fire!"

The pupils of the Qin dynasty demon, the blood red, the two groups of fire clouds, flying directly to Zheng Zheng

"It’s ridiculous, Beidou’s waters and fires are not invading. Even the dragon’s ice method can block it. Can you fear two different fires in your area?”

Xu Zhenren’s heart secretly sneered.

I immediately shouted: "Brothers, I have heard the Qinhou Nether and the fire for a long time, the yellow spring water is not extinguished, the power is endless, today we will see it, prevent!"

"Do you live in defense?"

There is a faint smile on the corner of the Qin dynasty.

The flame fell into the There was no temperature, no killing power, and it stopped in the air, and the light was spinning.

Xu Zhenren and the three hundred disciples thought that they would be prevented from falling down.

call out!

The red lotus shines like a thousand autumns. After a round of rotation, the light sweeps away and flies back to Qin Yu’s eyebrows.

"Haha, Qin Hou, how, my Beidou Xuanzhen defensive ability is not bad." Xu Zhenren laughed and asked.

"You should take a closer look at them."

Qin Yu faint.

"Look at them?"

Xu Zhenren was inexplicably panic, and he decided to look at the disciples. The disciples also looked at each other and suddenly showed the fear of death on every face.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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