The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1867: The man who kneels, the tread

"The general is assured that there is a poor road here, but he will not be able to scatter his wilderness." The black-shouldered man smirked, and his long sleeves rose. A colorful snake flew out of his sleeve and flew straight to Dahan.

The big man smelled the wind and made a big noise. The knife stalked the big knife and only heard a sizzle. The big knife actually melted.

The snake venom instantly put an arm along the handle, just a blink of an eye, the poison spread the entire arm.


The big man screamed, and the long knife took off his hand. The Udo people raised the snake and wrapped around the neck of the big man. The dog was dragged to the front.

"Dog-like things, dare to scatter in front of the people." The Udo people sighed, and the fingers poked at the eyebrows of the big man.

"Golden Treasure!" Xiuer issued a tragic sword

The other villagers were also desperate. Jinbao was the most capable warrior in their village. If he died, the last hope in the village would be completely extinct.

"Cang, why do we suffer so hard, countless generations, isn't our people destined to let people be slaughtered?"

"I don't accept it, I am not willing."

Chen Jinbao screamed.

"I don't accept it? Then I will tell you, this world has always been a strong man, and the civilians like you are destined to step on and use it to slaughter."

The Udo people laughed coldly.

The sword pointed to no mercy and stabbed Chen Jinbao.

"A Xiu, don't."

Just as Chen Jinbao was ready to die, a white light flashed, and the original Utopia, who was still arrogant, was shoulder-to-shoulder.

In the face of this sudden change, everyone looked at the people.

I saw a handsome boy, led by two burly guards, arrogant in the muddy blood.

The Utopia people quickly made a few clicks in the wound, stopped the blood, and asked in amazement: "Who is coming, don't you know that we are important members of Xifu?"

"Xifu? It’s when you see me as a king, you have to respect it."

"You just have a good sentence, the person who squats, it should be used to step on, used to slaughter."

Qin Lan smiled coldly.

"Let's relax, we are in the West, and the life of the Prince, come to arrest people, and you have to let go of the whole Xifu as the burden." The general will not believe in evil.

He can't believe that there are people in Xifu who dare to keep up with their lives.

The voice just fell, Qin Hao flexed a finger, a touch of wind hit, right in the middle of the throat, "shot" a pair to wear.

The general whimpered, blood spurted out of the throat, squatting from the neck and planting it, struggling for a few times, then no one was angry.


The Utopia people were shocked.

He is also the beginning of a joint practice, to deal with Chen Jinbao okay, really want to be a master of the game.

Thinking of this, he also refused to grab a woman, and quickly handed it to him: "The adults are on the top, and they are blind and don't know Taishan. We will roll."

When you finish drinking, let the soldiers release people, you must leave.

Qin Lan did not stop him. When the Utopia escaped to a hundred meters away, the toes of Chen Jinbao were provoked by the toes. The light knife kicked and the long knife whizzed away. Although the Wudao people heard the wind, the knife was fast and embarrassing. I couldn't even afford to rise, and the head of the man fell.

The other soldiers saw that they were fleeing.

"Haha, just a few of these tricks, dare to scream with Hou Ye." Lei De laughed.

On the side of Chen Jinbao and the villagers, they quickly untied the serenity ropes of Xiu Er and rescued the women. The villagers were surrounded by a thank you to Qin Yu, and Qin Hao gave Chen Jinbao a poison.

At the invitation of Chen Jinbao, he sat in his hut for a moment and had a general understanding of the situation.

It turned out that recently the Prince’s Westward Journey, this Prince was called Wang Xuanyi, who was a disciple of the national teacher from the fire. This time Wang Anguo lived a long life and deliberately ran to give his uncle a birthday.

Wang Anguo originally intended to leave Xifu in the future. Naturally, he is always pleased. Wang Xuan is a good color, especially for the "women" who are pregnant. Wang Anguo is pleased to send troops to the land of Xiqiao, eight thousand miles. Search for the women and create a music palace for Wang Xuanyi to enjoy.

Originally, Xifu was miserable by Wang Anguo. Now he has come up with such a hand. The people everywhere are called a miserable, but the people are afraid of the Xifu army and dare to speak out.

There are very few rebels like Chen Jinbao, and those who have a little head will be brutally suppressed and killed.

Today's Xifu has become a place where the wind and the wind are everywhere. The only way for ordinary people is to leave their homes and hide in the mountains and old ditch.

"As you are, there is this Xifu, is it better to have nothing?" After hearing the cry of Chen Jinbao's tears, Qin Hao frowned.

"Yeah, our Xifu was originally poor. Before Wang Anguo did not come here, although there were garrisons here, the tax revenue was zero, but it was not disturbing."

"When Wang Anguo came, he madly exploited us, built palaces and houses, and enjoyed the whole day. He became a land emperor, but it hurt our people."

Chen Jinbao said.

"You tell the folks, don't worry."

"Up to three, Xifu will disappear from this world."

Qin Lan put down the tea in his hand and got up.

"Well, can you tell me your name, and my fellow folks will burn incense in the future, praying for the grace of the day and night."

Chen Jinbao said.

"My master is called Qin Hou, but the Lord of Three Prisons!"

"Since he promised you, you will relax one hundred hearts."

Ray demon echoes the road.

The West House is remote, Chen Jinbao apparently did not hear the name of Qin Yu, but once heard is the owner of the three prisons, knowing that it is a bad character, immediately and again and again thanks.

"The incubator will not have to be blessed. The man is interested in the Quartet. You must have the heart. You can go to the infernal **** and join the army. In the future, I will use it for my use. Qin Hao confessed that he came out of the door.

With his current cultivation, Liang Shuming’s 20,000-strong army is not in the eye, let alone a Western government.

The three people left the village under the eyes of the people and went straight to Xifu City.

This territory of Xifu, because it is too remote, and seven prisons, no desire to border the land, mostly cliffs and deep trenches, there is no need to worry about the problem of arming, it is within its jurisdiction, no need to be like other kings The same, divided into town to garrison defense.

Because of this, the land of Xifu is based on the village. Basically all the resources are concentrated in the only city, Xifu City.

Don't look at the barrenness of the area, but the luxury of Xifu City is a bit bigger than the original worry-free king of Liang Shu.

The walls are all equipped with new defensive weapons.

Not only that, all the soldiers wore glamorous armor, and even the horses were fully armed, one by one looking high and not good.

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