The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1870: Changed

The most happy thing is Jia Fugui. This book has to be done. His master Wang Anguo is afraid of a big reward, and then he will take a little bit of it. It is enough for him to earn a pot full.

"Cao Shao, two million, are you still shooting?" Jia Fugui asked.

"Clap, take a fart."

"The grass mud horse, there is a disease, the surname Qin, you give me waiting."

Cao Bin’s face was dull, and his sleeves were rushed to the Qin dynasty, and he led the people to go ash.

"Two million once, twice, is there still a shot?"

"Two million three times!"

"The deal, Qin Shao, congratulations, the first pass of this time has passed."

"The money house is outside, would you like me to send someone to accompany you to collect the ticket?"

Jia Fugui squinted at Wan Hao, who was on the sidelines, and then ran upstairs and wanted to cash.

"No, I have cash on my body."

Qin Lan took out four tickets worth 500,000 crystal coins and took them on the table.

Everyone is in a daze, have seen daring, have never seen such madness. With two million coins on the body, it is undoubtedly carrying a vault, only this courage is very comparable.

After checking the authenticity, Jia Fugui even took Qin Qin’s relatives to relatives, and personally poured tea into the water and flattered it.

"Qin Ye, this is the case, we have heard this rule."

"Then, I have to agree to go with you, and this is the end of the matter."

"She wants to disagree, I will give you one million on the spot, and then you will be reimbursed for your accommodation, drinks and service fees for ordinary girls."

Jia Fugui smiled.

"It seems that Jia boss seems to have determined that my sister will not go with me. I am going to have a million dollars?"

Qin Lan stood up and walked to the side of the fence, looking at the bottom of Wan Hao, to Jia Fugui.

"Where, Qin Shaoyi is a talented person, and it is expensive for the lower Shangshen. My sister-in-law walks with you, and I am relieved."

"But this woman's heart and the bottom of the needle, what she thinks, is not something I can control, see her own wishes."

In the words of Jia Fugui, Chong Wan made a look.

Wan Hao smiled.

From the time when Qin Qin shouted, she knew that this man was her savior.

Some people don't need too much speech, or even just a look, she can be sure.

Of course, this is also due to her identity.

She is the daughter of Wan Jin Tang. Her father used to be the general manager of the capital city of Qidu, and the Qin family of Heilongjiang is actually the private house of the outside of the Qin Guangwang House of Government.

Her father and the Qin family are the best friends, and the two are even amiable to marry. The young people of the Qin family have seen her. None of the Qin family's three brothers have such temperament and temperament.

This person can carry two million coins with him. If it is not a Qin family, it must be a big one.

How many people can you have in the next generation of Qin?

Perhaps it is the Qinhou who is famous now!

If it is Qinhou, Wan Hao can miss this opportunity to turn over.

"Hey, are you willing to be with the young Qin?"

Jia Fugui asked with confidence.

Everyone under the eyes of the blind man looked at the beautiful beauty and waited for the answer.

Wan Hao looked at Qin Hao, picked the towel, and showed the perfect face, and smiled: "I am willing."

The words "I am willing" are like a thunder, and Lei’s Jia Fugui almost didn’t vomit blood, but it was even more jealous for those present.

Originally, everyone couldn’t eat grapes, and they all wanted to see Qin Yu’s ugliness. I didn’t expect this to really be with the beauty. It’s really awkward.


Jia Fugui turned his eyes and his legs were soft and almost planted.

Qin Lan took his shoulder and sneered: "Jia boss, it looks like I am lucky, so thank you very much."

"This, this is what you deserve."

Jia Fugui is strong and smiling, and actually wants to die.

Wan Hao is indeed a good deal with Wang Anguo. He took a wave of money and earned half of the money. He originally thought that even if he was the bottom price, he could earn 250,000.

Therefore, using the beauty and life experience of Wan Hao, the guy who forcibly deceives these sperms on the brain.

I want to think that the money is in the circle, or only the big fat sheep. I didn’t expect Wan Hao to actually agree. This is undoubtedly lifting my own feet.

I want to know that Wan Hao is Wang Anguo’s intention to give it to the Prince Wang Xuanyi. Now it’s good, what do you want to pay to the Prince?

"Hey, you are the younger Qin, and you can do it yourself."

Jia Fugui rushed down the stairs, holding a wrist of Wan Hao, and shouted.

Wan Hao calmly said: "Thank you boss."


Jia Fugui rushed out of the Yanyu Building, and he had to rush to see Wang Anguo, how to deal with the aftermath.

In the envy of the crowd, Qin Lan walked out of the Yanyu Building with Wan Hao.

When I arrived at a quiet place, Wan Hao Ying Ying said: "Thank you for your help."

"Save? You are wrong, I bought you, you are mine." Qin said.

He is not close to Wang Xuanyi, and now there is a lot of opportunities.

Of course, Qin Zhen saved thousands of people, and there was a little selfishness. When he first saw this woman, he almost thought it was Sun Piaoyu. Because of the guilt of Sun Piaoyu, Qin Zhen did have the meaning of salvation.

"I know that after my father died, I was trained as a singer because I was short of pigs and dogs. Now I am bought by Wang Anguo. I don't have any good news."

"I have followed you, it is better to be defiled by those lay people."

Wan Haodao.

"Your father's business, go back and talk, now you enjoy this rare freedom, and I have other important arrangements to go back."

Qin Yudao.

The temper of Wan Jin Tang and everything that happened to the general manager is very important. Before Qin Hao entered the capital city of Wangdu, the more detailed the understanding of the capital city, the better, but it was all afterwards.


Jia Fugui's impetuous carriage ride to the inner palace of Xifu City, the singer and dance in the hall, do not have to think that Wang Anguo is accompanying Xuanyi Prince to make wine.

He also went lazy, waiting directly at the partial hall, and the guards passed.

For a moment, Wang Anguo went to the partial hall and asked very uncomfortably: "I don't know if I am entertaining the Prince? Is there anything urgent, must I see me?"

"Wang Ye, something went wrong..."

Jia Fugui briefed it Wang Anguo’s stunned words: "You, you waste, I have promised Prince, these two will give him a beautiful beauty, you lost this time Want to marry my field?"

"I didn't expect it. Before I came out, I repeated the monk again, and I thought she suddenly changed her mouth."

"People have been taken away, I sent people to follow the name of Qin, Wang Ye, you are going to give a way."

Jia Fugui was helpless.

"In this way, you will return the money, wait for me to live a long life, send away the Prince, and then find the name of Qin, and put the money back."

"Hey, no one can save money from my Wang Anguo pocket."

"Go ahead."

Wang Anguo is dissatisfied.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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