The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1873: Some people don’t do dogs

"Cao Shao, what to do, this guy looks very good."

"Yeah, he won't kill us."

The big and the young are not scared of the soul, and they look at their "leading" Cao Bin.

Cao Bin was also scared to death, but as the boss, he had two points of courage left, and immediately ran his head and went to the Qin dynasty. "Color" Li screamed: "You are surnamed Qin, you, are you crazy?" Here is Xifu City. You kidnap Laozi, it can only be a dead end."

"You have to think clearly. Lao Tu just tells my father that the soldiers of the entire Wangcheng will gather in one hour, and then you will..."

Cao Bin’s voice did not fall. The thunder and the slap in the palm of his hand flew him. He stepped forward with his arms and thunder. The two arms of Cao Bin suddenly turned into coke, and the pain died and screamed again and again.

Everyone is a scalp numb, I have seen it, I have never seen such a poisonous, this is the son of the first richest man in the six prisons, even if there is no sentence, it is so abolished.

"Qin Shao, we are wrong, all Cao Bin asked me to wait, I beg you to give us a way to live."

"Yeah, Cao Bin has a holiday with you, and has nothing to do with me."

These big and small people were scared, and they squatted on the ground and begged for mercy.

"I didn't want to kill you, kill you, who am I looking for money?"

"Of course, if you don't obey, I don't mind tearing his ticket."

"Don't think that I am joking. I am doing this only because of my mood, so you better listen to it, understand?"

Qin Hao kicked a screaming Cao Bin, holding his arm and sneering at everyone.

A few of them know that this is a monk, and they are crying and crying. They only hope that the old man at home will take the money to redeem people.

"Thunder the devil, take them away."

Qin Hao was indifferent, and he first went to fight with Wan Hao.

Lei Mo and a magical force locked the Rao neck, like a dead dog, haha ​​laughed: "You didn't have Cao Bin like to make a dog abuse? Now let you taste the taste of a dog. Before the family members send the ransom, you will be a dog."

"A group of people who don't know what to do, dare to provoke the Lord, and do not call you two."

Qin Long has folded a branch, and according to this group, it is a slam.

When I arrived at the forest, there was already a big carriage parked there, with several boxes stacked on it. Thunder and Qin Long, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, put the eight big masters into the box.

"I have listened to me. Whoever dares to scream", Lao Tzu will have his dog life."

Lei Moxi drank a scorpion, packed in the car, and Qin Long drove straight to the city.

"Hou, you are going where?" Wan Hao went to the rest, changed the horse, and went out to the hunting ground with Qin, and asked behind him.

"Of course, I am going back to the city. I have done such a big vote. Shouldn’t I have a drink?" Qin said with a smile.

"No, you are going back to the city at this time. You are not looking for a dead end. Cao will definitely inform Wang Anguo and send the army to hunt you in the city." Wan Yan exclaimed.

"Cao family is not so courageous, Wang Anguo is a vampire, Cao Baotian is sure to have a lot of money, and it involves the "sex" life of the wealthy business sons, they certainly will not blindly move, I gave them one night, enough for them Take a different path."

"This group of people will not go to the press before the end of the mountain."

In the eyes of Qin Yu, there is a glimmer of wisdom. For the rules of hell, he has already thoroughly understood. These rich businessmen are in his applause. No one wants to play the flowers.

Wan Hao grinned and didn't ask again. She always felt that it was too risky to do so, but now she has no choice but to rely on Qin Lan, and her father's affairs are still waiting for Qin Yu to solve, no matter who he is. Right or wrong, only one way to go black.

When I arrived in the city, everything was as safe as ever.

Wan Hao had to admire Qin Zhi's ingenuity and became more and more trusting of this man.

Qin Lan went to the Yuxi Building in the east of the city. Compared with the Yanzi Tower, because of its geographical location, the business here is much deserted. Of course, the quality of the singers inside is far worse than that of Yanyulou.

Qin Lan went to the counter and gave the treasurer a reward of one thousand coins. The shopkeeper found an elegant courtyard and freed the top floor of the building for his use. Of course, the price was several times.

For Qin Qin to come to these are all money, it is rare to have such a big customer, the shopkeeper is very polite, but also sent someone to help move the box.

The courtyard is elegant and clean, but it is a good place to stay.

After Qin Dian settled in innocence, he kept Qin Long and Wan Hao guarding the box. He personally went with Lei Mo to the river outside the east wall.

"The main public, this river is thirty-three feet deep. It was originally a moat. Later, because Xifu City was remote, the moat was connected with the outside of the river. Once it changed, we could go down the river directly. Out of six prisons."

Lei Mo introduced along the river.

"It seems that you have not done less homework." Qin Xiao smiled.

Lei Mou smiled and said: "The main public **** Wu, I can follow you with Qin Long is also a blessing, we have limited strength, if this errands do not do well, it is really useless waste."

"It is good to have this kind of mentality. If people choose to compete, people must continue to be self-reliant and strive for the upper reaches to establish a firm foothold in this turbid world."

"You and I are all like this."

Qin Yan took a handful of water, washed a face, looked at the distant mountains, and sighed.

"What do you think of building a ferry in this place? I mean that since the river is connected to the Styx River, when you spare no effort, you will open a waterway in Wanneng. So, if you go to Xifu City to play, you can go through the Dangyang Wangcheng. More accessible, Xifu City can flow like this, the financial resources are rolling."

Qin Hao pointed to the moat and asked with pride.

"The Lord is here to come, not to study the retreat, but to investigate?" Lei Mo is quite surprised.

"Of course, if you want to build a road first, this is a famous saying of my hometown. If we want to be rich, we must first repair the river."

"Thunder the devil, the world has changed, the light is cultivated, the business is not understood, and the war is not understood. It is difficult to become a big weapon."

"Maybe you will be the **** of the other party in the future, and learn more is good for you."

Qin Hao patted his shoulder and smiled happily.

"Yes, the Lord."

Lei Mo respectfully said.

He lived a hundred times and thousands of times in Qin, but for this master, he is truly convinced.

The two returned from the city, and just entered the house, Jia Fugui took the carriage to the Yuxi Building.

Qin Hao ordered Lei Mo and others to retreat, and chatted with Jia Fugui at the viewing pavilion on the roof.

"Jia boss, you are so anxious to find me, it must be a good thing, right?" Qin asked.

Jia Fugui waved his hand: "No, no! I am here, I want to ask Qin Shao to go to another place where I have a rich place to play."

"Oh, the boss’s place to make a fortune must be a bit interesting. Come and listen."

Qin Yu made a big joy.

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