The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1881: No return to blood

When Wang Anguo heard it, the tiredness disappeared. The whole person squatted directly from the chair, and took a look at Song Fu. The eyes were round and roaring. "You, what are you, are you going again?"

Song Fu’s Qidu Qianzhuang is under the jurisdiction of Yudu Zhuangzhuang. He does not belong to Wang Anguo. However, since Qianzhuang is linked to the treasury and people’s livelihood of each prison, the local Qianzhuang will be controlled by ghost kings and princes to avoid disrupting the operation of the bank. order.

Wang Anguo built Xifucheng almost empty the treasury in the past few years. He originally planned to borrow from Qianzhuang to further expand Xifucheng. These are good. Inexplicably, there has been a wave of stagnation. If the bank collapses, the people will not be able to pay back. The entire Xifu City is undoubtedly paralyzed.

For the money, Wang Anguo is more proficient than the average princes, knowing the power.

"Yeah, the money is gone, the money is gone." Song Fu shivered.

"Wang Hao, immediately blocked the bank, stopped all exchanges, found out the hidden feelings, led the people to seal Cao Daxiong's chamber of commerce, and immediately brought these guys to see me."

"The money in Xifu City can't be drained. Whoever wants to marry the foundation of Laozi, who will I be."

Wang Anguo punched the hammer on the big column and bite his teeth and ordered it.


The Guards commanded Wang Hao, the son of Wang Anguo. He knew that this matter was important. He immediately dispatched the banned army and went out to the palace.

"Right, Jia Fugui?" Wang Anguo took a forehead and remembered his confidant.

"Hey, I first asked the boss of Jia, originally wanted to ask him to make a plan. Who expected the smoke and rain building, the door was closed, and asked the housekeeper, only the boss of the company had a temporary trip to the city."

"Hou, ah, I think it must be that he heard the wind and went to the city to take refuge."

Song Fudao.

"This **** dog, I didn't expect him to come back to bite Laozi, and he went back to calm down the matter. One by one, Laozi was all slaughtered."

"Right, I have to find a way to get the Prince to come back. This is the mouth, he must not make a mistake."

Wang Anguo thought that Xuan Yi’s son went to Jia Fugui’s casino, and his heart was even more panic.


With the closing of the capital of Qiandu, Cao Daxiong and others exchanged more than 21 million yuan in coins and took the money. These people did not dare to stay and immediately rushed to Yuxi Building.

In the Yuxi Building, the boss squatted on the counter and squinted at the tune. From time to time, he threw two peanuts into his mouth. The life was not too beautiful.

Since the arrival of this group of people in the building, the Yuxi Building, which has always been deserted, has finally turned over.

These grandfathers are all big-handed. If you don’t have two martial arts, you will give him enough tens of thousands of coins. If you go on, these wealth gods will live for a year and a half. Taking care of them four people is enough to make a big profit.

Of course, it is not just a matter of money. Even Jia Fugui has come to his jade building. Maybe these few people are big men from the city of Dangyang. In the future, they will definitely be famous. The jade building will definitely rise.

The boss is happy when he thinks that the day is getting better.

It’s beautiful, and Cao Daxiong’s seven people havetily rushed to the door.

The boss does not know Xuan Yi and Xue Shan from Dangyang Wangcheng, but the local merchants are familiar with several giants. The status and worth of these people are not comparable to his dilapidated second-rate flower owner.

I don't have to think about it, I am sure to come to the Qin Ye, hey, this time I really came to honor the God of Wealth.

When I thought of this, he quickly greeted the past and bowed his hand: "Cao Huichang, Liu Boss, what kind of wind has blown up some of your nobles, please, please."

"What kind of wind? Evil wind, hurricane!"

Cao Daxiong’s eyes are not good.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, where is Qin Shao?" Liu boss asked impatiently.

"Qin Shao is inside, a few come with me."

The boss did not dare to neglect, and quickly led several uncles into the hospital.

Qin Lan was drinking tea in the yard. When Cao Daxiong saw him, he suddenly bowed his head and met the cat with the mouse. He was terribly afraid.

When the boss saw this battle, it was even more terrifying. Even a few grandfathers were so respectful to Qin Hao. This is how big it is.

Did not dare to stay, the boss quickly quit the yard.

"Money!" Lei Mo cold shouted.

Cao Daxiong stunned and quickly took out a large denomination of money tickets from his arms. He handed it over with respect. The Thunder took over and countlessly said: "What happened is only 2 million, not at least Do you have 30 million?"

Cao Daxiong cried and said: "When you return to the Lord, we are really rushing to do the rest of the family. It’s just that the money shopkeeper has become suspicious and closed, and we can’t grab it."

"Thunder the Devil." Qin Hao raised his hand and caught the wrath of the Thunder, the glazed green shirt, watching Cao Daxiong and others laughed: "This is no wonder you, money, and later, it will be too late, but in the bank It is yours, it is mine, it can't fly."

"Is the industry's root ticket, and the Indian stone brought it?"

Qin Lan heard the horses in the city, and it was expected that Wang Anguo would start the work. The bank would not fall. As long as he controlled the Xifu City, the money could be taken out. Qin Hao was not in a hurry. He was more concerned. It is Cao Daxiong and other Rao industries.

He is asking for a billion, but in fact, Cao Daxiong and other Rao industries have accumulated a total of 500 million worth of value. In order to survive, these people are also completely out.

Everyone has smashed the industrial roots and printed stone.

In hell, to operate an industry, such as grain shops, flower buildings, restaurants, etc., must have a root ticket, printed stone. The root ticket is the license issued by the Hell side to rule the ruler's forces, and the stone is the boss's private seal, and the blood is recognized by the Lord to prove its belonging.

The private chapters are all created by the subordinate organizations of Qin Guangwang's households. The stones and the symbols are secret, to ensure the authority and safety of the holders.

However, in front of Qin Lan, these are clouds.

Qin Yu took over the stone, just a handful of powerful force of the mixed yuan instantly cracked the Fufa, washed away the blood of the bosses, and at the same time dripping blood stone, officially took over.

When the blood seal was changed, Cao Daxiong fainted a place, and their family property and hard work were cruelly deprived.

From then on, they were in the city of Xifu, except for those few houses, for the rest of their lives, and there was no previous scenery.

"Several people, congratulations, your life is saved, go in and reunite with your son."

Lei Mou laughed.

Cao Daxiong, several people want to cry without tears, seven difficult brothers and brothers help each other to go in and find their son.

Cao Bin and others are wearing a dog chain lying on the ground to sleep, seeing the old guys coming in, and thought they were saved, so happy.

"Hey, my father, you can be regarded as coming. The surname Qin is tortured to death, and your son is beaten badly." Cao Bin excitedly hugged his father's leg and complained. It’s hard to come.

(End of this chapter)

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