The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1883: You won't have a chance

Wang Hao’s army surrounded the entire Yuxi Building after half an hour. The boss of Yuxilou thought that it was another big man who came to visit Qin Shao. I thought that today is a good day, and all the gods are coming.

This Qin Shao's face is really not that big.

With this god, he should be a big fire.

The boss quickly sorted out the clothes and led a few beautiful sisters. The fart was ushered outside the door. Wang Yuping was a banned army. He rarely appeared on the street, and the boss did not know it, but the one next to him was Xifu City patrols and guards Zhou Jun, who is responsible for the security of the whole city. He does know.

Immediately shaking the clothes, I went forward and respectfully said: "Min Li, the third child, have seen Zhou Shoubei adults, how many people are also looking for Qin Shao?"

"What Qin Shao is a Qin thief!"

"Come, come and give me!"

Zhou Shoubei was the same as the dog of Wang Yixun along the way. It was a fire in the stomach, and it was all sprinkled on Li Laosan, who was not interested.

Li Laosan is a bit embarrassed, some did not understand the situation, how can a good son Qin Shao become a thief? This posture seems to be a bit wrong.

Just as a gorgeous golden carriage slowly came over, Wang Anguo and a man who had to send out the white, floating like a fairy, holding the dusty road, went down.

Li Laosan met Wang Anguo, and he was so scared that he hurried on Lin, and he warned: "I have seen Anguo."

"That is the name of Qin is in your house?" Wang Anguo carried his hand and asked coldly.

"Qin Shao is indeed in my house, not only him, but also several bosses of the Cao Daxiong Chamber of Commerce."

Li Laosan really couldn't eat the relationship here, and simply moved out of his uncle.

"It seems that it can't be faked. You call him Qin Shao. It seems that the relationship is not bad?" Wang Anguo asked.

He smiled and looked very close to the people. He was very peaceful. This made Li Laosan not be wary. He said honestly: "Yes, Qin Shao is taken care of by people."

"A good care, your Qin Shao collusion Chamber of Commerce hijacked Xuan Yi Prince, and you are the first evil to cover up."

"Come on, drag on, and listen to it, to eliminate the heart of Houye."

Wang Hao waved his hand and shouted.

"What, Qin Shao hijacked Xuan Yi Prince, how is this possible?" Li Laosan could not believe, shouted.

"Dare to die when you die!"

"Tow it down."

Wang Yuxi scolded.

Someone immediately dragged Li Laosan to the street. At this time, many people were far from watching. Li Laosan was still confused, and he was cut off by the street and destroyed his soul.

The other flower girl was scared to beg on the ground, and Wang Hao had only one gesture, and there were several more bodies in the street.

Wang Anguo was killed by Wang Hao, and his own nephew still knew him.

The robbers hijacked the Prince Xuanyi in Xifu City. This is provoking his authority. These people are Wang Anguo’s attitude.

"Wang Hao, put on the case, Benhou is here today to have this case, teach people to see, as long as there is a king in Xifu City, it will not be chaotic."

Wang Anguo sat down in a cloak and was extremely aggressive.

Immediately, some soldiers moved to a good tea table and chair. Wang Anguo raised his hand to the breeze. "The real person please sit down, and today I will rely on the real person."

There are not many words in the breeze, and it is very calm to sit down. It is a simple sentence: "Hou Ye is very polite." There is no more words.

The reason why Wang Anguo dared to run here was because there was a breeze sitting in the town. At this moment, seeing the breeze and holding the old man, he was more aware of the heart, and his chin was raised. He said to Wang Shuo: "It is not early, go in and get people."

Wang Hao was ordered to lead a group of court masters and guards to enter the Yuxi Building.

Still not in, Qin Hao and Lei Mo, Qin Long three swaggered out.

At present, the three men are still dare to appear, and the people in the city are all surprised.

But see the robbery leader, young, life is a good look, arrogant, better than Shenlong. Under the two men, a Lei Gongda black face, fierce and incomparable, a slightly older, quite old, but the pupils of the deep blue light, filled with pride.

From the perspective of appearance, these three people are by no means a leisurely generation.

"You don't have to go in and look for it, the tea table is set up, then let's talk about money."

The Qin dynasty looked indifferent, as if the eight thousand army had nothing, and sat down directly opposite Wang Qingguo and the breeze.


Wang Anguo had not spoken yet, and the breeze suddenly coughed up.

"Real people, you are fine."

Wang Anguo asked with a frown.

"Nothing, nothing." The breeze is closed, no longer talking.

Nothing, you cough, hurt Lao Tzu's morale.

Wang Anguo sneaked a sigh of relief, his shoulders shook his robes, and his eyes looked at Qin Yu. He said coldly: "You can only walk now, you can leave the prince, and you will immediately put the prince, otherwise the horse will become Gray, it is your end."

"In my life, I don't know how many thousands of troops have gone through. In this case, it is okay to scare the three-year-old child. It will be free for me."

"Wang Anguo, I am not looking down on you, you are not qualified to sit down with me."

Qin Yudao.

"In Xifucheng, who is more qualified than Houye, I see you are looking for death?" Wang Yu Li shouted.

"Just you killed Li Laosan?" Qin said.

"Yes, I killed, can you bear me? I will not only kill him, I will kill you." Wang Xiao smiled.

"I am afraid that you will not have this opportunity."

Qin Yan’s eyebrows are picking up, and his eyes are full of playfulness and sympathy.

Lei Mo stepped forward and slammed to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao said that he was repaired as a beggar, and he was so eager to transport it on the palm of his hand.

However, when his knives were smashed in the hands of the Thunder, such as slashing on the steel, and a powerful thunder and lightning spread over, and under the guard, Wang Hao was quickly numb by the thunder, the whole person Completely paralyzed.

Lei Mo easily squeezed his neck, Wang Hao did not even have a chance to call for help, the handsome head was turned around the neck for more than a dozen laps, twisted into a cannabis.


A thunder came down Wang Hao was thundered by the thunder, the flesh turned out, the neck completely twisted to the back of the head, unwilling to die on the spot.


Wang Anguo was shocked.

He originally thought that the Thunder Devil was just a bodyguard. He didn't have much ability. He once wanted to kill Wang Hao.

And in the face of the army, the masters and servants did not take them seriously.

"Now it is quiet, let's talk slowly."

"The Prince is in my hands now, I need three hundred million."

"Of course, I know, you don't have that much money at all, so the only thing you can do now is to write a clean letter and inform the king of Yangyang to pay the money at the fastest speed."

Qin Hao's fingers flicked on the table, and the lifeless pupil looked straight at Wang Anguo.

(End of this chapter)

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