The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1888: Headed up

Ziyang's real heart is filled with things, and naturally there is no truth in his mouth. In his view, when the army of Yang Wang, together with his cultivation, is enough to sweep the city of Xifu.

As for the number of fatalities, there is no fixed number in everything. It is a fierce enemy. In the face of strong strength, it does not matter.

Thinking of this, Ziyang Fu smiled and said: "The King is assured that your attributes are in harmony with the West. This is a sign of good luck. This battle will win."

Wang Zhi still has great trust in him. He listened to him so much, and he was relieved. Seeing the great people around him, he couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable: "Ge Daren, since the national teacher has already counted the number of lives, I see most of this trip. It must win. In this way, since you want to know the truth, it is better to send me into the city."

After that, regardless of whether or not Ge Daren is willing or not, he ordered: "Come, please clear the wind and let him enter the city together with Ge."

After the breeze was called, Wang Zhi also confessed: "Ge Daren, you went to the city, with the king's command, so that Wang Anguo immediately opened the city to welcome the army into the city, he can't deal with the robbers? The king personally came Talk to the robbers."

"If he dares to close the door and resist the purpose, he will be disobedient and disrespectful. The day when the king smashes the city is his death."

Under the urging of Wang Zhixuan, although Ge Daren still had doubts in his heart, he was not good at anything. He immediately led the life and the breeze into the city.

Wang Anguo personally took the duty on the watchtower of the city wall. This is his first performance opportunity in front of Qin Lan. Wang Anguo only has to go all out.

"An Guowait, Wang Zhi sent people."

The defender will rush to the wall and report.

Wang Anguo had expected that frowning asked: "Who is here?"

"The newspaper is Ge Gege adults."

"It’s a big man, come in!"

Wang Anguodao.

For a moment, Ge continued and the Qingfeng real people entered the city. Ge continued to see the city's military uniformity, morale as a rainbow, but also a bit of a look at Wang Anguo.

When the Qingfeng real person entered the city, he went directly to Qin Lan, and Ge continued to see Wang Anguo on the city wall.

"Anguo waits, has not seen for many years, the style is still there."

"A good Xifu City, the wind is over the curtain Yangcheng, it is really prestige, style."

Ge continued to sing.

"Yeah, I was the Prince of the Kings in the past, but now I am a member of the frontier."

Wang Anguo poured tea on Ge, and he said peacefully.

"It seems that Anguo has already had plans. This robbers I see is you." Ge continued to see the army, Wang Anguo was defensive, and his looks were stable. It was not like the prince was robbed and was in horror. The state in .

"You look at the army outside, murderous. When I left, Wang Zhi's butcher's knife did not fall. Now it is still difficult to escape this knife."

"Ge Daren, can you understand the pain of hanging a sword on your head every day? I am just doing it for myself."

Wang Anguo did not drink tea, and poured his mind and body.

"I only know that Jun is a gentleman, a minister is a minister, but there is a bit of rebellious heart, not to die."

"If you look at you like this, you will not follow it."

"I will ask you now, Prince."

Ge continued to stand up and shouted.

"Do you want to see the Prince?"

"Come, come, please come."

Wang Anguo took a clap.

For a moment, Qin Lan and Qing Feng took the wall, and Qin Hao held a human head with one hand and threw it in front of Ge.

The **** head is Wang Xuanyi.

Ge continued to scare his face and shouted: "Wang Anguo, you are crazy, you dare to kill the Prince."

Wang Anguo did not expect that Qin Zhen would actually kill Wang Xuanyi, but what Qin Qin did, he would unconditionally obey, and immediately shrugged his shoulders: "Ge Daren, I will introduce you to you, this is the prison of eighteen The Qin Hou adults are also the robbers of this time."

"Qin Hou!"

Ge continued to look round and round.

"Yes, I am this robber. I don't just want to rob people, rob money, but also rob the land!"

"Wang Xuanyi is a life is dead, not important, Wang Zhi must pay."

Qin Hao smiled coldly.

"you you!"

"After the 20,000 troops of the army are under the city, are you not afraid?"

Ge continued to shout.

"All the students are mistaken for the country, not a fake. What is the use of a book with a business bubble? Do you think the 20,000 army is very powerful?"

"No hurry, you have time to slowly appreciate!"

"Breeze, you gave this person to Wang Zhi, and now the ransom price has risen. Wang Zhi wants to return to Dangyang Wangcheng and must pay a five-billion ransom."

The eyes of the Qin dynasty, such as the sword, swayed to the distant army, and they were extremely arrogant.

Ge continued to tremble, and Qin was as high as a monument. Ge will never doubt that such a person is joking. This was originally a bureau.

A bureau to kill six prisons!


Wang Zhi and Ziyang are still waiting for good news. However, they have not been able to wait for Ge, but the breeze.

The breeze stalked the big account, and the cold head of Wang Xuanyi was thrown on the table.

When he saw the head of the Prince, Wang Zhi screamed, "Wang Anguo, the beast!"


Wang Zhiqi's mad vomiting blood, directly fainted to death.

Wang Zhi is infuriating!

When he came here, taking the city was secondary, in fact, it was mainly to save his son.

Now Xuan’s head is on the ground, and it is undoubtedly clear that Wang Anguo has rebelled. He is destined to make a dowry for others.

Winning, Xifu City is Ziyang.

Lost, he lost his son, the loss of the army is also a further weakening of Dangyang City, both horizontal and vertical losses.

After the revival of Wang Zhi, the real person of Ziyang reminded him: "Da Wang, you have not asked the messenger yet."

"Damn, tell me, why did Wang Anguo kill me?"

Wang Zhi rubbed his chest and screamed.

"If I remember correctly, I originally sent a letter to the king, so that you can immediately prepare a ransom to save people, not let you send troops."

"Since you don't follow the rules, you can't blame someone for tearing up the ticket."

The breeze sneered.

"Right, when I came, my home bus was replaced, and the ransom could not be settled because Xuan Yi died, and this time it rose, it is 500 million coins."

"With one less son, Dawang is afraid that it is difficult to step out of the land of Xifu."

The breeze paused and reminded me.

"The wicked thief Taoist, actually blackmailed to the head of the king ~ ~ come, cut me off."

Wang Zhiqi is another old blood, pointing to the breeze roaring.

The breeze looked calm and there was no fear of fear.

"Slow, big king, this person is just an errand, what is the use of killing him?"

"In the future, we will inevitably have someone in the middle to talk, or keep it for the top."

Ziyang real people waved and retired the left and right axe.

"Well, you kill me, my son, I will destroy you, the city, come and attack the city!"

Wang Zhi’s anger is unstoppable and he orders.

Ziyang is really hot, he immediately said that he was personally supervised, and the siege weapon was excluded from the battle. The artillery gathered together and rumbling to the wall.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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