The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1900: Talk about the money, talk about the land again

"Yang Daren, what happened?" Li Xian saw the carriage stop, curiously asked.

"We have to wait for two people." Yang Zhongguo said.

"Who are you waiting for? Is it important to Yang Daren?" Li Xian asked.

"Of course, I am a middleman, they are still talking about them." Yang Zhongguo said.

For a moment, the two men rode the deer to the gate of the city, Yang Zhongguo said with a smile: "The Lord's coming."

Li Xian is aware of Wang Anguo. He is very strange to Qin Lan. He does not understand: "Yang Daren, who is this?"

"He is the one who defeats you, the king of three prisons, Qinhou!"

"You want to leave West City this time, I don't count, I still need him to nod." Yang Zhongguo was full of fear.

"Qin Hou!"

Li Xian was shocked, the shadow of the life tree, the most popular big man in the limelight, no one thought that this big man would reach out to the six prisons. It is no wonder that Wang Jun’s defeat was a mess, and even the masters of Ziyang Reality also took it.

"Li Xian has seen Qin Hou adults."

When Qin Lan approached, Li Xianlian, who was cold and proud of the momentum, could not breathe, and quickly bowed his head.

"Li Daren, lead the way ahead." Qin Hao faint.

Li Xian opened the road ahead, and the group stopped under the Qingfeng Mountain. Wang Zhi had already set up a big table under the mountain, set up a fine banquet, sat at the head end, and next to him was sitting in the breeze.

He saw Li Xian lead a few people, and saw that the other side did not even bring a sergeant. Wang Zhi’s heart was even more sad. This is his own military camp. The people in Xifu City are like visiting the mountains and playing with water. He did not put his army in his eyes at all.

In the final analysis, he lost control of the army and the whole army lost its centripetal force.

"Da Wang, this is Yang Zhongguo Yang Daren of the capital city."

Li Xian first introduced.

Wang Zhi quickly got up and bowed his hand and said: "Yang Daren, long-awaited."

Then his eyes fell on the two people around Yang Zhongguo, his look suddenly changed, and he said: "Wang Anguo, how come you?"

"Li Xian, you want to talk, I don't want to consume you, bring a manager, can talk about your achievements without talking about achievements."

Wang Anguo did not like this younger brother, and Sen sneered.

"What is it?" Wang Zhi is somewhat puzzled.

"Yes, this is the main public of Xifu City, Qin Hou adults." Yang Zhongguo explained with respect and respect.

Wang Zhi looked at Qin Hao and shook his head and smiled: "Who I defeated the Lonely King, it turned out to be Qin Hou's younger brother. This is not surprising."

He did not accept Wang Anguo, and this is a self-finished step, not so shameful.

"Yeah, the king of the kings of the year, we also together in the grand hall of Guangwang's life and death hall to drink wine, so that time is not seen, when the Yang King looks old."

Qin Lan pulled the chair down and smiled lightly.

Wang Zhi ridiculed himself: "It will not be for the soldiers, the soldiers will not be soldiers, even the sons will have to go in, can you not be old?"

"Well, since you are manipulating this, we are open to talk."

"I am on a condition, let me go back to Dangyang City, other conditions you open."

Wang Zhi knew that he had a dialogue with Qin Yu, and it didn't make sense to circle the circle.

"Then we will talk about money first, first pay the ransom, I will not be able to run a mile in the six prisons." Qin Yujian eyebrows, the momentum is bound.

"People are dead, do you still have to ransom? Is it too much for Hou Ye not to feel?" Wang Zhi took a table and stunned.

"If I am too much, I can leave your head now. Sometimes it is better to talk about money than to talk about it, isn't it?" Qin Hao slammed a bullet, and Wang Zhigang’s wine glass burst suddenly, and the wine sprinkled Wang Zhiyi. Face, Wang Zhi was anxious, and when he saw the guards around him, the soldiers were still laughing, and they could only suppress this bad smell.

He is very clear that he lost the Ziyang real person. No one in the whole six prisons can suppress Qinhou. Even if he returns to the curtain Yangcheng, it is easy for Qinhou to take his life.

As a ghost king, Wang Zhi was originally a somewhat cultivated one. It was only these years that he was indulging in the color of the wine. He had to repair his body and cut it out, and there was no rebellious capital.

"Well, 300 million ransom, I will give you, immediately switch, let me go back to Wangcheng." Wang Zhi wiped the drink on his face and gritted his teeth.

"Three hundred million?"

"No, your son is 300 million, you are different. So, look at the fact that the king would have a glass of wine in the past, I only need you ten billion! How?"

The Qin dynasty calmed the air.


One billion!

Wang Zhi's eyes are round and round, and the spurt of blood on the spot spurts blood. If it is not Li Xian, it will be faint on the spot.

Li Xian quickly re-sent him tea, and he was chest-shouldered and squatting. Wang Zhi took a breath and pointed at Qin Xiaodao: "You, you are too much, surnamed Qin, you can not eat." Bone, poison."

"Wang Zhi, Hou Ye will leave you a life, it is not bad, you should not be tempered here."

"I still give you a sentence that you said to me in the past, you promised to agree, and you have to promise not to promise!"

Wang Anguo walked over to Wang Zhi and patted him on the shoulder and sneered.

"Lonely king is to empty the national treasury, and can't get a billion. You, kill me."

Wang Zhi was lying on the chair, weak.

"There is nothing to talk about, the soldiers, have you heard it? It is Dangyang Wang who is not willing to let you go home, but don't blame us Hou Ye, Xifu City is not righteous."

The soldiers around Wang Anguo screamed loudly.

"Anguo waiting, there is something good, since it is a negotiation, let's talk slowly, always talk about it." Li Xian quickly stood up and played round.

"Hou, the treasury really can't get so much money. Can you see if it can be repaid in installments?"

Li Xian asked.

Although Wang Zhi was somewhat annoyed, he did not know what to do. If he did not agree, Qin Hou would not kill him. As soon as they returned to Xifu City, the soldiers would have to change and take the heads of others to exchange for freedom.

"Hou Ye, I think it is feasible. I will be a notary public. I will tell you about the capital of Qiandu. I will directly transfer money directly from the Dangyangcheng branch every year to ensure that the money can be put in place and arrived." Yang Zhongguo echoed.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao proudly took a shot and made a snap.

Yang Zhongguo took out the already signed compensation contract and handed it to Wang Zhi. He smiled and said: "When the Yang King, Hou Ye has already loosened his mouth, the opportunity is rare, sign and draw it."

Wang Zhi rubbed his chest, pressed against the old blood of the chest, and looked lazily. He was unable to sign the contract because Wang Yin was not around. Only the tigers with the troops were stamped.

When the wait was ready, Li Xian and the sergeants around him were relieved.

"You have gotten your wish, and I am satisfied with it." Wang Zhi's eyes were red, his fists were pinched, and he hated.

"No, the matter of money is over, let's talk about the land again." Qin Hao is not ill.

"What do you mean, Qin, you have to cut my land?"

Wang Zhiqi's heart is like a knife, and the blood can't stop leaking out of the teeth. It is extremely painful.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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