The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1903: Re-enter the emperor

In Hell, there are many kinds of existence, and Qin Zijian is definitely the brightest star.

Even the Qin dynasty, once compared with him, must be eclipsed.

Qin Zijian is the lucky star given to Qin Guangwang. This **** of life has the courage of Wanfu. If it is a Wufu, it will be like a god, and the war is invincible.

The reason why the Eighteen Prisons respected Guangwang, in addition to Guangwang is the next master, but also the Qin Dynasty's Nanzheng North War, wherever he went, no one can stop!

Before the Qin dynasty came to hell, there was a chaos of the Nine Kings. The nine hells united against the king. Qin Zijian led the Wang Shi to set off the three hells, killing hundreds of thousands of ghosts and shocking the hell.

The mighty nine-king chaos was settled in less than a month.

Qin Zijian is like the white side of Qin Guangwang. It can be said to kill the whole hell. From then on, it is called the **** of war. The world smells its name and admires it.

When Qin Yu was in the 18th prison, Qin Zijian was still young, but because the **** was generally stable, there was no further battle.

When he first met Wang, Qin had also seen Qin Zijian. Although he couldn't talk about deep friendship, he also had a good impression on this person. He hated it for his own use.

Of course, I dare not use it. At that time, Qin Zi built the **** Wei Hehe, and repaired it to be above him. If you just lead an army, you can be king.

Unexpectedly, this year, this talent actually fell.

This is so concealed that it is also that Guangwang is afraid of causing **** turmoil and has not been made public. However, if the organization behind Wan Wan can even kill and kill, it is enough to see that its authority and strength have reached a point of horror.

It is no exaggeration, to the status of Qin Zijian, even Qin Guangwang, do not dare to casually kill, kill!

What a terrible power this is, if there is such an opponent in the king city, then you must be happy.

Of course, Qin Zhen will never be afraid. He is now at the top of the pyramid of Lin Prison. No matter who he is, he has enough confidence and a battle.

"It’s late, I have already had an intersection with him. I gave you the whole city and made you a female slave. Do you think your old master can not pay attention to me?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"The Lord went to the capital of the capital, this time, maybe you can join the Guangwang to bring this guy out, but unfortunately, apart from studying in it, I know nothing about this organization, and I can't help you more." ”

Wan Hao quite apologized.

"No problem!"

Qin Lan went back to the bed and looked at Wan Hao. The two men were lingering again, and they fell asleep.

At the time of the light, Qin Lan and Lei Mo, Qin Long, and Yang Zhongguo took the Clippers and went straight down the river. They waited until the Nether River and went north to the capital city.

When the king of Yang is the shackles.

A cold young man in a robes, staring coldly at the West, looks like ice, revealing a strong killing.

He will never forget the unfortunate scene of his uncle's death before he died, even humiliating and vomiting blood.

The reason why the six prisons fell to this point is because of the incompetence of the uncle, but now that Wang Peng has succeeded, all this will be rewritten.

"Qin Hou, the shame of Dangyang, is the epitaph of your Ming. Believe me, you and I will soon fight the battlefield again. At that time, I must ask you to taste the shame of the world and use the blood as a humiliation." ”

Wang Peng looked at the direction of Xifu City and secretly vowed.

"Dawang, just received the news, Qin Houbei, seems to be running in the capital of Wangdu!" An old man wrapped in a black robes, silently appeared in Wang Peng's side.

"Will it be Qin Guangwang secretly summoning him to go? The old things can't stop, I want to find someone to pick up his rice bowl, and I can't let them succeed. You immediately tell the teacher about this situation. If necessary, try to The surname Qin left, Qin Hou’s head, waiting for me to collect."

Wang Peng is cold and cold.

As long as the teacher shot, even if there is Guang Wang Zhao, Qin Hou will die, no one can escape the teacher's hand.

He was only afraid that the teacher would not sell him this face. He killed Qin Hou early and let him lose his revenge.

"Yes, the king."

The black man went away and disappeared into the night of Zheng

Half a month later, Qin Lan arrived at the capital city of Batu.

Yudu Wangcheng, built according to the old Chang'an City, is divided into five inner cities according to the layout of the four phases. The four cities of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu guard the life and death of the city.

The four major city streets, the streets are straight, the strips are spacious and transparent, and the five cars can be driven together. The shops on both sides are also well-organized, and the prosperity and solemnity of the Hell Emperor are everywhere.

Qin has not been to the capital for a long time. When he comes in, he only feels a sense of depression. He always feels a little less angry than in the past, and more is a fierce and uncomfortable gas.

According to the reason, Qin Guangwang is the emperor, and there are also a number of key officials such as Zhong Rong, Lu and Zhu Judges who are responsible for the internal and external law and order. The capital of the Qingming and Yongzheng should not be such a breath.

Then there is only one possibility, it is not evil!

In this way, the city is really not a peace!

As soon as he arrived in the Imperial Capital, the benefits of Yang Zhongguo emerged. The red man of Qin Guangwang, the imperial court member, quickly placed the **** of wealth, Qin Lan, in a quiet house in Zhuque Street, and sent a pile of shackles. The slave is waiting.

Qin Lan is naturally accepted by music. He is not in a hurry to see Qin Guangwang. For a long time, he will not come to Wangdu. How can he not go shopping first?

In the evening, according to the usual practice, Qin Lan decided to sit in the hottest Baihua Building in the city. Wan Hao came out from there, and there is a rumor center. It is good to listen.

The street is quite lively. From time to time, the soldiers watching the night are lined up. Qin Lan walks slowly, and Baihua Building is on the east side of Zhuque Street. It is not far from walking.

Walking, a train team is flying fast, and there are several fast horses on the head. They are all sitting on the swordsman who is not low. horse is flying fast, just behind them, it is a car. The carriage made of crystal is surrounded by the best bodyguard jade, so luxurious.

"Get out of the way, let me go!"

The guards at the beginning, constantly holding the whip to drive the pedestrians on the road.

Everyone saw that he was dodging, but at this moment, a slow-moving woman, dodging, could see it being hit by a carriage.


The woman was screaming and screaming, and she was about to be hit by a powerful horse-drawn carriage. The Qin dynasty flew out and took her waist and swayed and fell to the side.

"Qin, thank you for your help." The woman looked up at Qin Xiao, a pale smile on her face, grateful.

This woman looks warm and touching. From the charm, the graceful figure and the facial skin, it is not like a girl. It is like a married young woman. The long one is not a country, but it is very moving. There is a kind of Mature and charming, it is a heart-warming meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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