The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1906: Widely visible to Guangwang

As the saying goes, the doorman leads the cattle and horses and will come in. Both of them are extremely low.

White impermanence brows a sinking, unpleasant asked: "What about people?"

The second will always be awe of the two lords, shruggling his head and not screaming.

"Hey, I said that you are all stunned, man?" asked the black impermanent dissatisfaction.

The horse quickly gave the bull's head a look, and the latter sweared hard: "Adults, we didn't take it, we didn't dare to take it."

"You two of these wastes, with so many people going, even the individual can not get back, raise you to eat?" Xie Qi rushed up, according to the head of the cow is a foot, a painful voice.

The bull's head is so good, but he doesn't dare to attack. He can only let the young man become angry.

"I can break the magic car made by Master Garo, and the man must at least be a master of the robbery period. They can't take it down. It is also reasonable." White impermanence is a good temper, not asking for it. .

"Is there anyone?" Black impermanently clenched his fist and asked coldly.

"Black lord, I saw it, Qin Hou of the Eighteen Prison." The horse replied.

"Qin Hou!"

"Oh, when Wang saw him last time, it was a master of the true period. Now he can break the big car and repair it very fast."

Black impermanence is amazed, and the words are quite disdainful.

"This person is a bit wicked. Listening to these two wastes, I have met him in the Yang Dynasty. Except for the yin and yang gates that are privileged by our yin, even the masters of the Lingpu Master can't walk freely. How did he go, and How come back?" The whiteness of the problem is always thoughtful and thoughtful.

"How about that? Dare to let our emperor scatter wild, that is to find a dead end, and he is still a surname prince. Coincidentally, my last stick method is also a small breakthrough, it is better to go to meet him?" Black impermanence proudly.

In his mind, even if Qin Hao had a long-term advancement, he also stepped into the robbery period, and he had already entered the early stage of quasi-saint. Under the quasi-holy, everything was a cloud, and the emperor was his own. The site is not too much to put these foreign princes in the eye.

"Yeah, dry up, when are you, you still have the heart to think about these things, according to my opinion, directly kill the past, come and play first, kill him." Xie Qi screamed.

White impermanence raised his hand and stopped the two humans: "Not reckless, Qin Hou has been very popular recently, and even the masters of the four great dragon kings of the family have lost in his hands. This has been seen by Guang Wang, but Guangwang has not said that this is obviously a sign of connivance. Now Qin Qin has become the king of three prisons, the strength is not ordinary, we must not underestimate the enemy, otherwise it is afraid to turn over the ship in the gutter."

"Father, according to what you mean, this son's eyes are white?" Xie Qi screamed uncomfortably.

"Old black, isn't the name of Qin very mad? Don't call him to go to the Baihualou to eat dinner lately, and then see the opportunity to act."

"Right, call the mad dog, let's take him out of the prison, it's time to let him do some work."

White impermanence thought about it.

"Okay, then do what you want." Black impermanence is cold and cold.


As night fell, Qin Lan stood in the courtyard, looking at the faint sky, and the face was calm.

The land of the emperor is not too flat. He has a kind of hunch. This time, there must be a storm, and there will even be an earth-shattering battle.

"Qin Long, did you feel the existence of the Black Dragon God?" Qin Hao heard footsteps behind him, no need to look back, he also knows that Qin Long is coming.

Qin Long nodded: "I sense that our dragons are more sensitive to the same kind of people, but his breath is weak, it is likely to be closed and rehabilitated, and sometimes there is no breath, which makes it difficult for me to ponder. Maybe he just I don't care to contact a junior like me."

The black dragon of Hell is a predecessor who cultivated in the Huangquan River in the innate period, and because it is the patron saint of hell, it is equal to the four sea dragon gods.

Qin Long was only a small dragon species in the congenital period. It was lurking in the seabed until the day after it was formed. It is a real younger generation. It is because he has a heart and a black dragon, but he does not dare to think about it.

"If he is retreat and submerged, my heart will be more practical, and I am afraid that this black dragon ancestor has been suffering." Qin Hao turned and sighed.

"How come, he is the patron saint of hell, and the guardianship of Guangwang. With their cultivation, who can block in the whole hell?" Qin Long did not dare to cross the channel.

"I don't know why, there is always an ominous premonition in my heart. Qin Long, **** is far more complicated than you think. You will see this time." Qin Hao sighed.

He has this worry. One is that the imperial capital is not correct. In addition, it is the mysterious organization that Wan Hao said. They can even kill Qin Zijian. If it is deliberate, Guangwang and Shenlong may not be able to win.

"Lord, some people claim to be the housekeeper of Xiefu, want to see you." Lei Mo walked in a stride, Hong channel.

"Look, it’s a good show."

"Call him in."

Qin Xiao smiled.

The butler came in and put a hot stamp on his hands. He said: "Hou is on the top, my master is in the Baihualou, and I invite Hou to gather tonight. I also hope that Hou will be rewarded."

"Tell him, I will go tonight." Qin Hao took the invitation and nodded lightly.

Waiting for the housekeeper to retreat, Lei Mo cold and stern: "Lord, this is a banquet, black and white, these two people must be trying to play tricks, or let us inform Yang Daren."

"No, if I can't even deal with these two people, how can I mix in Wangcheng?" Qin said.

As he said, Yang Zhongguo took the hookah and walked in with a big swing. "Hou, are you talking about something interesting?"

Looking at his cheerful expression, Yang Zhongguo did not know that Qin Hao had beaten Xie Qi’s eyes. Qin Hao was also lazy about this matter and asked: “Yang Is there any news on the king?"

The smile on Yang Zhongguo's face was gloomy and quite lost. "The evil door, I went out for a month this time. I haven't seen his old man's face when I came back. I went to see him several times and was blocked by Li Gonggong. When I came down, I said that Guangwang had been concentrating on cultivation recently, and I didn’t see outsiders. I went to find Zhong Tianshi and Lu Jun, and I couldn’t see anyone. I said that I went out to inspect the office. In my opinion, Hou Ye, you are afraid. Wait a second."

"Li Gonggong?" Qin Yu was quite surprised.

"Li Gonggong is Li Xian, the governing **** in the court. These people are not active on the bright side, but they are very powerful. You don't look at me, and the old Qin family in Heilongjiang is directly to Guangwang, but to If you want to see Guangwang, you have to pass this eunuch, or you can't even see the face of Guangwang."

"Before Zhong Tianshi was the ruler of the inner city ban, the land judge was responsible for the drafting of Guangwang's law, and it was the right to directly see Guangwang, but now they are not there, Li Xian does not open his mouth, even if Guang Wang is separated from me. A layer of curtains, I may not be able to see."

Yang Zhongguo explained.

(End of this chapter)

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