The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1911: Mad dog

Chapter 1911 Mad Dog

"mad dog!"

White impermanence did his best to make the last card.

With the roar, the chain creaked, and a figure smashed out, and the speed was as fast as a meteor.

It was the geek that was seen in the Baihualou, which was entangled in chains. The geeks had blood-red eyes and scarlet horns in the corners of their mouths. They were stinking and smelling, and they made a strange smile. The palms were photographed behind the Qin dynasty.

This man does not have any techniques or moves. He is purely stalked by pure temperament, and does not keep his own portal and key points. He blindly rushes according to Qin.


The air was actually hit by a huge cyclone, which shows the depth of this person.

"Get out!"

Qin Hao single palm shot.


The two of them had a pair of palms, and the geek turned over a dozen or so laps in the air, and it slammed on the ground, and the corners of the mouth oozing blood.

Qin Lan also stepped back a few steps to stabilize his body shape and his arms faintly numb.

This is a surprise to him!

How strong is his current cultivation, although this palm is somewhat intentional, there are nearly 60% of the mixed spirit, and the practitioners who have returned to the true period of time have only received this blood.

And this person is only being shot and vomiting blood, which shows that the cultivation is high, absolutely above the black and white impermanence.

When is there such a master in Wang Chengzhong, the more important thing is that this person is still a madman!

"Kill him and kill him."

White impermanence took the opportunity to escape and yelled.

Waiting for a lot of noise, the madman made a shrill scream, his eyes were full of blood, squatting on the ground, and he was so angry that he flew again and rushed over, double fists.

Perhaps Qin Hao inspired a trace of his "sex", this time his moves are slightly traceable, and his fists are tight.

Each fist is mixed with at least tens of millions of pounds of force, caused by the fist, the buildings are broken and collapsed, and the people around the horror are watching the lively people, and they have to retreat and dodge.


In the face of this fierce boxing method, Qin Hao did not dare to care about it. He quickly sent his strength and went all out. The two men moved in the air to fight.

You made me a punch, a punch to the flesh, without any illusion.

In the face of this unhealthy style of play, the comparison is the foundation of the martial arts, because there is no idea to cast a spell, and if you walk a little bit, you will be smashed into pieces by the opponent's fist.

Wherever they went, it was a flying sand, and an old building on the ground floor collapsed as the two men passed by.

The eyes of the people were slightly better. For example, the white impermanence flow could still see a little shadow at first. Afterwards, only one black and white group of cyclones swelled in the air, bursting out a harsh blasting sound, passing along the air. Because of the friction of the gods, drag a long flame.

The two from the east of the city, all the way to the west, the entire north of the Suzaku Street, all the buildings were almost completely destroyed, ruined.

However, no one dares to go forward and block, and is unable to stop it.

This is definitely the most explosive and flammable one in the city of Wangcheng for nearly a million years. Its destruction of "sex" is unprecedented.

Qin Lan is also a big hit, this mad dog looks mad and has no rules, but once the offensive is launched, it is a storm, every punch is going all out, his cultivation is not as good as Qin, this is Qin Qin Can be sure, but it is not much different, the last time has to be a quasi-holy peak, even stronger than Qin Long.

The terrible thing is that his strength is like an endless stream, like a kind of endless force, and it doesn't hurt.

In this way, even if Qin Hao was trained to be above him, he could not help him for a time.

Suddenly, the madman vomited a bit of blood, and his body stagnated.

Qin Yu took the opportunity to change his fists and pointed himself at the madness of the madman.


The madman sighed, and the whole man flew down to the ground, squirting blood in his mouth, and he struggled and could not climb again.

Qin Lan stepped forward and wanted to open the mad hair and see his true feelings. Unexpectedly, there was a whistle in the crowd. The madman is like a stimuli, mourning, and I don’t know where the power comes from, and the two rises and falls over the heads of the people and disappear into the rubble.

When Qin Hao went to chase again, it had already disappeared.

What a pity.

Qin Yu secretly, he left a hand, did not kill the madman, just want to know such a top master, why is it crazy, was raised as a dog to sell life.

As for the white impermanent brothers, they are not qualified to "follow" such masters. The real black hand should be hidden in the crowd. Unfortunately, there are too many people, and the person intends to hide, even if Qin Qin is stronger, nor It may be possible to find this person in a short time.

"White impermanence, who else can protect you now."

Qin Hao murdered in front of the desperate white impermanence, pinching his throat high.

"Hou Ye is angry, Hou Hou is angry." Bai Wuchang stopped yelling and replaced him with despair.

He couldn't believe that even the top masters like mad dogs would be defeated by Qin Hao. What a terrible thing, except for the master behind him, and Qin Guangwang and Zhong Tianshi, he really couldn't think of the king, who would have Qualifications and the Qin Dynasty battle.

The impermanent eyes swept around and finally sank. He knew that the man would not show up. He would save a mad dog but would not save him.

Because the mad dog is unique, and he is dead, the person can completely support a more obedient to take over his position.

With the strength of the Qin dynasty's hands, the white impermanence is a little bit purple.

Qin Hao did not pinch him, just want to see if the black hand behind it would jump out to save the impermanence.

However, it is obvious that his thoughts went bankrupt because he did not feel the fluctuation of the energy of the strong.

That is to say, even if the person is standing in the crowd, there is absolutely no plan to confront him.

Since it is impossible to blow up the opponent, it is useless to keep this card. When Qin Hao intends to pinch the impermanence, there is a sharp scream in the crowd: "Hou Ye’s men are left behind."

I saw a man in a red "color" high hat, with a pale face and a sloping shoulder. He appeared on the corner of the street.

But see the people who are carrying them up, all of them are cultivated as extremely high Next to them are Yang Zhongguo with a cold face and several other senior officials of Wangcheng.

"Hou Ye is a guest. I don't know how to rule the black and white. I have collided with your Wang Wei and forgive me."

"I also asked Hou Ye to see him on the face of Yang Daren and his father-in-law."

The father-in-law hurried down and walked quickly. The crowd consciously opened a way for him and asked him a good manner.

This is a good word, but it is followed by more than a dozen black "color" cannons. If Qin Hao is not mistaken, this is the demolition gun that the capital of the capital is used to deal with.

"It turned out to be Li Gonggong!"

Qin Hao blinked and smiled.

What he didn't expect was to blow up Li Xian. Is Li Xian the white background and the backstage that Wan Hao said?

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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