The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1913: Weird god

"Lord, now this season, you can buy such a whole, so fresh fruit, it is not easy."

"Well, the taste is really good."

"Dragon, don't think about eating people all day, come and taste one."

Lei Mo grabbed a big fruit and took a bite and handed it to Qin Long.

Qin Long grabbed a fruit similar to the five "color" fruit, and swallowed a few mouthfuls. A pair of big-eyed beads smashed round and exclaimed: "Heaven, this is too delicious."

"I like to eat it all, I don't have enough to go to the piano house for you."

Qin Lan walked to the wall and looked at the sky, and there was a meaningful smile on his face.


An abandoned small temple outside the capital of the city!

White impermanence turned into an old cockroach, glanced around, and carefully entered the temple.

The temple is covered with moss and cobwebs, and when it enters, it has a pungent smell.

The center is dedicated to a bodhisattva!

The face of the Buddha has long since disappeared. The stone statue has already been plagued with many cracks. The incense burner on the table was overturned. Several old cats and big mice were holding blood-red eyes. They were looking for food boringly. He made a loud and provocative sound at his mouth.

White impermanence seems to be very fearful. The high-ranking monarchs don’t even dare to swear, and the demeanor is respectful and respectful to the gods: "The disciple Xie Bi'an has seen the superior."

There was a strange wind in the temple, and the mice fled, oh! In the ancient ruined temple, the brazier that had already dried up was brightened, and the dark temple was a little more dim.

"You are coming." There was an old voice coming from the statue.

"Supreme, the disciple is guilty, today I have lost the spirit of your enemies, even my brother's black impermanence has also been murdered, and I ask you to forgive the sins of the disciples."

Bai Wuchang, sincere and fearful, bowed his head.

"Oh, you understand."

"Black impermanence will die, and when you come back, I will give you a refining side. I can be annoyed that I have always thought that you have some capitals. It is a person who can do big things. I never thought that you would be so bad."

"There was actually a mad dog, which almost broke my plan!"

The voice in the idol has become the sneer of an old woman, and it is impossible to distinguish his identity by a man and a woman.

"It’s also a thing that the disciples’ family can’t do. It’s actually going to provoke the Qin’s widow’s woman and provoke Qinhou, which is a big disaster.”

"I and Laohe underestimated the ability of surname Qin, and **** it!"

White impermanence is unwilling and stunned.

"This thing can't completely blame you. The surname Qin suddenly came to Wangcheng at this time. It is really a variable. This person is a high-level person. If a mad dog takes him, you are not an opponent. Don't act rashly. Everything is my own. There are arrangements."

The idol is scolding.


"The disciple retire."

White impermanence bowed his body and wanted to walk out of the temple. The statue once again drank him. "Call your dog son to converge, otherwise he is looking for a dead end."

"Yes, the upper respect."

White impermanence unconsciously shuddered and hurried away.

He forgot when he started to serve this god. He only knew that in the long years, he was just a humble ghost in hell. It was because of the guidance of the gods that he taught the truth and spirits. Hey, he and the old black repairs have made rapid progress and stepped into the ranks of top players.

The gods are like gods, they have given their brothers a lot of guidance, and each time they can make their dreams come true, this has the status of today.

However, even if they are already above 10,000 people, they have never seen the true face of God. They will never guess what God is doing and what to think!

One thing he is certain is that God's energy is so great that it can control everyone. God said that if Qin Qin is to be built, a generation of God of War will die.

God said that Guangwang would never go to the DPRK again. Zhong Rong and Lu Jue disappeared. It is true that Guangwang, who has always been diligent, has not been in the DPRK for more than a month. He was held by Li Xian as a traitor. .

White impermanence and even suspicion, Li Xian is also a person of God, otherwise today will not come to help him at the end of his life.

In other words, the entire emperor, the entire court, everything is under the control of God.

He is just waiting for an opportunity to change the world. The opportunity is hidden under the illusion of this peace. Once it is triggered, it is changed to the future, and the world is changing.

The appearance of Qin Hou made him rarely hear the panic from the tone of God. Perhaps the game of God is the time to see the difference, and Qin Hou is a variable. Who wins and who loses becomes unknown.

White impermanence suddenly, he has become a useless abandonment, in addition to watching, no longer useful.

This is undoubtedly a very sad thing.

Thinking of this, he hated his stupid son a bit, and made such a mistake, so that he lost the opportunity to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime plan.


Early the next morning, Li Xian took a quick walk to Yangfu.

"Hey, Yang Gonggong came over, Hou Ye just used up the breakfast, this time just happened, please inside." The butler quickly and personally greeted Li Xian and came in.

Although Li Xian is in power, but unlike other monks, he is a bit less flying, he is a city, very deep, very likely to come, even if it is a housekeeper, he is also very polite Thank you very much.

After staying in the courtyard, after the butler retired, Li Xian bowed his hand and said: "Hou, is this father-in-law not abrupt?"

"Grandfather is coming, is there any good news?" Qin asked.

"Hou Ye, Guang Wang invited you to see you in the city of death." Li Gonggong lowered his voice and whispered.

"Well, when?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Tonight's time."

Li Xiandao.

"it is good!"

Qin Lan did not think about it.

"The father-in-law retire first, and I will send someone to pick up Houye at night."

Li Xian did not stay too much and left without saying a word.

"Hou Ye ~ Do you really want to go to the palace? This time is not a good choice, and this Li Xian today is helping a white impermanence, not necessarily a good person." Qin Long reminded.

"It doesn't matter if he is a good person, but I must go."

"If I go, at least 50% of the chance to see Guangwang, if I don't go, there is no hope."

"I have to figure out what happened to him, otherwise this will come."

"As for the other side really want to play tricks, then see if they have this ability."

Qin Hao proudly laughed.

The reason why he dares to ignore anyone is because there is a spell of Peng An's painting in his hand. It may not be anything in the congenital spell. But in the aftermath, the power is destroying the "sex", with his current cultivation as the re With that sign, there are very few people who ask themselves to trap him.

(End of this chapter)

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