The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1915: Curse of the Soul

After leaving the General's House, Qin Zhen's mind was thinking about everything in the Qin dynasty. This woman, who is not a "color", is like a brand, and he stays in his mind and lingers.

He even thought of himself, did he really like this woman?

Back in Fuchu, he found a quiet place, sitting cross-legged, and the gods flew into the square.

Fang Cunshan has expanded a few more points, and there are many quaint buildings. There is Lu Qianqiu, the architect of the building. The speed of Fang Congshan’s construction has undoubtedly increased a lot. Many slaves have been seen along the way. These guys are also honest. And there are more rules, unlike every time he comes, these guys will throw away the work in their hands, just like watching a monkey.

When I saw the Qin dynasty, the ancient Qing dynasty was like a flying bird. I greeted it. The little girl looked good in the square inch mountain. Not only did the appearance change more beautiful, but the figure was also hot.

"Lord, I am jumping with my left eye early this morning. Master Danzizi said that this is a good sign. I estimate that you are coming to touch it. I didn't expect it to be true." Gu Qing wanted to embrace Qin Lan. However, due to the order of honor, she stopped at the front half of the Qin dynasty, and her face was full of joy.

"Looks, have you been here well?" Qin asked.

Gu Qing nodded hard and said with pleasure: "This is a paradise relative to hell. The master of Danzizi not only gave me the medicine, but also taught me how to cultivate the gods. Other masters also There is a good teaching, I will still draw a character now."

"Oh? It seems that they really think of you as a big housekeeper."

Qin Xiao was quite surprised.

It is necessary to know that Dan Buzi, Peng An and others are very proud. They have always been regarded as slaves to those who come from hell. It is a gift from ordinary people to talk to them. These guys are willing to take care of themselves. Passed to the ancient Qing, it is beyond the expectations of Qin Yu.

I want to come because of the support of these "great gods", Gu Qing can really talk and manage things, and manage the well-organized here.

"Yeah, Master Danzizi accepted me as a disciple. The other masters are also very good to me. Recently, a Master has been revived, and it will be a great idea."

Ancient Qing joys.

"There is a good idea, then I have to look at it, he is more effective." Qin Hao smiled.

For the set of divination and fortune telling, he will be a little bit, but it is hardly useful, because there are too many variables in the world, no matter whether people or things are filled, heaven is also running countless, too dependent on these divination techniques. It will only be counterproductive.

If it is such an efficacious, it was originally said to be omnipotent, and the omniscient Ziyang real person will not die in his own hands.

When I arrived at the Qin Palace, Dan Buzi and others had already waited at the door.

"The younger brother really guessed it, Qin Di will definitely board the mountain gate today!" Dan disciple first bowed his hand.

One of them must be silver-white, and the old man of the sacred wind bones is sincere and sincere: "How can you dare to present ugliness in front of your brothers?"

Dan's sons are also smiling, looking like a sigh of relief, the atmosphere is very harmonious.

"Qin Emperor, this is my younger brother Tan Lun, nicknamed Bai Xiaosheng, he is the next disciple of the practice of cultivating the same!" Dan Bozi introduced.

"Tan Lun has seen Qin Emperor!" The old man quickly called.

In the realm of comprehension, it is not based on the theory of the annual ring, but on the strength and status. Among these people, Peng An is the only middle-disciple disciple of the recovery. The status is the highest. The others are the next disciples, led by Danzizi. .

Although Tan Lu looks older, but because he is not a long-term student, it is the same as Lu Qianqiu.

It is a miscellaneous stream, and its status is even lower. In these people, don't look at the elderly, it is actually hanging at the end.

This is why Dan and his son praised him. He did not dare to accept it.

"Bai Xiaosheng, this is good, I am looking for you."

"Speak inside."

Qin Lan first entered the Qin Palace, and everyone was respectful and trailing.

"Lord, I will give you tea with all the masters." The reason why Gu Qing fell in love with Fang Xiangshan, is that the Xianchangmen here is a group of qi, and there is no ordinary sect. Cheesy with the same door.

"You are the big housekeeper appointed by Qin Emperor. This kind of thing is to let the slaves outside do it."

"trouble marker!"

Danzizi shouted outside the door.

I saw the brooming star who nodded and looked at the smiling Samu, and the two came in joyfully.

"Qin Emperor, brother, what is the command."

Asked the broom star.

Sha Moer is also the eyes of the autumn wave, and the deliberately low-opening collar is mostly wiped with snow. With the Yingying bending over the violent "exposed" in front of the Qin dynasty, "the slaves have seen the Qin Emperor and the princes."

"No eyesight, not going to pour tea!"

"And you, Fang inchshan is not short of silk, next time do two good clothes, really want to "show" so, don't wear it later."

When Gu Qing saw the two of them, they had a anger and looked up at them.

Since the Dan disciple apprentice, and everyone helped, the status of Gu Qing has risen, and the broom star is a gate to watch. After a long time, it can only be made into a prototype, although it will not be done with the slaves. Live, but also lost the original influence.

"Yes Yes!"

The broom star pulled up a look of grievances, and also wanted to show off the graceful sands in front of the Qin dynasty.

The crowd sat down and Qin Qin opened the door to see the mountain: "I really encountered a problem this time, Qin Guangwang, everyone knows?"

"Guangwang belongs to Taiyi Sanxian, and it is much higher than me. It is also the only congenital fairy who survived in the days after tomorrow. How did Qindi have an entanglement with him?"

Danzizi asked.

"Qin Guangwang is in charge of hell. I went to the capital city of Wangcheng is not quite right. I suspect that Qin Guangwang has been restrained, imprisoned, or killed."

"Of course, this is just a guess. I can't get any information from him right now. What's more, there is a huge black net hidden in Wangcheng. The black hand behind me is still "touching". It’s a mess, so I’d like to ask a few of you to think about it.”

"Right, this is the day before I played against one person, and the things I got from him, you all have a look."

Qin Lan took out a ring of iron, which was a piece of iron ring that was pulled from the madman.

Originally, Qin Qin did not pay more attention to the iron ring. After a careful look last night, I discovered that the iron rope is not simple. There are some weird runes on it. Even if Qin Qin knows how to know, it is difficult to distinguish.

Dan Bozi was not good at runes, and he gave it to Peng An. Peng An looked at it: "This is a sorcerer's curse. It is not a big deal in the congenital period. It is derived from Tongtian Intercourse, and it is mostly taught. The disciples used by disciples can be used to seal the three souls and seven scorpions of the people, making the Yuanshen uneasy and trapped for them. When Bodhi’s teacher gave us a speech, he mentioned one or two. Although there are only a few fragments, it is not difficult to identify. ”

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