The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1929: Shishi 3, when you look at each other


Two palms are right!

Two giant forces collided in the air!

The boxing spirit spurred the "Dang", and floated to the Daxiong Hall behind the Lingpu. It was a loud bang, and it was known as the first temple of the Zongshan Mountain. The solemn Daxiong Hall collapsed and became a ruin.

Similarly, Lingpu's palm strength also bursts behind the Qin dynasty, and a hard blast creates a huge vortex in the void. Several martial arts disciples are caught off guard and are directly involved in the vortex, if not the spirit of plundering When the eyes of the people are fast and promptly treated, the disciples should be torn to crush on the spot.


One stroke has not been divided into high and low, both of whom know that they have met their opponents, and each opponent has a high and low heart, which is to make all the stops and take off.

There are no beautiful techniques, all of which are purely in the fists and fists.

It’s the way to repair them. When the opponents are trembling, the techniques and spells are hard to come by. Only the basic skills of the people are solid and the martial arts are exquisite.

A little careless, eating a punch and a palm, is the end of the broken bones.

Where the two men swept, like the two bombers constantly bombing, the temples, rocks, and vegetation of the earth were all turned into ashes, and the cyclone bursting out of the air, but also the raging winds of the hills, blowing Flying sand and stone, everyone can not even open their eyes.


"The hidden treasure of the gods!"

After being squandered with a scent, Lingpu double-handedly flew, and at the same time as the Buddha's Tianlong octave, the two palms were golden, and they shot all the way to Qin's chest.

And Qin Hao, waiting for this opportunity!

The sound of the Tianlong octave sounded, the whole hill was creaking, the Buddha's voice was solemn, and the people who were shocked excitedly swayed.

"The next product is Tianxian, the third is heavy, and it is arbitrarily!"

Qin Hao's right hand is chic and flat, and he is lightly printed in the eyebrows, and he is transformed into a sacred seal.


The two radiances of gold and white are swaying in the air. As the waves spread, the halls are ruined and collapsed. The hills meet and collapse, and the vegetation touches.

For a time, everyone was only stunned, deaf, and all the senses failed at the same time!

The top decision of the two masters is completely ruining "sex".

After a few minutes, everyone felt that the chest was over the river, and even the masters of the spirits were vomiting, which slowed down.

As a person in the world, Lingpu and Qin Lan are smiling, and they have already shake hands.

This blow, the two have been divided.

Qin Yu has just been shaken back by a full 13 cubits, while Ling Pu is nine feet!

It is also said that although Qin Yu received the congenital exercises, the cultivation is also vitality, but the single theory of the body is strong, still slightly less than the general.

For Lingpu, he is also a loser.

Qin Hou debuted for more than 10,000 years, and he has lived for a million years. The time between cultivation is one hundred times different.

When the two met, Qin Hou was in the 18th King, but he waited, and in a short time, he became a top player not in his own.

Moreover, the practice of Qin Yu's cultivation seems to be somewhat similar to some of the bans passed down by the Tibetan Bodhisattvas. This makes Lingpu have to give birth to a wave of waves in the Yangtze River, and the feelings of talents in Jiangshan.

He even has some doubts about whether he is old or not, and now the world seems to be moving in a direction that is not dominated by himself.

And this is him, the general trend that his generation can't reverse.

"Carrying, master." Qin Yu and ten.

It is the first person to be recognized as the highest, and he still has a lot of respect for the spirit.

"Schools should be treated with enthusiasm on the 3rd, Houye is a supernatural powers, admiring the poor, and watching the tea in the Zen Room."

Lingpu smiled and worshipped, raising his hand to the small sand road around him.

Immediately, there was a small sage to go to the tea, and Qin dynasty went to the human body with a bitterness: "Several masters, today they are on the door, and they are more offensive. They also hope that the masters will have a lot of sea culverts."

"Don't dare, don't dare. It's the poor brothers and four people who don't know Jinshan. The Buddha is not enough. Please ask inside Hou."

The spirit and others have repeatedly apologized.

Waiting for the Zen Room, the tea is overflowing and it is a good tea.

Qin Hao is unceremonious, a slight product, greatly appreciated. The tea ceremony of Lingpu and the tea ceremony of Qinqin have their own merits. The tea of ​​Qinqin has a faint warm fragrance. After drinking it, it will have a long aftertaste, and even people will have the illusion of a first love time.

Lingpu's tea is deep and heavy, with a slightly bitter taste. When the bitter taste is opened in the throat, it becomes a faint sweetness. There is a kind of bitterness that can be relieved by the pain of seeing the red dust.

"Hou, how is this tea?" Lingpu asked.

"Tea is a good tea, but it is not suitable for drinking at this time."

After Qin Yu took a sip, put down the tea bowl and faintly said.

"Oh, when do you drink?" Lingpu asked slowly.

"The red dust has not yet broken, but the sweetness, the Buddha spent a long time in this mountain, but I do not know the world is suffering, it is time to taste the hell." Qin said.

"The monks have long been empty, the bitterness is sweet, the sweetness is bitterness." Ling Pu closed his eyes and read a Buddha.

"I don't turn around, Qin Guangwang has a hard time. Now Wangcheng has a mysterious demon person. Once the kingship is down, the world will be controlled by the evil spirits. As the Buddha is a descendant of the Tibetan Buddhism, there is a responsibility for the prison. Is it not? Should I ask?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Amitabha, the world is divided and combined, all are fixed numbers, and the power of one person can change."

"If even Guangwang can't escape the reversal of the ruling, can you feel the inferior ability to turn the tide?"

Ling Pu slammed his eyebrows.

There are many disciples in the Tibetan Buddhism in the world, and the Tibetans have never lacked intelligence. Of course, the Lingpu knows the change of the capital of the capital. When Qin Zongjian was killed, he knew that Wangcheng was going to storm.

But like all Buddhism disciples, Ling Pu's "sex" is indifferent, and he does not want to participate in it.

Because no matter who is in power in the world, for him, he must respect the Tibetan sect. The only thing he can do is to work diligently and hardly, and he has already become a holy sage, ensuring that the sect will not fall.

"Haha, the master is so ignorant, do you think that the king of Guangwang is dead, will the Tibetan ancestral hall be safe?"

"Since ancient times, the Tibetans and Guangwang have been in contact with the hell, and the lips have died. When the Guangwang is in trouble, the first one to suffer is you."

"You are talking about Buddha here, and the people outside, all of them are laughing behind you, ignorant, such a simple truth, the master is unclear."

Qin Lan stood up and shouted at righteousness.

If it is not to be repaired in the middle of the room, he really wants to smoke a few slaps, so that this stubborn idiot is sober.

The high-spirited eyes of the dynasty are so narrow, which is what Qin Hao never imagined.

Lingpu actually understands this truth. He has never told anything about some things, but now he feels it is time.

(End of this chapter)

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