The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1933: Playing Wang Hao

Qin Hou!

This name is definitely the loudest in Hell recently. It was so in Wangcheng. Once it was killed, the outer city was completely impermanent, and most of the Suzaku Street was destroyed. As a result, Li Gonggong in the palace did not even say a word. Say. .

Everyone consciously let go of a road, and saw a young, clean-looking, cold-headed boy.

Those who have never seen Qinhou are in a burst.

No one thought that the prince of the legendary party would be such a young boy.

"Hou Ye, Hou Ye is here."

Everyone said hello.

Qin Xiaolang laughed and said: "Lu Jue, the world, the people's affairs are as big as the sky, why not let them meet Guangwang?"

Lu Jue smiled a little, "Guangwang is retreating, I don't see you, please come back."

"Retreat? Guangwang has never retired for thousands of years, but at this time retreat, why not open the skylight and say the words, let the people of the world know what the Guangwang is?" Qin Yu does not care that Lu Jun is a loyal "rape", he only wants to The greatest strength, forced to force his opponent to release Guang Wang.

As long as Guang Wang appeared, everything is naturally easy to handle.

"I said that Guang Wang is retreating. Is this Hou Wang questioning Guang Wang?" Lu Jun cold and cold.

He knows that the more he opposes, the more he can create public opinion and win a better opportunity for Qin Hao to rescue Guangwang.

"There is no such thing as Lu’s remarks. Guangwang’s retreat, what he needs, and all kinds of matters will go home. Why didn’t he have any signs this time?

"I suspect that Lu Xuan privately curated Guang Wang. Since you said that Guang Wang is in retreat, well, you will take your family to see Guang Wang."

One person came out of the palace, and the sharp voice was Li Xian.

Li Xian only knows that Guang Wang is in a deep well, but he can't get a well. Except for Lu Jun, his most trusted **** of Guangwang is hard to know the inside story. On weekdays, he does not dare to argue with Lu Ju, now it is rare. Here, just ask questions clearly.

"Why, the king's business, why should you explain it to you, especially to such a prisoner?"

"Come, all give me a blast."

Lu judged lazy, turned and ordered to go.


"You see it clearly, what is this!"

The Qin dynasty burst into a bang, and the domineering ripped off the Fabu outside the Wang Hao, showing the true body.


Playing the purple gold of Wang Shuo, the character of Wang Hao’s pen and dragon snake is empty. The word hunting is really good. Yuchen, you are in the Buddha, and Hell is respected, and you dare not be!"

A series of purple gold gloss pressed against everyone's mind, and even the gas could not breathe. Even Lu Jun did not expect to play Wang Hao even so divine, and at a time it was straightforward.

"See you see Bodhisattva, and you won't leave."

The thunder made a big drink.

Lu Jue and others have come back to the world, and they have screamed and shouted: "I have seen the big bodhisattva!"

"If today's big "chaos", Wang Cheng is a small work, I only use this to order Guangwang immediately, Lu Jun, not fast to announce?" Qin Yu said and shouted.

"It’s not that I don’t respect it. It’s really a retreat for the king. I can’t preside over the big political affairs. Please forgive me.” Lu Juru was honest, and at the same time told Qin Hao that Qin Guangwang was not so easy to ask.

The entire palace of the capital, I don't know how many gods and ears are covered. He has been hiding for so long. At this time, he is even more afraid of anger.

Anyway, Qin Hou also regarded him as a thief who betrayed Guangwang, and so is it.

"Since Guangwang is not dying, from now on, I will use the imperial concubine to stop the political affairs."

"Guangwang did not leave the customs one day, and I was stationed in Wangcheng to represent him."

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"Qin Hou please, withdraw!"

Lu Jue made a disrespectful form, waved his hand and removed all the banned troops.

The Qin dynasty refused to accept the life and death hall. He had Wang Yin and played Wang Hao in his hand. He could completely perform any duties of Guang Wang.

He took the lead in politics. The first thing was to seal down all the assets of Pan Hongyun and the venue.

At the same time, it was returned to the city defense army of the outer city, so that Yang Zhongguo in the city's maximum strength to investigate any person related to God, once found, always ask in the temple outside the city.

This is a very dangerous move for a person who has just regent.

But Qin Hao has no choice.

He could not use his power to find out the whereabouts of Zhong Tianshi, and he could not break the secluded wall to rescue Qin Guangwang. Only through a large-scale move, the black-handed man behind the "forced" appeared and took the initiative to come to him.


Qinglong old house.

Pan Hongyun sneaked into the yard from the back door carefully and saw the **** who was drinking tea under the banyan tree.

The gods are all in the white robes. The way he drinks tea is also very unique. It is not the mouth, but the nose. The scent of tea is flying into his nose like a silk thread.

As soon as I met, Pan Hongyun slammed into the ground with two big ears, and repented: "God, I am guilty, I lost the mad dog."

He sent dozens of good hands and used a heavy lock to trap the madman. He didn't expect one to be indifferent. The mad dog broke off the chain and killed several men and fled.

In the past few days, Pan Hongyun has been looking for it. There has never been a clue. Now his scene has been shackled, his business has been sealed, and he has become a waste person overnight. He can’t help himself. He can only help God who can do anything.

"I already know." God just answered very plainly, as if the madman had become less important.

"You, you know?" Pan Hongyun was a little surprised.

"Well, you don't have to look for it, he is useless." God was indifferent.

"That's good, that's good." Pan Hongyun sighed and then pleaded: "God, that Qin Hou actually invited to play Wang Hao, now holding the political affairs, let us have a few points, and my business. More than a billion yuan of crystal coins have been frozen by him. You have to stop shooting, and our power in Wangcheng will be finished by him."

"What are you anxious, don't you know when you are early tomorrow?"

"Go on, I have guests here, remember, there is no call in my future, no more. Otherwise, kill innocent."

God is cold and cold.


Pan Hongyun wiped his cold sweat from his forehead, shook his head and walked quickly.

For God These are small skin "hair", as long as Qin Zhen does not move Huang Quan eyes, it is to take the whole world, why not?

"Ouyang Gate Lord, come out."

God is facing the inside.

Ouyang Xiong boldly smiled and walked out from inside. "God, when you first came to hell, I met you. I only thought that you were just playing around. I didn't think that today I really pointed to the mountains and controlled the world. Ouyang. I rarely admire people in my life, and my husband is one."

"Unfortunately, you and I have known each other for thousands of years. I don't know your name so far. Even if you are a man or a woman, you can't see it. It's a pity."

"Ouyang has never liked to have a distraction, but now I will let me see the truth, how?"

Ouyang Xiong Yin smiled.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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