The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1945: Huangquandi Palace

Huang Quan’s eyes are in a deep mountain in the northwest of Batu.

There is an underground palace in the middle of the mountain, and the forbidden land that opens the eyes of Huangquan is located in the underground palace.

When the sky is not bright, the three Qin dynasty quietly set off from the north gate and went straight to the unknown mountain.

Just out of the city, he saw Qin Qin and Liu Ma.


Qin Lan went down to the deer horse and walked to the front. Due to Liu Ma, he could not hug and kiss the Qinqin. He could only be comforted to leave his eyes.

"Hou Ye, this is hard and dangerous, I don't know where this Huang Quan eyes are. This kit is brought with you. Inside is the peace symbol that I asked for you yesterday."

"No matter what, I hope you can come back safely."

Qinqin passed the robes and said softly.

"Madam, rest assured, I will definitely come back." Qin Hao firmly said.

"That's good, I will."

Qinqin nodded, smiled and turned to go with Liu Ma.

Qin Yu held the robes that still had the aroma of the Qinqin. The heart was warm and waiting to be draped in the robes. He was even more enthusiastic, and the three men beat the city.

In the afternoon, the three had already left the city of Suidu and entered the mountains to the north of the capital.

In a secluded forest, the three Qin Qin people stopped to rest.

"Lord, drink two." Thunder chewed the biscuit and handed it over to the jug.

Qin Lan drank two, and threw it to Qin Longdao: "According to this speed, we can reach the forbidden land tonight, our enemies, and we should wait for us here soon, so be sure to get up and be careful. response."

"The Lord is assured that they are Gods and ghosts, and I sent them together."

"It’s just that I heard that Huang Quan’s eyes are forbidden in the congenital period. I don’t know what the consequences will be after opening. Don’t flood the whole hell.”

Lei De laughed.

"How to open it is our enemy's thing, let's be a robber today."

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"I have no opinion, anyway, it is a word, dry!"

Qin Long has less words and looks up.

As I said, there was a strong wind behind me. I saw a big monster coming out of the air. When I was near, it was a bronze gong.

Lei Mo out of the palm, "forced" stopped the gongs, yelling at the forest: "Who is it?"

Just waiting to catch up, Qin Hao shouted at him, "Don't chase, be careful of fraud."

"Fucking the ghosts, I have to see what they are doing."

Qin Long kicked off the coffin cover, and when the three saw it, they were all indifferent.

There is a person inside!

A dead man!

It is white impermanence!

Qin Lan did not expect that the deputy was secretly hiding, but he was still thought of being poisoned by God.

This is a provocation!

It is implied that if they go further, they will die without a place to die.


Qin Yu smashed a deep pit and buried the gongs. The face was "sinking" and shouted: "Hurry."

He has never been a succumb to the inferior. The narrow road meets the brave and the other party is clear that he does not want him to step into the forbidden place, but he has to do the opposite.


The two devils also came to the fire, suddenly drunk, three people quickly whip, rushed to the forbidden place.

After the night, the color was completely deep, and Qin Lan finally stood at the door of the underground palace.

There are two rows of death guards at the door. These once brave and loyal warriors, their imprints and remnants have long been erased, and now they can only be like statues, waiting for weathering.

The fire in the palace is densely covered, and the photos are white.

The dead silence inside, only three heavy footsteps.

Qin Lan turned around in the circle and found that this place seems to have nothing special except the altar.

Moreover, although the underground palace is very deep in eating, it is still far from the place where it can meet with Huang Quan.

There must be a dark door leading to a more mysterious forbidden place.

To his disappointment, Qin Lan looked around in the hall, and did not find a special organ secret door, and this place is not a forbidden land built in congenital period, there is no special method, all the gods, the method When it is completely closed, Rao is a magical power of Qin Lan, and it is also useless here.

Is this awkward to run?

Just when he was puzzled, hey, a burst of low noise came over, and Qin Long’s ears moved, and he was shocked: “The Lord, it seems to be the voice of the Black Dragon God.”

"Listen to see where he is?" Qin Hao realized that this is an opportunity.

The sound of Black Dragon is extremely weak, and the talk is better than nothing. Even if Qin Qin listens, it is not true. For the echo of the same family, Qin Long is more sensitive than Qin Qin. After he listened to the ground for a while, his eyes were full of joy: "Lord, I know how to get in, Dragon God told me the answer."

He walked to the center of the altar, where there was a Buddha statue of the Bodhisattva, and the Buddha's hand was holding a flower on the other side.

Qin Long violently cut his wrist, let the blood drip into the other side of the flower, suddenly, the other side of the **** work, the Buddha image slowly rotated up, showing the bottom of a row of downward steps.

"I didn't expect the authorities to be here, but I was able to open up the dragon blood. It is no wonder that these people are going to imprison Black Dragon and Zhong Tianshi."

"If it is not Qin Long, even if we come, we can only be busy."

Qin Yu was overjoyed.

The Black Dragon God is the mount and partner of Guangwang. It has always guarded the eyes of Huangquan. There are dragon gods guarding them. The ordinary people are naturally close, but God can subdue the Black Dragon God and Zhong Tianshi. It is indeed a means.

It is estimated that the "touch" is still relying on the kind of unintelligible poison. So far, no one seems to be able to resist this poison. Now it seems that Black Dragon God and Zhong Rong are no exception.

The three Qin dynasty followed the steps.

The steps have been almost down the steep **** of nearly ninety degrees, and I don't know how many levels there are.

The inside is groggy and can't see the bottom. The more you go down, the more the chilly wind wins. The natural cold from the bottom of the ground and the yellow spring water, even if it is Qin dynasty, is also a tingling of the "Mao" hole.

Occasionally watching the Quartet, faintly visible underground spring water, walking through the rock formations above the head, the sound of the sound is like thunder.

Qin Lan knows that they are probably already in the belly of Jiuyou Huangquan.

This forbidden land was created by a large force, which was formed into an independent space in the Huangquan River.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Qin three people only feel that they are about to freeze into a popsicle. The body is stagnant, the steps have finally fallen to the real place, and finally reached the forbidden place.

The scene in front of you is extremely spectacular.

In the middle, there is a mirror-like object that forms a light yellow "color" light curtain that hangs over the entire void.

In the mirror is the Huangquan River, like a storm cloud, madly spinning outside the enchantment, sending out a burst of crazy roar.

Outside the country is a large altar, the vast expanse of the altar, the center is a huge million characters, the tens of characters in the gully, the blood of the red nose and the nose like a blood dragon.

At the end of the sign, it is a big blood pool.

In the blood pool, an iron lock is used to slap a strange man with a shawl!

The geeks saw the three Qin dynasty, and the blood in the eyes was stunned, and there was still a sigh of relief.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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