The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1951: Lonely king wants to play dead him

"You mortals like to be self-righteous, do you think that you can trap a lonely king?"

"You are too naive, you don't understand at all, what a terrible existence God is."

Qin Guangwang held his hand and sneered.

"You, how do you know this?" The Holy See watched the light door dissipate, but did not dare to take a step forward, because Guangwang’s gas field is too strong, and it seems that only one eye can crush him. .

This is the real Guangwang, not the one who was imprisoned by him and was weak.

Even the method of Xianzunism has never caused any damage to the king.

"In hell, there are no people who can't be found by a lonely king. There is no such thing as a lonely king."

"I am just too boring, I want to play with you, but I didn't expect you to take it seriously, it's ridiculous."

Qin Guangwang shrugged his shoulders and was boring.

"I am the person of the heavens and the Qing dynasty. Now your throne has been returned to you. You and I do not make river water, and each of them is good?"

"When you want to come, you want to go and leave. What is your life and death city?"

"As for what is going on, why is it small, is he important?"

Qin Guangwang asked and laughed.

However, his smile sank and rushed to make a majestic drink: "Get it."

"What is it?" The Holy Regiment retreated.

"Flame flower." Qin Guangwang pointed to the bag in the hands of the Holy Ghost.

"I should thank Yan Yan. If it weren't for him, I am afraid that I couldn't open Huang Quan's eyes forever. I got the flame flower. Now I spend my time, I can control the number of the day after tomorrow. No matter the gods, I must surrender to me."

"I can be more than shoulder-to-shoulder, than the shoulders of the Jade Emperor, the world of heaven and earth, I am the only one, haha!"

Guang Wang Yangtian laughed wildly.

"No, no, this is what I exchanged for my life. I can't give it to you."

The holy singer squinted and fled.

He didn't dare to think about it. He only wanted to be able to take the flame flower at the moment, and he went back to heaven in a smooth way. It is the right way to escape this robbery.

However, the king controls the hell, and everything in **** is obeying his command.

The ambassador had just escaped from the yard, and in the night he became a cocoon, wrapped him silently, and tightened a little bit, swallowing his wreck.

"No one can escape my hand, why are people always stupid?" Qin Guangwang shook his head boringly.

"Give, give it to you, let me live a life." The Holy See pleaded.

Guangwang grabbed the flame flower and reached for a look. He saw the light and the flames were strange. He knew that it was a rare thing and he was very happy.


He even saw more of the sacred ambassador, and his right hand waved, and the dark moment engulfed the remnant of the ambassador.

He does not have any derivation or arrogance. No matter anyone, dare to provoke his dignity, it must be a dead end.


Qin Guangwang is back!

Everything is in the expectation of Qin Yu, the Holy Spirit will not kill him, and he will get a flame flower, and he will definitely return to heaven, and it will be sooner or later.

Guang Wang was in the early morning, in a clear hill in the north, the Qin dynasty was summoned.

He sat in the gazebo, a white plain suit that looked very weak.

When I met Qin Lan, Guang Wang got up and greeted him. He hadn’t opened it yet. He coughed for a while until the corner of his mouth oozes blood. This is a bitter smile: “Let the old man laugh, the lonely king died this life, although he came back alive, but The soul is so heavy that it has become a waste."

"Qin is a little through the doctor, if you don't mind, how do I give the king a pulse?" Qin Xiao smiled.

"Very good, there is a laborer." Guang Wang entered the pavilion and gestured to Qin Lan to sit down.

Qin Yu took his pulse, his vitality was empty, his meridians were broken, and there were countless toxins implanted in his bones. Any one of them was enough to teach people to die for a hundred times. One of them is the unsolvedness of God. Poison, also known as Qin Guangwang, the only **** in the world, can still stand here to speak.

Qin Lan could not imagine how the king suffered in the secluded wall.

"Death can't die, you can only live with a broken soul."

"Hey, I thought that in the same year, the Lonely King and Hou Ye took the wine here. When they looked at the world, how can they be tempted, and when they didn't want to see each other again, the younger brother was radiant and shining, and I was like a dead man." Guang Wang Yu Chu laughed.

"The great king Hong Fu Qitian, with a little cultivation, will definitely be able to regain the power."

"I came here to invite the King to participate in the wedding of Qin Qin, and return to Wang Yin."

Qin Lan secretly sighed in the heart, fearing that Dan's son could not do anything about Qin Guangwang's illness, and he only had a few comforts.

Qin Guangwang held the hand of Qin Yu and pushed it back again.

"I asked Li Xian, and the lonely king suffered these days. It is up to you to support the overall situation. The courtiers are all admired."

"As early as in the secluded wall, I want to understand. I am really tired. This is the young man of yours. Qin Lan, the lonely king is now so stubborn, why can he be a big man, accept it."

Qin Guangwang is really incisive.

"Print, I will not suffer, King, you take a rest and leave."

Qin Lan put down the big seal and got up and left.

"Wait, the younger brother is blaming me for imprisoning the Black Dragon and the Heavenly Master?" Guang Wang suddenly asked.

Qin Hao did not make a sound.

"You are not a king. When you are king, you will not think so."

"If it wasn't for him and Zhong Rong holding me with flames, would I start with my brothers and courtiers for many years?"

"The heart of the lonely king, you will understand when you get to my position."

"But, your wedding will be a lonely king, the world is hard to say, and you can do it."

Qin Guangwang’s painful coughing up, a long lament.

Qin Hao did not look back and walked quickly.

He didn't want to know Qin Guangwang, and he didn't know what happened. He just wanted to leave here quietly.

Qin Xiaogang just walked, Guang Wang’s eyes were full of brilliance, and he’s stunned, and there’s no sorrow, and there’s a cruel sneer in his mouth.

"Emperor, you don't like Qin Hou, why don't you kill him?"

Lu Jue came over from the side and frowned.

"Kill him, no, he is dead, I have no fun at the end."

"This is a good person. It is so good that the woman he wants to marry is the **** he always wanted to find. I don't know."

"No, he knows, pretend not to know. This self-made clever woman first killed Qin Zijian, who had a heart with Zhong Tianshi, and now makes Qinhou want to die, how can I let such a funny couple ""

"In this case, I will direct a good show of love and love, and make their wedding a funeral."

"Longevity, see you crying, it should be very interesting."

Qin Guangwang squinted at the sky, and rarely smiled.


"Since Qin Hou knows that Qin Qin is a god, he will not start with her again. Emperor is afraid..."

Lu Jun is still puzzled.

"You don't understand A few days ago, the ghost door opened wide. I put two people in, one is Qin Wenren, the other is Song Rujun. If I guess it is correct, they should be in the city of life and death now. On the road."

Qin Guangwang played with a smile.

"They are the parents of Qin Hou." Lu Jun was shocked.

"Yes, if I give God a will in the status of Yan, killing these two people, one is to kill the father's hatred, the other is a woman, you say who our great emperor will choose?"

"Haha, funny, interesting..."

Qin Guangwang squatted on his sleeve and laughed.

On the side of the land judge, if the heart is cold, muttering: "The emperor is like a tiger, only the loyal loyalists, oh!"

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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