The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1958: Assassination of God

Lingle Palace!

The most elite Tianshi army, the three-fold, the three-outer, surrounded the palace tightly.

Lu Ju personally on the ship's armor, around the palace patrol, the assassin tonight, but the gods who control the underground city of the capital of the capital for many years, can imprison the terrible existence of Guangwang, Lu Zheng's loyalty to Guangwang, so that he will never allow this There was any mistake in the evening.

Guangwang did not have a big banquet, but a good old wine in a pot and a few small dishes in the wine. At this moment, there are several old copywritings in his big case, which he saved in his congenital period. For anyone with normal thinking, it can only be considered a pastime.

But for Qinhou, this is indeed an important thing.

These drawings will also be the trigger for the complete detonation of the relationship between Qinhou and God.

Rain, pattered down.

The capital city of Biandu has not been raining for many years. This makes Guangwang think of his old buddy, Black Dragon God. He has his days, whether it is the wind or the rain, all in his control, and now the **** old It’s raining.

Even if it is a little bit of control, Guang Wang’s heart is also uncomfortable.

He has become very violent recently and is very angry.

That is the symptom that a lonely patient will come to the extreme.

Lonely, lonely, even God, will sooner or later be tortured to death.

Li Xian walked in, put the umbrella outside the door, shook his body with water stains, and respectfully said: "Emperor, Hou Ye has promised to go to the appointment, saying that he will arrive on time."

Guangwang nodded with satisfaction, then ordered: "You don't rest, go to the palace gate and wait, he will come later, you will lead him directly to the apse, remember, your mission is only one It is to stabilize him, and he said that the lonely king is looking for nine rounds of information. How long can it last? Do you understand?"

Li Xian did not understand the intention of Guang Wang's arrangement at all. However, he did not have the right to ask questions and immediately went away.


Qinglong Street, inside the old house.

God stood in the old house, holding a robe worn by the sage in his hand, and chanting the ancient curse in his mouth. For a long time, he looked up and meditated, and suddenly there were countless pictures in his mind.

She saw the horror of the greedy sage in the hands of Qin Guangwang.

The old fox was not trapped by the sect of the sect and the sacred fire of the three corpses, and the greed of the ambassador finally cost him.

"Guangwang, God, really got it."

"Maybe I can't fight you, but this time I am not an absolute loser..."

The mouth of the gods showed a hint of cold hatred.

"Master, Wang Gong news, Qin Guangwang tonight Qin Huo met at the Lingle Palace, at this moment, the old thief is in the palace." A black shadow flashed into the mansion, slyly.

“Is the message reliable?” God asked, his eyes closed and asked coldly.

"Absolutely reliable." The next answer.

"Very good, you tell the people, after all night, all the people are hiding. After that, without my true deity, the organization will lurk forever!"

God told me.

"Master, you, do you want to give up on us?" The man looked up and was terrified.

"There is no banquet in the world. One day, someone will hold a true decree and call you again, go." God turned his back and raised his hand.

"The owner takes care."

The man fell two drops of tears, and his body shape disappeared into invisible.

"It’s raining, God, you are also laughing at the piano, it’s sad, isn’t it?”

God reached out and took a drop of rain. The rain was incredibly cold, and it was like tears.

She looked for Qin Guangwang in the same way in the past two days. This guy is like a king who disappeared from the capital city. God knows that he is a high-ranking woman. She is not afraid of Guangwang Tongtian. She is afraid of this despicable guy, even a positive one. The opportunity to confront the question is not given to him.

Tomorrow is her wedding with Qin.

She can't hide, and she doesn't want to hide. She wants to give an explanation tonight.

If you die in the hands of Guangwang, you will try your best and die. There is no regret.

Thunder suddenly started.

God looked up and looked at the sky, slowly stepping into the rain.

The rain is getting heavier.

The guards were covered in rain, but no one dared to have a half-relaxation. The land was judged by the outside world, and every corner was explored with vigilance. No one could hide the place where the assassin was hiding.

Guang Wang sat cross-legged, and suddenly, his eyes sewed a fine light, and he smiled coldly: "God, you are finally here."


God is coming.

She seemed to descend from the sky and suddenly appeared outside the Palace of Spirits, so that the guards suddenly saw a white robe mystery in front of them, and was extremely shocked.

"There are assassins."

The guards screamed and hundreds of people trained in the array and surrounded them.

"I don't want to kill anyone anymore, get out." God coldly.

"Kill." The guards were eager to protect the Lord, and the battle was opened and rushed.

"This is what you are looking for."

God's eyes glimpse, and the whole body is full of color.

The raindrops in the night sky suddenly had a bright, colorful, bright glare.

The guards haven't returned to the gods, and the raindrops are like bullets.


Every drop of colorful rain contains infinite power.

The guards burst like a balloon, turning into a puffy rain.

God stepped on the blood of the earth and climbed up the steps.

The remaining guards could not stop her, and led by Lu Jun, step by step to the hall of the Lingle Palace.

"This is my business with him. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I will roll immediately."

Shen Qing shouted.

"I want to hurt Guangwang, first step on my body." Lu Jue stepped forward, fearless.


There is a colorful light in the hole of the gods. The whole person is like a cannonball. The voice of Lu Ju has not fallen. God has pinched his neck and handed it up: "The world is saying that you are Zhongzheng Qingming, I will not kill you. If you have a conscience, come to Japan to be a big white!"

She waved her right hand, and the heavy squad on the dragon pillar of the main hall, the land sentence snorted, seriously vomiting blood, and fainted on the spot.

God is no longer merciful, the colorful gas is transported in both hands, and the silk thread is criss-crossed in the void, only a blink of an eye, hehe!

All the guards were cut and broken, and the hall was like a **** on earth, full of dead bodies.

God's sleeves All the bodies are turned into nothingness, and the eyes are finally quiet, only the cold, hazy man who holds the mighty black scorpion, high above.

"You are here, Mrs. Qin." Guang Wang opened his eyes and smiled at her.

"The former is surnamed Qin, the latter is also surnamed Qin, and the wife, Mrs. Qin, deserves it."

"Tomorrow is your wedding, maybe you should come back to see me after you get married."

When Guang Wang spoke, he stood up and walked slowly to God.

“Why do you do this? They are innocent.”

"You know, I am married to Qin Hou, it is already showing you weakness, and I am leaving the city, why should I be so poisonous and set up a poison to harm me."

“Why not give us a chance?”

The pain of God's voice is incomparably painful, and it is extremely cold.

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