The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1961: Everyone can kill me, but I can’t


This sound broke through the sky, and this axe hated the sky.

In the face of this blow, the piano moved!

The colorful magic works on the guqin.

The colorful guqin is a rare seven-piece instrument. When the colorful sound came out, a colorful phoenix suddenly came to the door of the Wanxiang ancient tung tree, which circled for three days. At that time, the people of Qicai Village cited For miracles.

After Qin Xianzun taught the colorful magical powers, Qin Qin cut off the phoenix tree and created this guqin.

The color of the piano is colorful, the strings are seven, like a rainbow, colorful interlaced.

With the infusion of the magical powers, the colorful pianos made a painful scream, and the colorful swords were like a rain curtain.

The Qin dynasty flew and the magic axe swung.

Every sword hits the axe, and his arm is numb. He knows that the cultivation of God is far above him, and he has reached the level of the Holy Spirit, even if the original Ouyang Xiong is slightly worse.


Qinqin spit out a word!

When the sword was changed, it was actually a wall of colorful swords. The hard-working smashed the offensive of Qin Yu. Although the two were only separated by three feet, the axe was stagnant in the air. It is difficult to advance half a point.


Qinqin fingers are generally light-handed, and seven colorful silk threads fly out from the end of the string. Between the masters, under the repair and crushing, the battle is very obvious.

The Qin dynasty was suddenly entangled in colorful, and it was made into a large character, hanging in the air and not moving.

"You hate me enough, just like this, how can you kill me?"

Qinqin took a string and stood up and looked at the man who loved the two worlds. He sighed and sighed with grief.

"This axe is good, maybe he is the real weapon for your revenge, but it has not enough hatred and lack of power."

"But you can rest assured that I will let it get what I want."

Qinqin fingers dragged, the magic axe fell into the hands.


The magic axe broke out with a multiplier of power, and the excitement slammed.

"Look, I have more than your hate."

Qinqin waved with his hand, and the magic axe fell into the floor tiles and smiled bitterly.

Qin Yu’s painful roaring in the sky, he did not understand why it is so clear that he hates the piano, obviously it is full of killing intentions, but in the end it does not exert a little power.

Qinqin is like an inexplicable force, biochemical solution to all his brewing, so that he can not adapt.

She really is a natural nemesis, a natural disaster.

"French, I made the mistake, I will bear."

"But you are killing me, this is the rule of God. This is what you owe me, it is fate."

"Maybe you will feel that I am your robbery, maybe."

The hammer slowly walked over to him, licking his neck and sticking to his cold cheeks, and the tears of the two merged together.

"Do not!"

"I hate you, you are my uncle's enemies, there must be a death between you and me."

"Kill me, destroy me!"

Qin Lan is in her ear, very cold and cold.

The piano trembled and the heart hurt so close that it could not breathe.

It is obvious that she is the bearer of the two worlds. It is obvious that she hates him. It is obvious that she is the most injured person. Why do she still hurt her?

"Do you want to kill me?"

She suddenly screamed insanely.

"Yes, it's not that you die or I die."

Qin Hao decided.

"Okay, then I will fulfill you."

Qinqin took a deep breath, closed his eyes and slowly said.

"The demon girl, don't let go."

Lingpu and Lingdu both plucked from the side and played Wang Shuo’s masterpiece. They swept the colorful instinct of Qinqin and rescued Qin.

"Hou, I don't think we have to take into account any morality. Let's go together." Master Ling.

"it is good!"

The three men intertwined with each other, and at the same time made the strongest magical powers and attacked the violin.

The piano was cold, "Do you think you can kill me, ridiculous?"

She took a piano case, the colorful piano volleyed, the piano emptied and drums, oh, the colorful piano broke out countless flying needles and shot at three people.

"Bodhi God's palm, a cold and innocent."

"Golden Tibetan palm!"

"The Prajna Polo!"

The three Qin dynasty are also trying their best to solve the problem.

The four heavenly worlds came out, and the gas field of the entire sky was dragged to form a cyclone cloud. The one-kilometer-long building collapsed with power, but the remaining colorful buildings stood proudly and became the top four masters. Stage.


The Tibetan scriptures are manifested, and the impermanent Bodhi gods hit the wall like a storm.

Qinqin red makeup solo dance, two sleeves fluttering, colorful gas around the body and spin, the four people struggled difficult to distinguish, it is difficult to distinguish between high and low.

Qinqin never made a full effort in his life. The power of the three Qins is as wide as the sea, and she is like a sailboat in the sea, supported by incomparable skills.

Lingpu is more and more shocked by the Vietnam War. Even if it is Shangguan Han, I am afraid that I will not dare to fight the three of them by myself.

And God has done it, she seems to have an inexhaustible power, the power of the colorful is even more pure and holy than his Buddhist method, constantly devour and melt their power.

It’s like even if it’s 10,000 years, they can’t kill this woman.

Her beauty is not like the people of the land and the land, her magical power is not the same.

She is indeed God!


"You let it go!"

When Qin Qin saw that he couldn't take the piano, he suddenly slammed it and slammed it on his chest. The mouth squirted a blood, and his body violently increased. He was transported to the palms, such as the lion. The past.

"In order to kill me, you will not hesitate to hurt your heart, and you will die with me."

There is endless sorrow in the eyes of Qinqin.


At this moment, Qin Lan had only one thought and avenged his father.

He chose the most taboo method in the realm of comprehension, and he was inseparable in the fight, not endless.

Qinqin was busy dealing with the two men at this time. It was impossible to escape the bitter blow of the Qin dynasty. She waved her sleeves and swayed the Guqin to the Lingpu, while the right palm greeted Qin.


Qin Zhen’s vitality is extremely incomparable. Who can do it with a full blow?

The bricks at the foot of Qinqin were all broken, and the enchantment of the colorful building could no longer support the sound. At the same time, with a bang, accompanied her for a lifetime, the witness of her life, the colorful guqin, finally could not withstand the bombardment, directly Playing Wang Hao was broken, broken and scattered.

No, nothing is gone!

Love is gone, the home is gone, the piano is gone!

After all, it’s time to go to the end of the噗!

Qin Qin's mentality collapsed, and he couldn't bear the impact anymore. A blood spurted out and sprinkled Qin Qin's face.

Her face is pale and amazing.

"Do you want me to die?" Qinqin looked at Qin Yu painfully, asked the trembling voice.

Qin Lan did not answer her, only the cold and ruthless eyes were right.


Qin Qinjiao sighed, and pulled off the phoenix crown on his head. He threw himself at high altitude, his black hair fluttered, and his robes turned into a blood-smelting dance in the air.

"The world can kill me, but you can't do it, come."

The violin is like a fiery phoenix, rising from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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