The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1966: Industry fire on printing

If Qin Xiao remembers correctly, that day was in the forbidden land, and God took the flame flower.

According to common sense, God should give flowers to the derivation of the heavens.

It now appears that Qin Qin has left the flowers.

She chose to sacrifice and chose to betray the Yan, but left the flowers to herself.

Maybe Yan Dao or someone else got the flame flower, but it was just a flower, just a flower.

Losing the flame flower of the flower soul is like losing the body of the soul and becoming the only single item in the world.

The Qin dynasty has a flower soul. As long as he finds a carrier suitable for the flame flower, he can make the flower from the congenital flower bloom in another form.

Qin Qin, Qin Qin, I owe you again.

Qin Lan took the flower soul into the big print of the eyebrows, and secretly sighed.

Out of the secret room, Liu Ma stood in the yard with a backpack and resigned to Qin. "Hou, I am leaving. This is the key to the house. Everything for the lady is handed over to you. Keep it safe. This is her last. Memory."

Qin Hao held a heavy key and nodded.

Liu Ma sighed with a sorrowful sigh, and said in her mouth: "How good a wife, how good the day, how can it be gone..."

In the chanting, the last person in the general’s house also left, leaving only the monk who was a monk.

As usual, he drank a good cup of tea, and when the tea was fragrant, he poured a cup on the ground and slowly said: "A cup of respect!"

Then I poured another glass of words: "A cup of respected lady."

"A cup of respected life!"

"Madam, if he can open nine rounds of the day, don't allow for a lifetime, don't let birth and hate, but if you don't know me, look at your years and quietly, so good."

The eyes of Qin Xiao were moist and condensed with a faint mist.

He has too many regrets in his life, like a shackle on his shoulder.

Pearls, hammers, parents!

Too much, too much pain.

If he can really open nine rounds, he vows never to lock them with the fate of disaster. He would rather live forever, suffer loneliness, and would not bother to disturb them and bring them nightmares.

After the completion of the three cups of tea, Qin Lan put down the tea cup and went back to the palace of the capital city.

The guards of the palace are all aware of him, and no one dares to stop.

Before Qin Xiaojing was in front of the Palace of Life and Death, Li Xian had long waited for a long time and met with his hand: "Li Xian has seen Hou Ye."

"Qin Guangwang?" Qin Hao was extremely cold.

"Guangwang was seriously injured and he was recuperating in Dongming Mountain. Hou Ye invited me to come." Li Xiandao.

Under the leadership of Li Xian, Qin Yu entered Dongying Mountain.

The East Mt. Mountain is beautiful and beautiful. It is like a mortal beauty. There is a completely different view of hell. The birds flying in the sky are free to fly, and the fish in the water are jumping, which is a paradise in hell.

In the depths of Dongming Mountain, it is the palace of Guangwang. It seems that Guangwang is also a enjoying person.

After staying under a mountain road, Li Xian vowed: "Hou Ye is waiting here, I will go in and give you a pass."

Qin Hao nodded. For a moment, Li Xian walked back and pointed to a high cliff in the distance: "Hou Ye, Guang Wang is waiting for you, please."

Qin Lan smiled coldly, and his body shape was like a bird. The cliffs of Baizhanggao, dozens of lags behind, jumped on.

The cliff top is breezy and very wide.

Guang Wang is sitting cross-legged.

He rarely wears a robes today, but a white plain coat. The hair is combed neatly on his shoulders. The black bears are flying in the wind, and they are extremely deep, just like a tall man.

There is a prototype of black light on his head, like the golden light on the head of the Buddha, exudes a gas field of incomparable hegemony.

He really didn't get hurt, everything was the appearance, this **** guy, he lied to everyone.

"Qin Hou is here."

Guang Wang calmly raised his hand.

Qin Lan sat down opposite him. Guang Wang slowly opened his eyes and smiled. "It seems that Lu Ju has already told you the truth. The lonely king did not marry him."

"You killed him?" Qin asked, frowning.

"Well, just before he sent you off, Lonely King ordered him to kill his family, and he should have been with his family."

Guangwang nodded and smiled very lightly.

Qin Hao took a deep breath and Lu was right. He was already crazy.

"You can directly confront me, why should you kill so many innocent people?"

Qin Hao asked with hate.

"The Lone King does not kill them. How do you hate me? If you don't hate me, you will not suffer."

"In this case, even if I beat you, there is no fun."

"On the contrary, it is just like you are now, I can feel your hatred of the sky, you want to kill me, right?"

Guang Wang asked.

"Yes, I have to kill you." Qin said.

"That's right, you want to kill me, you can't kill it, and if I step on the foot of you with hatred, let you survive, you can't die, it will definitely be more fun."

"So, Qin Hou, forget about the longevity, forget the colorful, you are just a doll of a lonely king, nothing more!"

"This is the truth, you have to admit it."

Guangwang is ruthless and indifferent.

"You are crazy!"

"It’s hopeless that madness is inevitable. It’s a great sorrow to have you in the world."

Qin Lan stood up.

"Yeah, the Lonely King is crazy, who can help me, what is the world, I am, haha!"

Guang Wang Yang Tian shouts.

"Death, mad!"

Qin Hao roared, his body hangs up, his body is lifted to the extreme, and the magic axe squats in the wrath of the sky.

Guangwang was lazy and moved, and his eyelids lifted slightly. He disdained: "If you are doing this, the lonely king suggests that you are self-satisfied with hatred. It is your best choice, otherwise you will survive. More painful."


The magic axe was cut on his head, and a black glare burst out. It directly shook the magic axe. The Qin dynasty, which is incomparable to Sen Han’s power, flew back, the chest was faint, and even luck was unsustainable.

too strong!

Lu Ju said that the world is too small to see Guang Wang, God is not mortal can, even if it is in the days after, his vitality dissipated seven seven eight eight.

"Honglian industry fire ~ ~ Qin squatting on the chest, took a deep breath, hands show, squatting in the eyebrows, a red fire lotus rose to the sky, the cover of Qin Guangwang head over.

"The fire of the reincarnation tunnel!"

"Very good, it is worthy of the reincarnation of the great emperor, and it really brings surprise to the lonely king."

Qin Guangwang finally moved.

Where the fire is going!

His gods were crushed and destroyed.

With the great improvement of Qin Yuxiu, the power of Huo Lian is a hundred times stronger than that of the original. This kind of flame that can't be eliminated can solve the people who are obsessed by everyone in the world. No one can avoid it, and God is no exception.

This is also the reason for the reincarnation tunnel.

(End of this chapter)

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