The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1975: Dongyang reproduction

The next day, early in the morning, five hundred disciples from the mountain village gathered in the lobby. After worshiping Xianzun, they all gathered in Shiping in the village.

The Shang dynasty sent the Yin and Yang Bagua flag to fly, and Gao Ziqing sat down in the first position, staring blankly, staring at the entrance to the village.

The block is unstoppable, and today it can only be solved according to the rules of hell.

"Ming Qing, haven't you contacted Xianzun?" Gao Ziqing asked.

"No." Fu Yanqing replied with a bow.

"Well, then it will die, and God will not destroy me from the mountain village." Gao Ziqing looked up at the sky and sighed.

"Father, they have already entered the village." Gao Junfei walked quickly and stunned.

“How many people have come?”

Gao Ziqing asked.

"Not many, the parties only sent one representative. It seems that they don't dare to rush, and we think of one piece, otherwise we are afraid that they are not enough inside."

Gao Jun flies.

"Well, then look at who's hard work hard, Gao has not shot for tens of thousands of years, I have long wanted to have this group of people."

Gao Ziqing is very happy.

What he fears most is that those people attacked for the sake of winning the treasure. As a result, the mountain village will be completely destroyed. If it is a single fight, Gao Ziqing asks himself if he is four high, but he can also fight.


With a few cannons, the group came forward.

The head of the man was a red robes, very handsome, tall and straight, with a strong **** body, as dazzling as the **** yang on his robes.

"Father, that person is the master of the Yan family's new world, named Yan Dongyang."

Gao Jun flies.

"Small age, repaired so well, it is really someone outside, there is heaven outside." Gao Ziqing Fu must sigh.

Gao Junfei secretly is ashamed of himself. He is also young and has a good intention, but compared with the family Yan Dongyang, it is simply not worth mentioning.

Yan Dongyang’s debut in the First World War, three months ago, killed the **** sea scorpion elder Yu Wenbu, Yu Wenbu is a long-time master, in the cellar palace, second only to the palace main Yu Wen injury, Yan Dongyang this battle In addition, Qin Hou killed Ouyang Xiong, so that the world has a new ranking.

In the world, the newcomer who can replace Ouyang Xiong is nothing more than the two generations of Tianjiao, Qinhou and Yan Dongyang.

"Blood Haitian 煞 燕 东 Dongyang, met the high door master." Yan Dongyang people have not arrived, the sound has been tens of thousands of thunder, the people of the earthquake are not the heart of the tremor.

In addition to Yan Dongyang, the rest of the various masters are also coming, but no one dares to stand side by side with him, which shows that Yan Dongyang Xiu is enough to convince others, even if the opponent does not dare to mention it.

"Yan is very polite, please come to the seat."

Gao Zi Qing Dao.

"No hurry, it’s not too late for me to say hello to the old man."

Yan Dongyang smiled.

Then, when I came to the front, I said to Fu Xiaoqing: "Sister, the soil is different, I didn't expect to meet here, have you always been good?"

"younger sister!"

Gao Ziqing and others are not shocked.

No one thought that Fu Yuqing and Yan Dongyang were old-fashioned, and it seems that the relationship between the two is not too shallow.

"You are not dead, God has no eyes." Fu Yanqing did not have any good feelings for this big brother, cold and cold.

"Sister, no matter what, you and I are the father's flesh, and the big brother has such a relative, you are still very happy."

"Moreover, you and my great enemies are still at large, and how can I be willing to die?"

Yan Dongyang smiled and said.

Since he entered Hell, he has been personally arranging for the Yan family ancestors, teaching the blood of the gods and repairing them. This came out of the mountain, killing Yu Wenbu only known as the world.

However, he did not meet with Qin Hao, and he did not know that Qin Hao was a sensational high-ranking Qin Hou who was a sensation in the past.

Therefore, it is also believed that Qin Yu is king in the mortal world, and he wants to go back to revenge.

Fu Yanqing was shocked. If Yan Dongyang knew that Qin Lan was also in hell, and he had been seriously injured, he was afraid that he would have to sneer. I thought that she was sneer: "Yes, Qin Hou is still in the mortal world, Yan Gongzi does not think about revenge." What are you doing when you are away from the mountains?"

"Sister, look at your attitude, that is, I am your brother."

"Brothers and brothers, don't hide, squatting, high-ranking, god, you can't keep it, hand it over, everyone is worrying, how do you feel?"

Yan Dongyang smiled.

"Yes, the high doorkeeper, I can beat you at random, and you are not enough to play with you. Don't die, let's hand it over."

Everyone under the crowd also sipped.

"I don't know what the **** stone is. It's all rumored outside, and Yan Gongzi and everyone are afraid to be disappointed." Gao Ziqing said.

"is it?"

"Senior Master, do you believe in your father?"

Yan Dongyang looked at Gao Junwen on the side.

Gao Junwen slowly came out and laughed loudly: "Of course I don't believe it. Who knows the whole village? I didn't know the secret of my father in the heart of the Qing Dynasty. I found the stone in the heart of the lake. It was hidden in the underground room, father, this is not What a secret, you don't want to be blind."

When this was said, everyone in the mountain village was paralyzed.

"Jun Wen, are you crazy?" Gao Zi said coldly.

Gao Junwen laughed and pointed at his nose. He smiled and asked, "I am crazy? Yes, I am crazy. I will be crazy when you kill my mom and treat me like a dog." It is."

"I am a crazy dog, Wang Wang, kill you, haha!"

Gao Junwen smiled wildly.


Gao Ziqing took a big picture.

"The shameless traitor, it turned out to be the wind that you revealed, I killed you."

Gao Junfei's long sword came out of the sheath and took Gao Junwen's eyebrows.


Yan Dongyang flexed a finger, and a finger of blood easily broke the long sword. Gao Junfei retired several steps to stabilize his body shape.

"He is a mad dog, but even if it is a dog, I will raise it. You are not qualified to move him."

Yan Dongyang sneered and laughed.

"Yan Shao, it seems that it is ironic to fight?" Gao Ziqing cold and cold.

"of course!"

"In fact, you don't have the qualifications to talk about conditions."

"Just last night, I let this mad dog cast a poisonous poison in the well water. If you didn't guess wrong, now the toxins in your body have penetrated into the bone marrow, and there is no medicine to cure."

Yan Dongyang proudly sneered.

"Impossible, I personally checked the well water last night, you are less gibberish, you have to fight." Gao Zi angered and shouted.

"I know that you are proficient in poison But I think the poison of blood lotus, you should not be able to solve it."

Yan Dongyang smiled coldly.

Blood Lotus!

Gao Ziqing people all change, it is a kind of poison in the **** sea, the rumor is the poison of the town palace of the mantle palace, more than a thousand times more than the mandolin flower, snow mountain without trace.

If it is really in the blood lotus, today is afraid of the death day away from the mountain village.

"High door master, when you kill Yuwenbu, are you idle? Nothing, if you don't believe, you can try it."

Yan Dongyang squinted and killed his way.

Going to hell, let him know the cruelty between humanity, even if his cultivation is higher, he must be poisoned, because he will never allow himself to fail.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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