The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2002: Jealousy makes people crazy

Before God knows Qin Qin, the desire of her life is to serve God and eternal holiness.

However, the appearance of Qin Lan, planted a seed of love in her sorrowful heart. This seed has gradually taken root in the relationship with the two, and it has become a towering tree in the reunion of life and death.

Of course, in these two days, the gods and the moons are getting higher and higher, and they know more about the things of the heavens. She finds that the so-called gods are not as pure as she imagined.

They are even more despicable and insidious than mortals. They spare no effort and blood for their own interests. The sly and dark side shakes the belief of God.

This is completely different from the scripture she had practiced at an early age, and it is definitely not what she wants.

Therefore, when she knew that Qin Lan had come, she would not hesitate to see him, especially at the moment of reunion, and each other’s eyes met and the warmth of God’s heart was incomparable.

Qin Lan is still the Qin dynasty. As long as he is still alive, he will try his best to rescue her.

Shenyue waited, there is always someone in the world who will never let her down, not her god, not her grandfather, but Qin.

"Miss Shenyue, are you okay?"

Thornton was watching the gods and the guards' eyes all the time, and the emotions seemed to fluctuate. Although they could not hear the words of two people, they vaguely guessed something.


Shenyue faintly, picked up the chopsticks and tasted the meal gracefully.

Walking out of the prison bunker, Qin Xiao went straight back to Yulefang.

Yan Yahong's face and Joseph came out from inside, and the flush of the face was obviously just after a cloud.

"Mr. Qin, how is it?"

Joseph tightened his cloak and asked proudly.

"Yeah." Qin Hao just nodded.

"That's good, enjoy the delicious food that belongs to you, I still have something to do, take a step first." Joseph rushed to Qin and blinked, laughing and going.

"Sit in the gentleman."

Yuya met Qin Lan, quite a bit embarrassed.

"No, just in this yard, I will go a few words." Qin Hao sat down on the stone bench and smiled.

Yan Yali took care of the messy hair and apologized a little. "You know, this is the only weapon I can maintain the status quo. I can't refuse him..."

"Don't tell me this, my wife and I are not relatives, you and I are not who you are, you don't have to blame yourself." Qin Hao was very calm.

Yanya’s face was pale, like a certain moment of deprivation. In general, “Mr. said this, it does not hurt people’s hearts.”

Qin Xiao smiled. "Mrs. and my heart are separated from each other, so I won't."

Yuya looked coldly at Qin Yu, she was really hurt.

She is a love lover, a **** is not fake.

But she also wants to live a good time, try a spiritual feast, at least mentally let yourself get washed.

She wants to try to understand a person, to love someone, to taste the taste.

However, Qin Yu’s words are like a sharp knife, which hurts the last pure land she left for herself, making her feel very dirty and embarrassed.

That feeling is really bad and hurts.

"Madam, the wound is always taken out and dried. The more hidden it is, the harder it is. You have to learn to accept the reality." Qin Hao got up.

"I don't need your sympathy, let's talk, what's the matter?"

"I want my wife to do me a favor. I have a lover in the mortal world. My name is Shenyue. She is now locked in the secret of the north. Joseph can't get through Bald's relationship. I want my wife to help me."

Qin Yu opened the way.

"Your lover?" Yuya really, as Qin Qin thought, a flash of surprise in her eyes.

The reason why he stabbed and angered the elegant, is to pull hatred for the gods, God only has to be hated by the elegant, and he will take the shot, at least she will have a look at the impulse of the god.

"Yes, the situation is that Bald wants to marry her and detain her in the dungeon for the sake of her."

"The situation is extremely detrimental to her and me, madam, I know that you are very energetic, and it is Bald's ex-wife, will you help me?"

Qin Yudao.

"Walde wants to marry her?"

Yuya is angry.

These two men are extremely important in her life. If Bald is swearing again, it is undoubtedly a shame to her.

And Yuya wants to know exactly what kind of woman is, so that these two men are so tight.

Especially Bald, Yuya knows that this person has always hated and loved her, and this has been unmarried, but now it is an unusual thing to marry a prisoner.

Yan Ya can't sit back and ignore it. This is a provocation against her. She is the only queen in the city of Nile. She must not allow others to get involved. There must be a saying.

"Why should I help you, what are the benefits?" asked Yu Ya.

"I can't give you any promises now, but I can tell you that I owe you a favor and it is definitely a good thing for you."

Qin Hao touched the nose and smiled inscrutablely.

"Well, although your words today are very hurt, but I still have to go this way, it has nothing to do with you, I just want to see what charm this woman has, can make you and Bald so fascinated."


"Well, there is Mrs. Lao."

Qin Xiao slightly succumbed and turned away.

Back to the 79th, the table has already set a delicious home-cooked side dish. The tassels greeted me graciously. I took his coat and hung it on the hook at the door. I hit the water again. I took the towel and handed it over: "Hou Ye Run outside for a day, definitely tired, eat fast."

"He hit you?" Qin Hao rolled up his sleeves and sat down.

To be honest, what Huo Ling pig is delicious, the world's best, but far less than the tassel's homeland.

The tassel was atonal, and nothing was generally answered: "No, I am now a Houye person, who dares to beat me."


Qin Xiao smiled and continued to eat.

He smelled the taste of the ointment, and the medicinal materials were slightly distinguished, so they were clear.

Only this is a process of tassel metamorphosis ~ ~ she beaten, indicating that she chose to resist, this is the process that freedom must pay, the way to go.

Qin Lan can help her achieve personal freedom, but if she wants to change her slavery and change her long-lost soul, she must rely on herself.

This process is difficult. From ancient times to today, countless people for the sake of freedom, do not know how many people paid the price of life.

This is also the reason why Qin Lan saw that he did not repel Qin's name. Only her own heart is not afraid. With rebellious consciousness, it is the real beginning.


Yan Ya is a woman who does her work. In her memory, there is never a man she can't get, and the appearance of Qin Lan makes Yan Ya feel a panic.

The significance of that panic is that she feels that the so-called control is a kind of illusion. From beginning to end, she is just a doll that can be replaced.

Therefore, she felt that it is necessary to know this woman who can make all men feel.

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