The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2004: 1See Allure

To play with the means, these Westerners are not his opponents.

Since it is here, simply play a big ticket.

With a very depressed mood, Yuya entered the palace with enthusiasm. Nile is practicing swordsmanship, seeing her coming, throwing the sword to the guards on the side, wiping the sweat on her forehead, and smiling: "Aunt, What's wrong with this, who makes you angry, tell me, I am venting for you."

"Nero, you also take my aunt as a matter of fact, you do not know, my aunt's heart is wronged." Yuya opened his mouth and complained.

Nero certainly knows what kind of goods is, but this woman is a weapon for him to balance the parties, otherwise she is a fart?

"My aunt is not in a hurry, talk about what is going on?" Nero sat down and poured a clear spring water on her, and slowly said.

Yuya is not used to this kind of scented spring water, but only slightly symbolically stood up and stood on the lips. This is the way: "Joseph, he wants to kiss."

"Isn't this just right? The generals have been separated from their aunts for a few years, man, isn't it normal?"

"Moreover, my aunt hasn't just recruited the Qin dynasty? You have to take what you need, isn't it?"

Nile asked with a smile.

Speaking of this, he pretends to be awkward: "Oh, I understand, my aunt is still feeling right against Bald? This is to say, Bald has always been obsessed with you, I will help you to say a word, the pre-guarantee teach him to change his mind. ”

Yuya waved her hand: "How can I still have an old feeling for him? I just can't understand that he has a heart, and he has no one to look at. Nobody knows? He actually wants to marry a prisoner, and it still comes from the bright forces. The mortal."

"More than that, he actually called me to be a man in front of the woman and the guards."

"Da Wang, he told me to swear, this is never before, my aunt, I, I am wronged."

When Yanya said this, it was even more tears.


Nile frowned, quite surprised.

This is a bit strange. With his understanding of Vald, it is extremely loved by the elegant and elegant. Now, for a mortal female prisoner, it is too common for a mortal female prisoner.

There is also a bright woman of the mortal world, why did she come to Nile Hell?

Is there any hidden feeling in this?

Thinking of this, Nile smiled and said: "Aunt is not flustered, I am going to see what kind of woman is worthy of Vald and her aunt, but she is not jealous."

"She is locked in the dungeon, the sooner the king is better, or Bald must have turned the thief to transfer her."

He is busy.

Nile did not hesitate, saying to the old man who was squatting on his side: "Magic, you are ready, I am going to jail."

"Da Wang, the prison is an unknown place, or not to go." The old man hoarse.

Nero looked at him. The magic is the magic guard of his father Satan. He has always been old and heavy, and his cultivation is unfathomable. His words have always been justified.

However, Nero is not a king who is arbitrarily chosen, but just waved his hand and gestured to do it immediately.

Magic hidden did not ask more, as a escort, obey the instructions, the same is his job.

The carriage was ready, and Nile was lightly loaded and soon arrived at the prison.

When he arrived at the door, Morris saw that he had come again. Just about to step forward, he saw the Nile who got off the bus.

Nile looks young, but in this dynasty has absolute authority, Morris bowed and respectfully said: "I have seen the King."

"Balde caught a mortal woman, I want to see her." Nerolan said.

Morris did not dare to care, and quickly led in, and at the same time, he looked at the other guards next to him and motioned to inform Vald.

Nile went outside the prison, but the door was locked.

"Open the door." Magic hidden Morris cold and cold.

"The king forgives sin, the key to this dungeon was taken away by Lord Bald. No one except him can open it." Morris cried.


Magic was just about to worry, broke the key, and Nero raised his hand and interrupted him: "If that's the case, let Bald open the door and tell him, I am waiting here."

He speaks calmly, but familiar people know that the calmer the Nile is, the more dangerous it is.

Morris hurried to inform Bald.

When Bald saw the elegant man at the gate of the dungeon, he knew the bad food.

He did not expect this woman to move out of the Nile.

Nile is not a lascivious person, but Bald knows that the beauty of God is unparalleled in the world. Any man who sees her will be in danger of indulging.

If Nero likes God, he can hardly keep it.

"Adult Vald, are you busy preparing for the wedding room? You know that the King has been waiting for you for an hour!"

Yan Yapo has some gloating reminders.

Bald took a look at her and concealed a poisonous woman. Immediately respectfully worshipped: "The king forgives sins. Why does the prison suddenly investigate the prison?"

Nile’s face flashed a glimmer of color: “Why, did the general think that I am not qualified?”

Bald was shocked. He realized that he was too protective of the gods and said the wrong words. He quickly explained: "No, I mean that the prison is a place of suffocation, and it is afraid to damage the sacred body of the king."

"Open the door, I would like to see who is it, can let the generals insult the king's aunt." Nile is not pleasing.

Although Bald was reluctant, he opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, the enchantment was lifted, and a very melodious piano sound came out from inside.

Nile has not yet entered, the ear is already intoxicated, to go to the door to look inside, I saw a white woman sitting in the corner, elegant Fuqin, just looked at it, the heart of Nile is like a strong The thunderbolt was blown up.

That is an unprecedented feeling.

He swears that he has lived for so many years and has never seen such a beautiful Even the Princess of Alice in **** can only be half a catty.

But unlike Alice's dark attributes, the bright light of God's Moon makes her so incompatible with Hell. The strong contrast makes it easier to create a sharp impact.

At that moment, Nile’s eyes were shining brightly.

The perfect face of God and God, the rich and moving body, are impeccable.

This is a gift from heaven, and Nile has a thought.

He finally understood why Bald had seen her, and he would not hesitate to swear.

Compared with her, Yuya is like a pheasant than a phoenix. It is incomparable, and he is afraid of it.

When he saw the strange expression of Nero, Bald knew it was bad, and Yan Ya was full of joy.

As long as Nero likes the moon, whether it is Bald or Qin, there is no chance, living in pain, this is the effect that Yanya wants.

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