The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2007: Bald's choice

Sure enough, what Balu expected, Bald really had a lot of pain in the house.

He has never been as helpless as this moment.

He asked himself to be loyal to Nile, and he believed that he had a clear conscience of the Nile Empire. He paid all his dedication to the traitor Joseph and worked hard with the commanders of various countries to maintain the stability of the empire.

But what did he get?

Nothing was obtained. In order to fight, his beloved wife, Yan Ya, carried him as a silver woman who was a man of great deeds. His heart was damaged, and it was already difficult for this life.

It’s hard to meet a **** month and let my heart move. I didn’t expect this emotion to just begin, and Nile’s life was cut off.

All the merits, in the end, can not have a woman as I wish.

Bald's self is so incompetent.

He thinks that his power is in the wild, but in front of Nile, he is just a fart, no, not even a fart, he can only watch the woman he likes being taken away.

"Adult, newcomer Yulefang teacher Qin Yu wants to see you." The housekeeper came in, whispered.

"The oriental, what did he do, let him get out." Bald screamed uncomfortably.

"He said that he would talk to you about Miss Shenyue..." The steward said more.

Bald frowned and silenced for a few seconds, raising his hand: "Let him come in."

As soon as Qin Lan walked into the door, he smelled the pungent smell of wine and bowed his hand: "Bald is an adult, Qin is coming to discuss a cup of wine, you don't mind."

"I am familiar with you? Orientals." Bald disdain sneered.

"There is a saying in our East that is the same person in the world. I am just like you, I have lost my love." Qin Hao sat down and poured a glass of spirits and took a sip.

"What do you mean by love?" Bald asked with a frown.

"It doesn't matter, God Moon is my old love. I found that she was imprisoned by an adult. It is also me who is looking for a singer." Qin said.

"Mad, it’s your kid who is doing it, and Lao Tzu killing you." Bald angered, grabbing Qin’s collar and swearing.

"What are you excited about? Let's talk, take it slowly." Qin Hao calmly said.

"Hey, I can't talk about a flower, I slaughtered you." Bald let go of his hand and settled down.

Qin Hao is not ill: "I originally wanted to ask Yanya to come out and fish. I used to want to annoy the adult. She invited the king of Nile. Now the king has stepped in, the situation has completely changed, and the **** has left. You and my control, this is all the facts."

"I am clearer than you," said Bald.

"So, we are now a person on board, no matter who will eventually fall into the hands of God, shouldn't we fight for it?" Qin said.

"Strive, how to fight?"

Bald asked.

"Adult, you know, I am famous with Qin. I am relying on Joseph, and Joseph is the opposite of the adults."

"Just before I came, Joseph had already put down his words. The adults can only live for up to a month. Nile has already warned you. With his doubts, you will die."

Qin Yudao.

"You are nonsense, you little man, want to provoke my relationship with the king. Since you are with Joseph, why should you come here to tell me."

Bald is angry.

"Adult, I said, I only care about God, and Joseph can't help me. I can only join hands with adults."

Qin Yudao.

"Impossible, the king is very kind to me, even if he hates me, it is impossible to kill me. Besides, I am with you, you are old, what energy?"

Bald looked at Qin Qin indifferently, forcing disdain.

"I can hunt for information through Joseph, and I can contact Galois Hell to cooperate with all the actions of adults."

"And you, there is no choice at all. Waiting for you is either a dead end, or you are truly mastering freedom and mastering power."

"When the whole Nile **** is yours, are you afraid of women you can't get?"

Qin Lan continued to lobby.

"You are teaching me to be a traitor. Believe it or not, I will detain you now and give it to the King."

"I know that you Orientals are very good at doing these things, I won't let you succeed."

Bard shouted.

"With you, yes, there is a banquet tonight, which is specially held for the gods of the Nile. The adults can go and see if Nile has taken your uncle, the mainstay."

Qin Xiao smiled.

When he finished, he put down his glass and snorted: "Good wine, see you at night, adults."

When Qin Lan walked out of the room, Bald smashed the glass and screamed like a lion.

He is very painful in his heart, on one side is the master, and on the other is the woman who likes it.

Especially when the gods are leaving, it is obvious that they are not willing to succumb to the Nile. The kind of blind eyes makes Bald heartache.

Can he save the woman she likes?


The evening palace feast.

Nile personally held a party for the **** month in the court, except for some princes and nobles, most of whom were Joseph.

Strictly speaking, Bald has the right, but he is an orphan.

The person of Bald himself is not greedy or innocent. It is not easy to be beautiful, but the aristocratic circle is the most extravagant. How can it accommodate this alternative?

Without Bald, everyone cheered the wine and was not happy.

Qin Lan came with Mrs. Yuya. When the musicians gathered for training, Qin Yu got a chance to get along with God.

"Qin Hao, is what you said today is true?" Shen Yue asked.

Qin Lan looked at her eyes and said with sincerity: "If you really understand me, I believe you will have an answer."

"You want to marry me, if I am ruthless, how can I marry?"

"Shen Yue, I want to do a big thing here, a big event that is very good for your bright forces."

Qin Lan took her hand and put it on her lips, and she was low.

Shenyue was so close to him for the first time, the holy face raised the red glow, and the block of the heart was finally stretched. "I know you again, I have wisdom again, it is always a woman, and women are always in love. Silly, isn't it?"

"Say, what do you want to do and what do I need to do?"

"I tell I already have the undead seal of Guangwang. Guangwang is too close to Nile. I want to reshuffle, disintegrate the Nile Dynasty and build one of my allies. empire."

"And Bald is very important in this, I need you to give him some hope, do you understand what I mean?"

Qin Yu is honest.

"I know, you want to use his emotions against me to oppose Nile, right?" God said.

"Maybe this is a bit cruel to you, and it makes me look too small, but there is no more effective way than this." Qin said.

Shen Yue smiled and said: "You are too small to look at me. I have read the scriptures. The struggle for the light has always been painful. It is a long one. If it can disintegrate the evil of hell, even if I sacrifice my life, I will."

"Thank you." The confidant is so, what can Qin Yu say, only to kiss the back of the moon.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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