The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2012: Underground mine


The blood on Bald’s face faded.

If Qin Qin is telling the truth, then tomorrow night is his death.

"Do you still believe it now?"

Qin Xiao smiled and asked.

"I believe, but I..."

Bald’s head was completely overwhelmed.

"What should I do, does the king mean this?" Bald still thought about it.

"This is simple. Joseph proposed tonight that I am more than a sword with you. If the king is really pointing to you, my status is not qualified to challenge you. If he agrees, is it self-evident?"

Qin Yudao.

"Damn, Joseph, the traitor, the thief, the Nile dynasty will be destroyed in his hands sooner or later."

"He thought that I didn't know that Lucifer wanted to replace the position of Satan's demon and unify hell. If Nero's **** fell into his hands, the consequences would be unimaginable." Bald shouted.

"But now Nero has not trusted you, lost the support of the royal power, and is clearly hidden, you will not be his opponent, your only way out is to firmly seize the military power."

"As long as the military power is in hand, neither Nile nor Joseph can move you, and you can stabilize the DPRK."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Qin Xiao sneered.

Bald sat in the chair, his brows locked, and his irritability.

The mission of the family, the suicide note of the ancestors, no matter what, he can't do rebellious things.

But now, the traitor is in chaos, and does not say that the moon is gone, that is, he himself is in urgent need of self-protection.

Even if he knew that Qin Yu had the suspicion of arbitrage, he could not say a rebuttal, because everything was fulfilled.

"I understand what you said, but I want to be born, I will be born, and the king will want me to die. What can I do?"

Bald is extremely frustrated.

"Yes, you can't help, so you have only one way to go, and the soldiers go out."

"As long as you take the army out, no matter what happens in the DPRK, once you change, you can always bring the army back, so that you can protect yourself and you can restrain the Joseph in the distance."

Qin Haoran said.

After thinking for a moment, Bald nodded and said, "You are right, this is really a good way, but time is too late. I am leaving now, and the King will certainly not allow it."

"Well, it's really a hasty, but it's not a chance. I will test you tomorrow. I will stab you. There is a drop of potion here. When you are seriously injured, you will take it for the first time, so you can get rid of your poison."

"As long as you don't die, look for opportunities directly, return to the garrison of the foreign garrison, and secretly see the movements of Nile City."

Qin Yudao.

"Mr. Qin thought so thoughtfully, it seems that it is not a small effort. I think you are really hidden." After listening to Bald, he had to admire Qin's talents and sincerely sighed.

"I really think about it, because I am entrusted by a person, she asked me to help you, otherwise tomorrow is really your death." Qin Xiao smiled.

"Who?" Bald asked.

"Miss Shenyue." Qin said.

There was a smile on the face of Bald's face. "Miss is still interested in my Bald. One day, my Bald vowed to let her get out of Nile's claws."

"Well, adults will have a rest early, and tomorrow is a bad fight, isn't it?"

Qin Xiao smiled and put on a black robe cloak, and his body shape disappeared into the darkness.

Back at the residence, Qin Lan was lying on the bed, thinking about the next countermeasures.

As long as Bald left, it was a high-hanging sword. Once Joseph showed his prototype, the Nile dynasty would fall into a collapse of internal combat. What really worried Qin Qin was the crystal mine.

Qin is famous for this silly fork, and he thinks that he is doing seamlessly, but he has already been controlled by Joseph.

Qin Lan did not care about the famous life and death of Qin. He thought about how to preserve this fortune. It seems that it is time to find this crystal mine.

The next day, early in the morning, Qin Xiao quietly found another residence in Qin, and stuffed a letter into his door.

Sure enough, after half an hour, Qin became famous and went to the door.

As soon as he entered the house, he waved his hand at the tassels and drove her back. He took Qin Xiao's voice: "Hou, it happened."

"What is it?" Qin Hao asked indifferently.

"The crystal mine I said last time, Joseph seems to have known." Qin is famous.

“Do you have any solutions?” Qin asked.

"Nothing at all, Joseph is in charge of everything. So many crystal mines, it is absolutely impossible to use the space ring to invisibly turn away. It can only be transported by big horse or big ship. Since Joseph is eyeing, this crystal mine I am afraid that there is no drama."

"I am coming today, I just want to ask Hou Ye if you have a way."

Qin famous name anxiously asked.

"Can you take me to the scene first, I will make a certain estimate, then do the decision." Qin said.

After Qin’s name hesitated for a few seconds, he pretended to be calm: "Of course, you are the future king of Guang, this money is originally yours, you should not be late, let's go now."

Qin famously found a carriage, and Qin Hao first made a mess in the city, and then quietly exited the city from the east gate. In the middle of the road, he changed the carriage twice. The entire carriage was blessed with enchantment. This shows that Qin In the name of the heart, I don’t want Qin to know the route.

However, with regard to his means, how could he survive the Qin dynasty, and his gods can work in a simple way to engrave the complete road map in his mind.

Above the mine is a mining mine that is being mined, and the scale does not seem small.

However, this is only the face project of Joseph and others. The real big mine is located under the mine. It is considered to be a mine. It must be seated in a hidden machine and extended to the ground to reach.

If no one leaks, even if Joseph visits the scene, he will not be able to detect the clue.

Under the bottom of the mine, the inside was brightly lit, bare-boned, blood-stained miners, and difficult mining under the supervision of the leather whip.

When Qin Hao saw this scene, he knew that Qin’s famous roots had made his last shackle into air.

However, now is not the time to care about this, Qin famous name also asked questions, and quickly brought Qin Hao to one of the caves.

There is a huge warehouse in the cave. There are various enchantments on the stone gate. There is also a large lock disk for the car, which is expected to be something in the Western cultivation world.

"Qin Ye, Mr. Qin, you are here." A guy in a robe walked over and shouted.

This person is exactly the kind of management that Qin Zhen had brought to Liu Jin for the first time. This guy really is the famous confidant of Qin.

"General Manager, open the door."

Qin has a name to tell.

Jiang’s name is Jiang Tao. He was the first group to follow the name of Qin from the East. He has been mixing with Nile City for many years. He got a command and quickly found a crystal embedded in the big lock. After reading it, Dangdang, the door opened.

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